Reading Comprehension Literature Review

3. Using different silent reading techniques for relatively rapid reading.

4. Skimming the text for main ideas.

5. Scanning the text for specific information.

6. Using semantic mapping or clustering.

7. Guessing when you arent certain.

8. Analysing vocabulary.

9. Distinguishing between literal and implied meanings.

10. Capitalizing on discourse markers to process relationships.

Elsewhere, Moreillon 2007 proposes strategies to maximize readers’ impact on reading comprehension by activating or building background knowledge, using sensory images, questioning, making predictions and inferences, determining main ideas, and synthesizing. Nuttall 1996 argues that it is important to know the students’ problems in reading to decide what strategy to use. The students need to know how the strategies work through modelling and they need to practice them a lot Lems et al., 2010.

2. Teaching Reading

This sub-chapter focuses on the theories about teaching reading, principles of teaching reading, teaching reading at the junior high school, and assessing reading.

a. Teaching Reading

Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn and setting the condition for learning Brown, 2000: 7. Therefore, we may say that teaching reading is a set of activities in guiding, facilitating, enabling, and setting the condition for the students to read. There are some reasons why teachers should teach reading to their students. In the first place, many of the students want to be able to read texts in English either for their careers, study purposes, or simply for pleasure. The second reason stated by Harmer 1998: 68 is that any exposure to English is a good thing for language students. At very least, some of the language sticks in their minds as a part of the processes of language acquisition, and, if reading text is especially interesting and engaging, acquisition is likely to be even more successful. Harmer 1998: 68 also adds that reading texts provide good models for English writing. When we teach the skills of writing, we will need to show students models of what we are encouraging them to do. According to him, reading texts also provide opportunity to study language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way sentences, paragraphs, and texts are constructed. The last reason stated by him is that good reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite imaginative responses, and be the springboard for well-rounded, fascinating lessons. Teachers who teach reading not only transfer the knowledge to their students but also play other important roles in order to enhance the students’ reading ability. The teachers have to guide or show the way to the students in gaining knowledge and skills of reading. Then they also have to facilitate the learning process through giving some interesting activities which motivate their students to interact with the reading materials, teachers, and other students. In order to enable the students to read, the teachers should give appropriate reading materials to them and those should be adjusted with some factors such as