PT PUPUK KALIMANTAN TIMUR DAN ENTITAS ANAKAND SUBSIDIARIES Lampiran 551 Schedule CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN 31 DESEMBER 2014 DAN 2013 Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2014 DAN 2013 Expressed in millions Rupiah, unless otherwise stated 18. PINJAMAN JANGKA PENDEK lanjutan 18. SHORT - TERM LOANS continued Suku Tanggal bunga Pembayaran Jumlah jatuh per tahun selama 2014 fasilitas tempo Sisa saldo Annual Payment Kreditur Entitas Jenis fasilitas Facility Maturity Outstanding interest Jaminan during Creditor Entity Facility type amount date Balance rate Collateral 2014 PT Bank Negara PKT KMK Rp1,000,000 20 Desember Rp300,000 9.80 Tanah Land Rp1,150,000 Indonesia December 2015 danand bangunan buildings PT Bank KIE Kredit Pembiayaan Rp65,500 4 Desember Rp5,651 NA - Rp67,283 Muamalat Al-Musyarakah December 2015 Indonesia Financing Credit Sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam perjanjian pinjaman, Grup diharuskan untuk menjaga beberapa rasio keuangan tertentu, dimana telah ditaati oleh Grup pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014. Grup juga diharuskan untuk memenuhi beberapa persyaratan dan ketentuan mengenai Anggaran Dasar, kegiatan usaha, dividen, aksi korporasi, kegiatan pembiayaan, dan lainnya. Grup telah memenuhi persyaratan dan ketentuan tersebut. In accordance with the loan agreement, the Group is required to maintain certain financial ratios, with which the Company was in compliance as at 31 December 2014. The Group is also required to comply with certain terms and conditions in relation to its Articles of Association, the nature of the business, dividends, corporate actions, financing activities and other matters. The Group is in compliance with the related terms and conditions. 19. BEBAN AKRUAL 19. ACCRUED EXPENSES 2014 2013 Umum 915,591 376,046 General Pembelian bahan baku 848,457 522,655 Purchases of raw material Distribusi produk 144,654 172,237 Product distribution Pembelian suku cadang 163,304 158,601 Purchases of spareparts Bunga 12,140 7,086 Interest Lain-lain 19,262 7,856 Others Jumlah 2,103,408 1,244,481 Total Rincian beban akrual - umum sebagai berikut: Detail of accrued expenses - general as follows: 2014 2013 Operasional 150,146 163,752 Operational Aset Tetap 765,445 212,294 Property, plant and equipment Jumlah 915,591 376,046 Total 20. LIABILITAS IMBALAN KERJA JANGKA PENDEK 20. SHORT-TERM EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIABILITIES 2014 2013 Jasa operasi 401,830 294,023 Bonus Insentif kinerja 45,200 52,285 Performance incentives Jumlah 447,030 346,308 Total