Objectives of the Study Definition of Terms

The writer’ s study differs from all of the above reviews as the writer elaborates Kemal Basmaci’ s obsessive love as reflected through his attitude and behavior, as well as analyzes the possible causes of his obsessive love.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this part, the writer provides theories needed to answer the three problem formulations. In general, the theories needed are theory of character and characterization as a tool to analyze the first problem formulation related to the intrinsic element and theory of obsessive love as a guidance to identify the symptoms and the possible causes of the obsessive love of Kemal Basmaci, which are the second and the third problem formulation respectively.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character is an important intrinsic element in literature. Without character, an author has no medium to present the story and the conflict to the reader. Therefore, as any other research in literature, the first thing needs to be done is analyzing the character as a primary intrinsic element in the work of literature. In his book titled A Glossary of Literary Terms 1993:23, Abrams defines “character” as “ The persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say-the dialogue-and by what they do-the action ” Abrams, 1993: 23. Kate Grenville in a book titled The Writing Book: A Workbook for Fiction Writers stated that “Characterization is all the things writers do to build up the characters they want. Characterization is the process that transforms real-life PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI people into characters in fictions” Grenville, 1998: 36. There are many ways to perceive the characteristics of a character in a work of literature. In Understanding Unseens by M.J. Murphy, there are nine ways to present a character’ s characteristics and thereby known as characterization Murphy, 1972: 161-173:

a. Personal Description

To describe the character, the author explains the physical appearances of the character. The description often has relation to the character’ s psychological conditions. In other words, personality can be reflected from the external appearance.

b. Character as Seen by Another

Instead of a direct description, an author describes the character through the opinion of another character. Other characters might give an explanation about what the character is like. Other character’ s t hought about a certain character can be a significant factor to build readers’ understanding of the character.

c. Speech

The author gives readers insight into the thought of a character through what the character says. Whenever a character is speaking, she he is giving the readers a clue about the characteristics of the character.

d. Past Life

By learning about a charac ter’ s past life, the author gives the readers a clue that can help determining the character’ s characteristics. The character’ s past life is always closely connected to the character’ s present life.

e. Conversation of Others

The author gives readers clues to a character’ s characteristics through a conversation between a character with another character. Readers need to pay attention toward the conversation between those characters to be able to understand what is meant or what is implied from the conversation.

f. Reaction

The character shows her his characteristic from her reaction to various situations and events.

g. Direct Comment

This characterization is done by giving readers direct opinion about a character’ s characteristics.

h. Thoughts

Readers follow the inner life and the thinking process of a character and examine the character’ s ideas.

i. Mannerism

The author may describe the charac ter’ s ma nnerism and habit that represents their characteristics. To analyze the characteristic of Kemal Basmaci, the writer applies five out of the nine theories by M.J. Murphy. Those five ways are character as seen by another, speech, reaction, thought, and mannerism. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI