Approach of the Study

who is not vibrant and spirited, even in his big day. Meanwhile, a person who is strong-willed will stand tall and upright. Another proof of Kemal’ s weak -willed characteristic can be seen in the way he responses to certain event, as M.J Murphy states that a character’ s reaction might serve as a tool to analyze a c haracter’ s characteristics 1972: 168. “ I felt that I should get out of bed, distract myself, look for a way out of this predicament, or at the very least this room, but I just couldn’ t summon the will p. 155 ”. The day after Kemal and Sibel get engaged, Fusun suddenly disappears. She does not come to Merhamet apartment as she has promised Kemal before. Waiting in vain for weeks, Kemal must have known with each passing day that Fusun will never come again. However, it does not stop Kemal to come to the apartment each day, wait for nothing, and feel the growing pain. The quotation suggests that Kemal knows that what he does is not good for his emotional well being, but he is unable to even drag himself out of the room. The quotation shows that Kemal’ s reaction to Fusun’ s absence is him sta ying idle in the room. It is as though he does not have the energy to try to change and improve the situation. Another moment that depicts Kemal’ s weak -willed nature occurs in Fusun’ s family home in a poor neighborhood i n Istanbul. Fusun lives there with her father, mother, and her husband. So at that moment, the television having been turned off, I would sit for a casual while longer, before telling myself, more forcefully now, that I needed to stand up and get going, but my legs would not obey me. In this motionless state I would remain like a figure in a painting, and as I felt the perspiration beading on my brow, the ticking of the clock punctuating my discomfort, as I exhorted myself, saying ”I’ m standing up now” fo rty times over, but still to no avail. p.311 Nearly a year after last meeting Fusun in his engagement party, Kemal is able to find her. Although Fusun is already married, Kemal often comes over and has dinner in her house. However, when the dinner is over and it gets late, Kemal is unable to stand up and leave. While the majority of people find it easy to get up from sitting still, Kemal seems paralyzed, as highlighted in the quotation. Murphy mentions that a character’ s characteristics can also be shown through reactions to a situation 1972: 168-170. In the above quotation, even after forcefully order himself to leave following the end of the dinner, he feels as if he can not move. His need to exhort himself tens of times proves his lack of will power. Being a weak-willed person, Kemal does not seem to be ambitious in many aspects in his life. It is shown in the way he manages his father’ s company. Although he is a general manager who is in charge of the company, Kemal does not seem to care about its profit. It can be seen in the below quotation. “They’ re resorting to trickery just to make a bit of loose change. It’ s not worth thinking about.” “There’ s more than a bit of loose change at stake— this could be quite lucrative, you know, or your brother would n’ t bother. You shouldn’ t sit by and let them exclude you, or deny you your share. You have to stand up to them, challenge them.” “I don’ t care what they do.” p. 199 According to Murphy, a character’ s characteristics can be seen from speech 1972: 164. In the quotation, Sibel tries to encourage Kemal to challenge his brother, but he chooses not to do so. Kemal even clearly states that his brother can do whatever he wants, as he is too lazy to intervene the business deal. Another proof that Kemal is weak-willed in terms of work can be seen in the following quotation. “ Returning to my office at Satsat, I felt at peace with myself, and for PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI