14 producers ” Mey, 2001:5. Generally, the term pragmatics is often used in linguistic research to refer to the “study of the interpretation meaning” O’keeffe, Clancy Adolphs, 2011:1. As Thomas 2013:2 observes that when we talk about pragmatics, we tend to focus on two camps: speaker ’s meaning and utterances’ interpreter. However, on the other hand, a more iconic paradigm about pragmatics suggested by Allan and Jaszczolt 2012:4 that through a pragmatic study “a speaker can say something without meaning it or shehe can mean something without saying it, by merely implicating or impl iciting it”. In this boundary, pragmatic study allows us to notice that speaker’s meaning is dependent on the assumption of knowledge that are shared by both speaker and hearer Cutting, 2002:2. In other words, it is implied that speaker constructs linguistic message and intends a meaning, and in turns, hearer interprets the message and finally infers the meaning from what the speaker says. Concerning the implied meaning, Thomas 2013:3 comes to an idea that to understand the meaning, we can begin to understand the differences between the levels of meaning. He classifies three levels of meanings: the first level is abstract meaning; the second meaning moves from the abstract meaning to contextual meaning or also called as utterance meaning by assigning sense andor reference to a word, phrase or sentence; and the third level of meaning is force or the meaning which is reached when we consider the speaker’s intention through the force effect of the utterance. In this respect, Bublitz and Norrick 2011:4 summarize: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15 Pragmatic includes pattern of linguistic actions, language functions, type of inferences, principles of communication, frame of knowledge, attitude and belief… Pragmatics deals with meaning-in-context, which for analytical purposes can be viewed from different perspectives that of the speaker, the recipient, the analyst, etc.. …… The focal point of pragmatics is linguistic action and inter-action. What pragmatics tries to highlight is how the language is used by people in everyday life interaction. Whenever the speaker speaks, shehe will choose herhis language variation and adjusts the language based on contexts in different ways to deliver their intentions. Therefore, it can be underlined that language is not only simply to deliver information from the speaker to the hearer or interpreter, but also as the mode which motivates the hearer to do something based on the speaker point. Focusing that pragmatics concerns about language in use, it is important to assess the ability of the users in using it, on the other hand. The ability to use the language contextually in an appropriate fashion is defined as pragmatic competence. Here the researcher sees that from the pragmatics point of view, the language which is employed has strongly correlated to the ability of its users. Basically, to communicate effectively, participants are also required to have intercultural competence which is also a part of pragmatic competence. According to Byram et al 2002, “English learners are intercultural speakers who do necessarily have great competences, including pragmatic competence ”. Therefore, as second language learners, Batam University students possibly acquire different pragmatic competence which supports them in communicating differently using English to carry their intentions. 16

2. Pragmatic Competence as a Communicative Competence

Choosing and deciding certain language in conveying meaning to the interpreter require a basic skill known as pragmatic competence. It is true that there is no correct or wrong way to use language, however, people can certainly define and adjust whether they appropriately use such language in different circumstances. Particularly, when individuals make a choice to use sort kind of speech acts, they employ a pragmatic knowledge called as pragmatic competence. Pragmatic competence is simply defined by Taguchi 2009 as “the ability to use language appropriately in a social context ”. In a more complete explanation, Barron 2003 implies: Pragmatic competence is understood as the knowledge of the linguistic resources available in a given language for realizing particular illocutions, knowledge of the sequential aspects of speech acts, and finally knowledge of the appropriate contextual use of the particular language’s linguistic resources. Moreover, pragmatic competence is considered as a key ability in communicative competence in order to create a successful communication between the speaker and hearer. Regarding that pragmatic competence constructs the communicative competence, when a speaker decides to employ certain language rather than others, Balconi Amenta 2010 argue that “shehe the speaker chooses and builds a strategy based on the unique properties of pragmatic compe tence”. They further explain six properties of pragmatic competence namely: a Variability: the property of communication that defines range of communicative possibilities, among which is formulating communicative choices; b Negotiability: the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 possibility of making choices based on flexible strategies; c Adaptability: the ability to modulate and regulate communicative choices in relation to communicative context; d Salience: the degree of awareness reached by communicative choices; e Indeterminacy: the possibility to re-negotiate the pragmatic choices as the interaction unfolds in order to fulfill communicative intentions; and f Dynamicity: development of the communicative interaction in time. On the other hand, Chomsky in Cook and Newson 2014 sees term of pragmatic competence as the “knowledge of how language is related to the situation in which it is used ”. He further explains that pragmatic competence places language in the institutional setting of its use, relating the intentions and purposes to the linguistic means at hand ”. Stay in line with pragmatic study, Cook and Newson further explain that pragmatic competence also points not only knowing the structure is matter, but also to know how to use it based on different purposes for communicating or functions, relative status between the speaker and addressee, topic area in which participants are communicating e.g. general or informal case, business or formal, computing, medicine, etc., and situations which refer to a physical locations e.g. in a bank, at the airport, in restaurant, at a hospital, in the court, in the office, etc. are crucial. Eventually, pragmatic competence of students is an essential matter when we deal with classroom setting since it is the key to have effective communication. It is common when we face a reality which gives us a sight that the most important things to be considered in EFL classroom are communicative and grammatical