The Causes of Obsessive Love i. Low Self-esteem

of characterization by M.J. Murphy. In his book, M.J. Murphy stated nine ways which need to be examined closely to get an understanding on a character’ s characteristics. By applying those nine ways of characterization, the writer is able to answer the first problem formulation. After the writer finding out the characteristics of Kemal Basmaci, the writer deals with the topic of this study, which is obsessive love. To answer the second problem related to the symptoms of obsessive love reflected through Kemal Basmaci’ s attitude and behavior, the writer uses theory of obsessive love symptoms written by Susan Peabody and Susan Forward. There are nine well- known symptoms of obsessive love that can be seen and analyzed from Kemal Basmaci’ s daily life. Those symptoms serve as a proof that Kemal Basmaci actually suffers from obsessive love. After the symptoms of Kemal Basmaci’ s obsessive love are explained, the writer uses theory of the causes of obsessive love stated by Susan Forward and Susan Peabody, with additional theory on low self-esteem from Melanie J. V. Fennell. There are four possible causes of obsessive love presented in the theory books. Those four causes are then used to closely examine the family background an d other aspects in Kemal Basmaci’ s life in order to determine the cause of his obsessive love. Thus, the third problem formulation is answered. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 23


A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a novel titled The Museum of Innocence written by Orhan Pamuk, a Turkish author. The novel is originally written in Turkish before being translated into English by Maureen Freely in 2009. The English version consists of 536 pages and is divided into 83 chapters. Orhan Pamuk is one of the most popular authors in Turkey. The museum of Innocence is his first novel since winning the Nobel Prize for Literature for his novel titled My Name Is Red. The Museum of Innocence is a tragic love story between the bourgeoisie Kemal Basmaci and his poor distant relation named Fusun. Social differentiation, family influence, and Fusun’ s marital status make the two unable to be together. Kemal Basmaci falls into deep depression and experience love that turns out to be obsessive for more than 30 years after opting to neglect his perfect life to cling to his long gone love.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to analyze a work of literature, certain approach is a necessity as a means of interpretative tool. The approach is determined by the theories used in the study. For this study, the writer uses psychological approach. In their book titled Reading and Writing about Literature, Mary Rohrberger and Samuel Woods state as follows. Psychological approach is the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns, but from a different body of knowledge that is psychology. This approach uses the psychological theories to explain human motivation, personality, and behavior patterns written in literary objects 1971: 31. From the above quotation, it is understood that deploying psychological approach as an in interpretative tool means applying psychological theories to analyze a work of literature. The theories help the readers to better understand the characters in a work of literature as to what motivates them to act and behave in certain ways, or why they possess certain personal characteristic since psychological theories provide an insight to the character’ s unconscious mind. The psychological approach is suitable for this study as it focuses on analyz ing Kemal Basmaci’ s attitude and behavior and the background behind Kemal Basmaci’ s obsessive love.

C. Method of the Study

The type of this study is a library research. As for any other library research, there are two main sources used in the study. The primary source is the object of this study, a novel titled The Museum of Innocence. The secondary sources are some theory books used to analyzing the problems formulated. The most important theory books are Addiction to Love: Overcoming Obsession and Dependency in Relationship by Susan Peabody, Obsessive Love: When It Hurts Too Much to Let Go by Susan Forward, Overcoming Low Self-esteem by Melanie J. V. Fennel, and Understanding Unseen by M.J. Murphy. In doing the study, there are eight steps need to be done simultaneously. The first step was reading the novel closely and repeatedly to get a better understanding about the whole story. The second step was searching for reviews, article, and journal about the novel to get additional insight. The third step was