51 methods are that these methods procedure quantifiable and reliable result that are usually generalized to some larger population and are often most appropriate for comparative analysis. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Obendorf and Weinreich 2003 imply: Qualitative methods are ways of collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning rather than with drawing statistical inferences and qualitative methods lose on reliability they gain in terms of validity which provide a more depth and rich description. Moreover, Gorard 2 004 emphasizes that “one of the ways to give satisfactory evidence of its quality and its relevance is through quantitative research method”. Therefore, the researcher decided to apply mixed-method of quantitative to further support the qualitative findings of this request acts study. To emphasize, the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches allow statistically reliable information obtained from the numerical measurement to be backed up by and enriched by information to provide a richer and contextual basis for interpreting and validating the results. Referring back to the pragmatic study, participants adjust the linguistic properties they employed to get the addressee done the thing they needed. It is not only the matter of directness or indirectness of the request form, but also choices of the linguistic units become matter. With a purpose to discover whether different fields of study affect the use of the linguistic elements in making requests, in this thesis, the researcher prefered to apply statistical technique called T-test. Bluman 2012 designates t- test as “a statistical technique to discover the relation of difference between two groups”. In other words, t-test is a simple statistical way to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 test whether the two groups, the Medicine and Law group, are different or not in terms of the strategies pattern they employed in making requests.


This part of chapter three elaborates the details of the data, the instrument for data collection and the data selection of this research.

1. Type of Data

Mei and Moyer 2008:19 state that a datum is an object of the linguistic analysis. As the plural form of datum, from this definition, it can be implied that data are a group or a set of the objects of the analysis. Basically, data are closely related to the groups of information that represent the qualitative and quantitative attributes of a variable or set of variables. Moleong 2002:26 states that data are often viewed as the lowest level of abstraction from which the information and knowledge are derived. In this thesis, the researcher took responses of the Discourse Completion Tasks as the objects or the data to be analyzed. The data covered various linguistic units of analysis such as words, clauses, phrases, and sentences contained speech acts that the students employed in making requests.

2. Source of Data

The data always need source of data. As what was explained in the background of the study, the researcher took the fifth semester students of Batam 53 University considering that they can be generated as non-English students major. Moreover, completed four levels of General English for four semesters and finally attended the ESP especially Medical English for Medical students and Law English for Law students, both groups were considered to master the same level of English proficiency. Accordingly, Medical and Law students were in Intermediate level, hence, had developed their English skill to cope with the higher level of English which was English based on their specializations or fields. However, all classes have the same chance to be observed, therefore here the researcher applied random sampling in collecting the data. Type of random sampling applied in this study was simple random sampling. Randolph and Myers 2013:51 infer “random sampling refers to sampling technique in which each element of the population has a known and equal chance of being selected”. In other words, a simple random sampling gives each member of the population an equal chance to be chosen. Constructively, Gorard 2004:67 contends that random sampling has two keys advantages, namely: it is free of the systematic bias that might stem from choices made by the researcher, and, it enables the analyst to estimate the probability of any finding actually occurring solely by chance. To know whether the different background of study fields affect the strategies and modifications employed by the non-English students, here the writer designed Discourse Completion Tasks for various situational contexts for two different groups, the Medicine group and the Law group. It is obvious that in deciding the number of the participants or the respondents of each groups in a quantitative study, there is also a determination. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI