Urgency of the Requests

164 356 Sorry, friend. I have something urgent to do. I must finish my tasks because the boss is waiting for the report. Can you return my computer? DM 112 357 Sorry to disturb you, but I need to finish my tasks since the boss is waiting for me. Can I use this computer now? DL 100 358 Excuse me, sir. I am sorry to disturb you. This is not what I want. But, I must say this . Could you help me to let me copy my documents first since I have to bring them to the meeting now, sir? Please. DM 201 359 Excuse me, bro. I have 15 minutes to copy these whole papers. Can I use the machine first? I am so so so sorry, but it is really important , please? DL 195 The 356 and 357 were taken from the fourth situation of DCTs. This situation indicated an urgent state where the speaker needed to finish the task soon because the boss was waiting. Thus, it fulfilled the urgency quality in which the speaker conveyed that the request was obliged to do for this context. The speaker stated supportive reasons and justifications of “I must finish my tasks because the boss is wait ing for the report” and “but I need to finish my tasks since the boss is waiting for me” indicated that the speakers willy-nilly had to make requests to the hearer. At the same time, these expressions also represented the force on the speaker side since the boss was waiting for himher for finishing the task as well. Nonetheless, before saying what they intended, the speakers apologized for the potential troubles arose because of the requests made as noted in “Sorry, friend” and “Sorry to disturb you”. Practically the same as the two preceding examples, responses of situation six in 358 and 359 were carried the same urgency state to be handled soon. In this situation, the speaker necessitated to make request since the speaker obliged to soon prepare the documents for the meeting and heshe had only limited time to do it . Thus, to start the talk, the speaker opened the request by mentioning “Excuse PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 165 me” to get the hearer’s attention which at the same time functioned as the alert. The speakers also deeply apologized for the troubles might be come up due to the request by selecting the acts “I am sorry to disturb you” and “I am so so so sorry”. Furthermore, the speakers also employed downtoner internal modifications realized in “But, I must say this” and “but it is really important” to diminish the impositive force. Nonetheless, the speakers also used disarmers to eliminate any possible refusal to the potential request from the hearer by emphasizing that “This is not what I want” and “it is really important”. On the other hand, as stated above, the speaker also utilized the time delimiter to signify the urgency like “now” and “I have only 15 minutes” which increased the illocutionary forces. These expressions, in the same line, denoted the strong supportive reasons to inquire the hearer took the pleas as “since I have to bring them to the meeting now” and “I have 15 minutes to copy these whole papers…. It is really important”. Finally, to strengthen the urgency of the request, the speakers promoted supportive begging of “please” to implore the hearer accepted the requests.

g. Motivation

The logical definition of motivation denoted by the researcher related to this study is the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something, and at the same point, also emphasized that motivation closely dealt with a force or influence that causd someone to do something. Hence, motivation in request might be simply signified as the force or the reason to do the plea. Referring to the result and findings of the analysis, the researcher noted that there were also different motivations which motivated the speakers advantaged different request strategies PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 166 for different situations. Some of potential motivations driven the speakers to select different strategies to make requests are to persuade, to warn, and to order someone to do or not to do the speakers’ demands. To persuade meant to convince someone to do something needed by the speakers. Some situated contexts in DCTs satisfied this motivation factor as seen in situation five and nine. The examples of the request strategies for persuading motivations are given below. 360 Excuse me, sir. If I could ask, I need a reposition about my job. I think I did the maximum thing in coping with this position, but I couldn’t manage it well. DM 130 361 Hi, John. Your work is very satisfied me. This is your chance to prove that you are more than good in managing marketing. Let’s join my team . DM 250 Convincing the hearer to take the request inspired the speaker to employ most resounding fashion. Through the using of the conditional sentence “If I could ask”, the expression in 360 created a more soften way in asking about the reposition of the speake r’s job. It is often that both Medical and Law students stressed the supportive grounder as “I think I did the maximum thing in coping with this position, but I couldn’t manage it well” to put their justifications, in which also acted as disarmer to any probable refusal. In addition, humbling hisherself to not be able to manage the responsibility well would be promising way to gain the hearer’s sympathy. Trying to get in touch with the hearer’s feeling, the request had great possibility to be succeeded. Consistently, example 360 was claimed to be the same as the 361 which passed out to persuade motivation. Persuading the hearer to accept and do the requests, one way of emerging the positive feeling to himher, was by compliments PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI