Dysfunctional Family Background The Causes of Kemal Basmaci’ s Obsessive Love

situation and therefore tend to hold praise and approval from their children no matter what they do. Below is a quotation describing Kemal’ s mother’ s highly perfectionist characteristic. From time to time she would grumble: ”Sidika and Saffet are related both to me and to your dear departed father, so their names should have come just after Perran and her husband. Sukru Pasha’ s daughters, Nigran, Turkan, and Sukran, have also been put in the wrong order. There was no need to include Uncle Zekeriya’ s first wife, Melike the Arab. After all, she couldn’ t have been married to your uncle for more than three months. That poor little baby of your great-aunt Nesime, who died when she was two months, her name wasn’ t Gul, it was Aysegul. Who did you go to for your information when you were writing this up? p.227 The above quota tion shows Kemal’ s mother perfectionist trait as she criticizes Kemal making many mistakes when putting the names of his distant family in his father’ s death announcement in the papers. Kemal’ s mother feels it is essential to put all the names in the right order and with the right spelling. Aside from having a highly critical, perfectionist, and domineering mother, Kemal comes from a family whose relationship between each member is unhealthy. Susan Forward states that obsessive love is caused by unhealthy family in which one’ s need for respect, warmth, love, approval, and protection is not met 2002: 173. Below is a quotation implying an unhealthy relationship in Kemal’ s family. After we had both fallen silent, my mother wagged her finger at me ominously a nd said, “Be careful You’ re about to become engaged to a very special, very charming, very lovely girl Why don’ t you show me this handbag you’ ve bought her. Mumtaz”—this was my father’ s name— “Look—Kemal’ s bought Sibel a handbag” “Really?” said my fathe r, his face expressing such contentment as to suggest he had seen and approved the bag as a sign of how happy his son and his sweetheart were, but not once did he take his eyes off the screen. p.10 From the quotation, it is implied that Kemal’ s parents are not intimate toward one another. It can be seen from the way Kemal’ s mother calls his husband by his first name while shouting. In response, Kemal’ s father does not even turn his head to look at his wife while she is speaking to him. Kemal’ s father see ms to be more interested in the television show than in Kemal, as he does not bother to see what it is that Kemal buys for Sibel. It can definitely causes Kemal to feel rejected and ignored. Another proof of Kemal’ s dysfunctional family background is as followed. My father gestured to the waiter to bring him a single raki, and after looking at me in the eye, and gathering my own need for one, he repeated the hand gesture, indicating me this time. “Now, you’ re not overdoing it, are you?” my mother said to my father. “I thought you’ d picked yourself up and shaken off that gloom you’ ve been wearing like an old coat.” “Can’ t I drink and enjoy myself at my son’ s engagem ent party?” p.104 The above quotation shows a conversation between Kemal’ s parents in his en gagement party. While waiting for Sibel to arrive, Kemal’ s father orders a drink. Kemal’ s mother dislikes it and makes a sharp comment regarding her husband’ s behavior, though it is only his first glass. Kemal’ s father then replies in a way that suggests he is already too tired to argue with his wife and for once want to enjoy himself. It is implied that there is no intimacy and understanding between them. Another proof that suggests the rocky relationship between Kemal’ s father and mother is quoted below. “I’ ve never liked that bastard,” said my father, heading down the stairs. “For God’ s sake, let it go” said my mother. “Watch the steps.” “I can see them,” said my father. “I’ m not blind yet, thank God.” p.108 Although a highly critical herself, Kemal’ s mother seems deeply annoyed when PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI her husband uttering his dislike for someone. She then warns her husband to watch his footstep, to which his husband replies with the same annoyance. The short dialogue implies that Kemal’ s parents do not have a harmoniou s relationship, even often argue with each other. Parents who often argue fail to bring a sense of protection and love in the family, which may contribute to Kemal’ s insecurity and feeling that he is unloved. One of the many signs of a dysfunctional and unhealthy family is the lack of love and affection. People who love someone will want to spend as much time with the loved one as possible. However, this is not the case in Kemal’ s parents, as presented in the below quotation. When I was a child, I remember my mother sometimes turning to my father to say,” Saadet Hanim wants to go out in the car with her husband and children. Would you like to come, too, or shall I just take them out with Cetin?” Sometimes she would just say “the chauffeur.” My father’ s sto ck response was, “God, no You can take them out. I’ m busy.” p.340 The quotation describes Kemal’ s childhood memory that serves as a proof of his unloving family. His father being a busy business man makes it hard for him to spend time with Kemal and his wife. It might make Kemal feel abandoned during his childhood. The lack of quality time in Kemal’ s family also highlights the fact that his family does not provide him with the much needed love and affection. Another proof of Kemal’ s dysfunctional fam ily is the lack of openness in communication. Healthy family will develop honest communication intended to solve problems that arise. However, Kemal’ s parents often hold secret with one another, as quoted below “I know it’ s yours. Months and months ago I found it in the pocket of your jacket. I set it aside, to give it to you. But your mother saw it and took it. She must have thought your dear departed father had brought it for someone else, and she would spoil his fun, or something like that. Anyway, she had a secret velvet pouch where she hid things from your father. Stole from your father and then hid from him.” p.232 Kemal’ s mother knows that her husband cheats on her many times. However, instead of discussing and trying to find resolution, she chooses to pretend that she knows nothing of it. She seeks revenge toward her husband by hiding the things his husband buys for his mistress. This is a proof that Kemal’ s parents do not actually love each other. In turn, it is also the cause that they fail to provide sufficient amount of love and warmth in the family. Dysfunctional family being the cause of obsessive love is not only about the relationship between obsessors and their parents as well as their parents’ relationship among one another. Obsessor’ s re lationship with sibling also plays a factor as siblings relationship is also supposed to be no less affectionate and supportive. If sibling relationship falls short, obsessor may feel unloved even more. Kemal and Osman, his brother, have very distinct personality. In the novel, it is implied that Osman’ s characteristic is very much like their mother while Kemal’ s is very similar to their father. As the more passive and submissive between the two, Kemal is often forced to succumb, as shown in the quotation. “Which one of you is going?” my father asked. “Let Kemal go” said my brother. “No, let Osman go,” I said. “Why don’ t you go, my boy,” my father said to me. “And don’ t tell your mother what you’ re up to. . . .” p.35 In the above quotation, Kemal’ s fath er asks one of his boys to buy liquor. Although both Kemal and Osman present reluctance, his father opts to ask Kemal. His father’ s decision to comply Osman’ s wish may send the message to Kemal that Osman is the golden boy in the family while he is unloved and ignored. The quality of a relationship can be drawn from the way the people involved communicate. Below is a conversation between Kemal and Osman during the engagement party. “What was she telling you?” “Apparently she is taking her university entrance exam tomorrow.” “And she’ s still here dancing? It’ s after midnight. I really did like your Kenan, by the way. I say she should marry him.” “Shall I tell them both?” I shouted, having moved away from him already. I had been doing this since childhood. Whenever my brother began to speak, I would do the opposite of what he asked, and retreat to the most remote corner, ignoring the fact that he was still talking. p.141 The quotation shows how Kemal’ s way to avoid Osman. He does not seem to enjoy communica ting with his brother. Kemal’ s withdrawn attitude toward Osman may be caused by Osman’ s loud characteristic that makes Kemal feels unrespected. People generally avoid talking to people they do not like and withdrawn from people they are intimidated by, therefore the fact that Kemal avoids Osman since childhood leads to an assumption that their relationship is never smooth. Below quotation gives an insight of how Osman treats Kemal. “Your mind is elsewhere, Kemal. I guess you don’ t like football as much a s your brother,” said Kadri Bey. “I do, but lately. . .” “Kemal likes football very much, Kadri Bey,” said my brother in a mocking tone. “It’ s just that people don’ t pass him many good balls.” “As a matter of fact I can give you the whole 1959 Fenerbahce l ineup from memory. Ozcan, Nedim, Basri, Akgun, Naci, Avni, Micro Mustafa, Can, Yuksel, Lefter, Ergun. . . .” I said. p.44 In a healthy sibling relationship, as the older between the two with large age PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI differences, Osman is expected to protect his younge r brother’ s, especially as he knows that Kemal has a soft and sensitive personality. However, it seems that Osman likes to mock and insult Kemal instead. Kemal reacts by being serious and defensive, which implies that he sees Osman as a threat, instead of an older brother who will support and protect him. Osman and Kemal’ s differences in terms of personality is the root of their turbulent relationship. When Osman dislikes something Kemal does, he never hesitates to scold Kemal outspokenly, as shown in below quotation. “You’ ve disgraced yourself in society, but at least don’ t embarrass yourself at the firm. It’ s your fault you lost out on the sheet business.” he said mercilessly. “What’ s going on, what are you talking about? Please don’ t have another argumen t” said my mother. p.230 The above quotation shows Osman gets angry when Kemal fails in the business. Osman knows that Kemal has had the hardest time in recent months, but he does not care about his brother’ s well being. Instead, he is more concerned a bout the lost business. Osman’ s inconsiderate attitude toward Kemal is likely to drive Kemal feeling unloved and left with no support. Another proof that show’ s Osman’ s lack of support toward Kemal is when Osman angrily criticizes Kemal for breaking his en gagement with Sibel. He does not try to understand Kemal’ s reason, let alone supporting him. “The news of my broken engagement spread fast. Osman came to the office one day to berate me p.223”.

3. Chemical Imbalance

Susan Forward states that chemical imbalance due to an excessive consumption of drugs or alcohol can be regarded as a secondary cause of obsessive love, as those substances tend to worsen obsessors’ obsessive behavior and obsessive thoughts 2002: 196. In Turkey, there is an alcoholic drink that is very popular called raki. Kemal and his circle of acquaintances are always depicted to drink raki regularly. However, Kemal can be considered as an alcoholic man as he drinks it excessively. “I was now drinking like a fish p.197”. As Kemal spen ds eight years to have dinner at Fusun’ s house, his addiction toward alcohol seems to magnify. This is because Fusun’ s father, Tarik Bey, is also a man who drinks raki in more than reasonable amount. “My head was foggy after an evening of clinking raki gla sses with Tarik Bey p.380”. As an alcoholic man, it seems that Kemal is addicted to the calming and relaxing effect of raki toward his restless and obsessive thoughts. At some point down the tale of his obsessive love, Kemal needs to drink glasses of raki before going to bed, otherwise he will not stop thinking about Fusun. ‘ I would have to down at least three more glasses of raki after returning to Nisantasi just so I could sleep p.313”. The below quotation also shows a proof of how alcohol affecst Ke mal’ s obsessive thoughts. The worst was the pain that woke me up in the middle of the night and would not let me get back to sleep. In such cases, I would drink raki, and then, out of desperation, chase it with a few glasses of whiskey or wine, trying to silence my mind as if turning down the volume of a relentlessly blaring radio that was robbing me of my peace. p.182 Although he already drinks a few glasses of raki before going to bed so that he can sleep, in the end Kemal is unable to have a quality sleep. He wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling depressed and miserable as his thoughts go back to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Fusun. This is ironic as it is the raki that helps him not to think about Fusun for a while, when at the same time raki is also the likely cause of the thought of Fusun emerging even stronger. As alcohol has the power to cloud one’ s judgment, Kemal thinks that the raki helps him to lessen his obsessive love, an opinion which could not be farer from the truth as Kemal’ s obsessive love gets stronger and de structive as time goes by although he drinks it even more. “The raki was easing my obsession from a strong, steady ache into an intermittent specter p.203”. Forward states that alcohol feeds the mind into obsessive thoughts 2002:196. While drinking be fore going to sleep, Kemal’ s mind goes back into the time he spends with Fusun making love. This thought prevents him from sleeping. It is as if his mind becoming a DVD player continuously playing a movie. “Before going to bed I poured myself another raki and smoked another cigarette. But even so I did not drop off to sleep at once. My head was still swimming with visions of our lovemaking p.34”. Whenever Kemal is away from Fusun while drinking raki heavily, the thought of her occupies his mind, even when he is in the company of other people. “We talked football and politics over glasses of raki, and my thoughts turned again to Fusun p.44”. In her book, Susan Forward states that alcohol prevents obsessors to deal with their obsessive love effectively, as it deadens their feeling while hinders their logical thinking 2002: 196. After learning that Fusun and her husband Feridun aspire to be an actress and a scriptwriter respectively during Kemal’ s first visit to their house, Kemal realizes that their inviting him for dinner is the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI way Fusun and her family want him to help funding their movie project. Kemal is at first angry with this realization, however drinking raki succeeds in banishing his anger. This is a proof that alcohol worsens his obsessive love because obviously his realization and anger might be utilized to ditch his obsessive love, as no one wants to be taken advantage of. “But deadened as I was by the raki, I felt no resentment; instead I continued wafting off into dreams about Fusun the actress so famous she was known all over Turkey, no ordinary actress but a glamorous film star p.244”. By becoming the producer and agreeing to make film projects together, Kemal plunges himself even deeper to his obsessive love. If he is to cure his obsessive love and move on with his life, Kemal should cut all contact and relationship with Fusun. However, his excessive alcohol consumption seems to unconsciously affect his decision. “And so before the lunch was over, encouraged by the raki, I agreed to back the film p.384”.

4. Inadequate Role Model

In her book titled Addiction to Love: Overcoming Obsession and Dependency in Relationships , Susan Peabody states that parents are their child’ s role model. A child defines themselves by what they see in their parents 2005: 94. Kemal’ s mother and father have an opposite and very different personality, just as much as Kemal’ s personality differs in comparison to his brother Osman. Osman is very much like his mother, while Kemal shares many similar personality traits with his father. This similarity is likely to be the cause of why his father is Kemal’ s role model. In her book, Susan Peabody states that the majority of obsessors come from a family where the parent is emotionally unhealthy 2005: 34. Kemal’ s fat her exhibits a sign of a depressed person. “At home I found our sitting room empty; sometimes I would come home to find that my father, having gotten up in the middle of the night, was sitting out there in his pajamas, and I would enjoy chatting with him b efore I went to bed p.34”. When arriving home late at night, Kemal often finds his father sitting in the sitting room after failing to prolong his sleep. Sleep difficulty is a sign of severe depression, as one’ s mind is heavily preoccupied. A depressed person will find it hard to feel happy, as they are unable to see the positive side of everything. “Any intelligent person knows that life is a beautiful thing and that the purpose of life is to be happy, but it seems only idiots are ever happy. How can we explain this? p.105”. The quotation implies that deep inside, Kemal’ s father is an unhappy man even though he is rich, reputable, and successful. He retires from his firms and hands them over to his two sons who now manage the businesses. However, he does little with his life aside from being in the house. “Changing the subject, I told her that my father seemed to be withdrawing from the world a little more every day p.217”. Kemal’ s remark about his father suggests that his father is depressed, as depressed person tends to isolate himself and refuses to live a full life. His father’ s depressed attitude is a proof that Kemal does not have a healthy role model to follow. Susan Forward states that obsessors come from home where at least one parent is alcoholic 2002: 187. In addition, Susan Peabody also states that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI