11 The researcher classifies objectives of this study into two specific points, namely: to investigate the requests pattern in certain situational contexts, besides, to investigate whether non-English students use modifications and strategies differently in making requests. The reason of exploring the patterns of request done by Medical and Law students is to examine whether the diverse fields of study affect the selection of strategies and modifications when dealing with requesting in English language. Likewise, non-English major students may acquire different ability to manage requests, in fact, they do not frequently use English in daily interactions. For this reason, the researcher emphasizes on finding requests acts used by Medical and Law students contrastively depend on the situations and pragmatic competence of the students as well as factors motivate the students to select sort of strategies and modifications.


Taking a close understanding on speech acts and the way people employ them in daily interaction, this research has some benefits. Theoretically, this research enriches the pragmatics study of real language in use based on different situations happen in everyday life. By examining the employment of speech acts on requests, people can adjust the selection of words to get requests approved and done by concerning the politeness notion and effects or forces on hearer side. Additionally, putting concern on different fields of study investigated, this study also contributes a new idea to interlanguage pragmatic study, even when people come from same cultural background, the different area specialization or setting of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 situations may encourage them to employ different pattern of strategies and modifications in producing requests. Practically, from the researcher point of view, this research benefits herself in measuring the pragmatic competence of the students in Batam University. Here, students’ pragmatic competence deals with their language learning acquisition, and at the same time, it helps the researcher in adjusting and designing the materials for future teaching to improve students’ ability in English. On the other hand, for the students’ importance, the interdependence of grammatical units, pragmatic knowledge and pragmatic competence of the students affect their pragmatic production of speech acts and in using English for real interactions. Thus, this research can be a good start to prepare Batam University students to be able to compete globally. Further, it supports the students as future doctors and lawyers in terms of how to make a proper request in English for different situations they might face in the future working life. Finally, for the readers and researchers, the findings of this research may provide beneficial samples of various strategies and modification in requests, and broadly, in the using of speech acts in real contexts. It is not only for informative purpose, yet hopefully, this research inspires other researchers to conduct different study on pragmatics especially on the idea that language is not only to communicate and connect people, but it has power to be a media to direct or command, to make the hearer agree or disagree, even to persuade someone at certain extent. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI