Research Instruments RESEARCH METHOD

8. Teacher’s role To find out information about the role that the teacher should perform 11 Nunan 2004: 64 9. Learners’ role To find out information about the role of the students 12 Nunan 2004: 64 10. Learning media To find out the English learning reading media that students’ need. 13 Vaughan 2008: 6 11. Multimedia design To find out students’ preference for multimedia design 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Stemler 1997: 1 Table 4. The Organization of the Second Questionnaire Expert Judgment No The Expert Categories 1 Materials Expert 1. Content Quality 2. Instructional Quality 2 Media Expert 1. Technical Quality 2. Programming Quality Table 5. The Organization of the Questionnaire for Materials Expert Content Quality No. Statements References 1. Materials coverage Nunan 2004: 41-42 2. The effectiveness of materials presentation Nunan 2004: 41-42 3. The effectiveness of the language use in explaining the materials Nunan 2004: 41-42 4. The quality of pictures in explaining the concepts Nunan 2004: 41-42 5. The quality of instruction in using the program Nunan 2004: 52-63 6. The quality of task items Nunan 2004: 41-42 7. The balance of the materials and activity items Nunan 2004: 41-42 8. Quality of example in explaining the materials Nunan 2004: 41-42 Instructional Quality 1. Relevance to the standard of competence Depdikbud 2013 2. Relevance to the basic competences Depdikbud 2013 3. Relevance between the indicators and the basic competences Depdikbud 2013 4. Clear target audience Hutchinson Walters 1987: 63 5. Clear learning instructions Nunan 2004: 52-63 6. Completeness of the materials Nunan 2004: 41-42 7. Clear presentation of the materials Nunan 2004: 41-42 8. Order of the lesson Nunan 2004: 52-63 9. Language use of the materials Nunan 2004: 41-42 10. Relevance between the activity items and the materials Nunan 2004: 41-42 11. Balance between the materials and the activity items Nunan 2004: 41-42 12. Relevance between the activity items and basic competence Nunan 2004: 41-42 13. Relevance between the activity items and the indicators Nunan 2004: 41-42 14. Media attraction Nunan 2004: 41-42 15. Appropriate feedback Table 6. The Organization of the Questionnaire for Media Expert Technical Quality No. Statements References 1. Choice of background Pemilihan penyajian materi Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 2. Proportional layout Tata letak teks dan gambar Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 3. Font types and font size Bentuk dan ukuran huruf Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 4. Composition of background color Komposisi warna penyajian materi Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 5. Composition of text color Komposisi warna teks Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 6. Accuracy of the choice of pictures Ketepatan pemilihan gambar Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 7. Quality of pictures Kualitas gambar Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 8. The use of button for navigating the program Penggunaan tombol untuk menjelajahmengoperasikan program Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 9. Quality of animation Kualitas animasi Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 10. Accuracy and background music Ketepatan dan penyajian musik Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 Programming Quality No. Statements References 1. Interactivity level between students and the program Tingkat interaksi antara siswa dan program Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 2. Ease of interaction to the media Kemudahan berinteraksi dengan prgram Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 3. Clear navigation structure of the program Kejelasan urutan navigasi program Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200 4. Clear instruction in using the program Kejelasan petunjuk saat menggunakan program Mishra Sharma 2005: 199-200

F. Data Analysis Techniques

Data collected from this study were in the form of quantitative data which were obtained from two questionnaires. The data were in the form of frequency percentages from needs analysis questionnaires. The students’ answers were calculated and the results were in the form of percentages. The two highest percentages were considered representing the students’ needs. The percentages were calculated using the following formula: P : percentage f : frequency N : number of respondents 100 : fixed number In this study, the researcher used a numerical scale as the type of the second questionnaire; each indication of the responses to the statement is measured by numbers. The scales are as follows: Table 7. The Numerical Scale 5 Very good 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2 Poor 1 Very poor Then, the results of the second questionnaire were converted into descriptive analysis by using the quantitative data conversion by Sudjono 2003: 335. f N P = X 100 Table 8. Quantitative Data Conversion by Sudjono 2003: 335