Background of the Study

C. Objectives of the Study

The first objective is to find out Kemal Basmaci’ s characteristic by looking through his characterization. The second objective is to identify Kemal Basmaci’ s attitude and behavior that reflect obsessive love. The third objective is to analyze the possible causes of Kemal Basmaci’ s obsessive love.

D. Definition of Terms

In this part, the writer states some of the terms mentioned in the title and problem formulation to avoid any possible misunderstanding. Those important key terms are obsessive love, attitude, and behavior. 1. Obsessive love Obsessive love is a condition in which the person has a painful, all-consuming preoccupation with a real or wished-for lover and an insatiable longing either to possess or to be possessed by the target of their obsession. The target must have rejected them or be unavailable physically or emotionally and the unavailability or rejection drive them to behave in self-defeating ways Forward, 2002: 6. 2. Attitude According to a book entitled Social Psychology 4 th Edition, attitude is defined as: A relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups, events or symbols Hogg Vaughan, 2005: 150. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3. Behavior In a book titled Psychology of Human Behavior, Richard A. Khalis stated that behavior is anything acted, performed, and done by the human Khalis, 1973. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7


A. Review of Related Studies

In this part, the writer provides some reviews on the same novel and topic. There were two articles previously done by other writers reviewing The Museum of Innocence and an article reviewing the topic of obsessive love. In the first review on the same novel, Maureen Howard wrote an article titled Lolita on the Bosphorus. In the article published in New York Times, he stated that “The delight in The Museum of Innocence is Pamuk’ s storytelling; that he often makes use of genre. His 1998 novel My Name Is Red may be claimed as historical novel with an embedded mystery and a political story” Howard, 2009. From the quotation, it is understood that Orhan Pamuk has an interesting writing style and storytelling through the exploration of background stories. Just like in My Name Is Red, his most critically acclaimed book in which he explores the history of art, Orhan Pamuk explores the social, political, and religious view of the Turkish in The Museum of Innocence. Another review on the same novel is written by James Lasdun. In his article titled The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk, he stated that “As Kemal proceeds to drag himself through the increasingly painful stations of obsessive love, the book darkens from love story to study in florid pathology and psychological extre mism” Lasdun, 2010. The quotation shows that Kemal Basmaci undergoes drastic life-changing mental state caused by the onset of his obsessive love. In the novel, Kemal Basmaci is described to be embarrassed about his irrational obsessive love, as with most obsessors in the real world. This study explains why a high profile man from a bourgeois family with a very bright future ahead of him literally wastes his life and suffers from obsessive love. For the review on the same topic, the writer provides an article titled Obsessive Love written by Alina Johny. Discussing about the topic of obsessive love, she stated as follows. Obsessive love is a delusion that can lead to dangerous consequences such as stalking, rape, suicide or murder. Somerset Maugham’ s Of Hu man Bondage and Vladimir Nabokov’ s Lolita both describe and show many of the detrimental effects that obsessive love can have on a person’ s life. These effects can accumulate upon each other and range from devastating one’ s loved ones, diminishing one’ s money to destro ying one’ s soul. Obsessive love is seen through the words and actions of the main characters within the two works, Lolita and Of Human Bondage. These intense feelings that they show for another person are barely, if at all, returned. However, different from normal couples who are in love with one another, these two men are so madly and obsessively in love with another person that the idea of the feelings not being returned is not most prominent in their minds http:users.manchester.eduStudentarbigjohny ProfWebessay2.pdf . In the study, Alina Johny made a research on obsessive love described by two main characters of two different works of literature; those are Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham and Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. From the above quotation, the writer sees clearly that obsessive love is very different from a healthy love. In a healthy love, people are able to be realistic in seeing the relationship. Therefore when their love is not reciprocated, they are willing to end the re lationship for the sake of their life as well as their loved one’ s . On the contrary, people who are obsesssor do not care if their love is not reciprocated. They give little consideration for t heir object of obsession’ s unhappiness as they confuse love with obsession. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI