Irresponsible The Characteristics of Kemal Basmaci

list. In truth, Kemal feels dejected after Fusun tells him about her male admirers in the past. The two quotations above show that Kemal has a tendency to avoid clash by not telling the truth. Kemal does not only like to lie to other people, but he also likes to deceive them. As someone who is able to sense what other people want to see, Kemal uses his acting ability to present himself as someone other people want to see, as described in the quotation below. For a brief moment I recognized myself among those men whose real source of happiness is their secret lover, but who pretend it is their wives and children — I, too, was acting as if it was Sibel who made me happy, and we weren’ t even married yet. p. 122 According to Murphy, thought is one way of characterizations 1972: 171. The quotation shows Kemal’ s dishonesty by being manipulative in terms of his own thought and attitude. When meeting the guests in the engagement party along with Sibel, Kemal puts a happy face as if he is too happy to be engaged to Sibel. The true reason behind his joyous mood is actually Fusun who comes to the party pretending as a mere distant relation. By pretending to be happy as a result of his engagement, Kemal hopes to carry on his secret affair with Fusun , without drawing suspicion. Another proof of Kemal’ s dishonest characteristic is as followed. “ Having, of course, omitted the details of sexual bliss at the heart of my tale, I made it s ound like a typical Turkish man’ s silly indiscre tion on the eve of his marriage p.191 ”. Months after the engagement party, Sibel finally finds out that Kemal cheats on her. Murphy stated that a characer’s thought can be used to determine characteristics 1972: 171. In an attempt to keep Sibel at his side, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Kemal manipulates the story of his secret love affair with Fusun. In doing so, he only tells Sibel that he happens to be infatuated by Fusun’ s beauty just before the engagement party. In fact, Kemal and Fusun meet at lunch time during fourty four days prior to the engagement party to make love. Kemal’ s trick to play down the significance of his affair shows that Kemal knows really well how to tell lies and manipulate things so that any possible bad outcome will be minimal.

4. Oversensitive

Kemal’ s understanding trait is contributed from his soft and sensitive heart. According to Murphy, another character’ s opinion can be used to better understand a character’ s characteristic 1972: 162, as stated by Kemal’ s best friend regarding his sensitive nature. “You’ re a man of real feeling,” said Zaim. “That is one of t he things I cherish about you p. 419 ”. Kemal is an intuitive person as well. Intuition can be in the form of knowing what other person is thinking or feeling though they do not express it verbally. “Which of you didn’ t want to? Her or you? As curiosity consumed her, compassion gave way to desperation, and her expression, which a moment ago was saying please tell me the truth, now was pleading, please tell me a lie. Don’ t hurt me.” p. 50 Kemal knows what inside Fusun mind is, just by looking through her expression and her eyes. He even can tell that Fusun’ s eyes change as her feeling changes from being suspicious to insecure. Murphy stated that a character’ s characteristic can be drawn from thoughts 1972: 171. The quotation goes into Kemal’ s unconscious thinking process, in which he is able to relate to Fusun’ s feeling by reading her facial expression, especially her eyes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI As having been said e arlier, sensitivity is a huge part of Kemal’ s characteristic. Due to his sensitivity, Kemal feels guilty easily. He always seems to try to make everybody feels at ease. Hurting a person’ s heart is something Kemal desperately avoids, as shown in the below quotation. She looked deeply pained. Dear God, I thought, why hadn’ t I just disposed of this bag and told Sibel I’ d gotten my money back? “Look, this has nothing to do with you or Senay Hanim. We Turks, praise God, manage to make imitations of every Europe an fashion,” I said, struggling to smile. “For me— or should I have said for us —it’ s enough for a bag to fulfill its function, to look lovely in a woman’ s hand. It’ s no t important what the brand is, or who made it, or if it’ s an original.” p. 16 The incident happens in Sanzelize Boutique, a shop in which Fusun works as a shopkeeper. It begins when on a night out, Sibel admires a Jenny Colon bag displayed on the mannequin and Kemal buys the bag as a gift. However, upon receiving the present Sibel knows that the bag is a fake and urges Kemal to ask for his money back. Kemal is reluctant because both the shopkeeper and the owner of the shop are his distant relation and preferring to just exchange the bag, an idea Sibel dismisses. Murphy said that a character’ s characteristic can be implied through reaction 1972: 168. In the above quotation, Kemal can sense that Fusun is deeply embarrassed by Kemal’ s wish, taking the matter too personally. Here, Kemal’ s sensitivity can be seen in the way he reacts to Fusun cr ying. He goes out of his way to comfort Fusun. It is also implied that Kemal is able to feel Fusun’ s feeling because he finds it hard to smile while trying to console her. From the above quotation, it is clear that Kemal is a sensitive person who does not like to