Oman Air’s Slogan ‘Modern Vision, Timeless Traditions’ Philippine Airline’s Slogan ‘Heart like No Other’ Indonesia. Means, the company want to convince the people in Indonesia for using the Susi Air to travel everywhere. Slogan: Your Complete Air Transport Solution for All of Indonesia Implicature: [The best solution of air transport for people of Indonesia.] The writer categorized the slogan into generalized conversational implicature. As like the data slogan before that by using word ‘your’ is giving a meaning clearly that this brand airline is the complete airline for Indonesia people. Thai Airways’s Slogan ‘Smooth as Silk’

The way of the reader implied the implicature: such as posted in their official website that they want to focus on customer satisfaction building, operation under effective capital and budget to support the change of circumstance in business operation and to create a response confederate with balance.Therefore the reader assumed the meaning of this slogan is, the service is extraordinary and the design of building is beautiful and smooth as like a silk. Slogan:Smooth as Silk Implicature: [The design of the Thai Airways is beautiful as smooth as silk.] This slogan is categorized by the writer as conversational implicature that included in particularized conversational implicature. When the reader read it, they think which one of smooth. For making slogan relevant, by giving an additional conveyed meaning or background context knowledge, the reader draw an assumed knowledge that ‘smooth’ here is the word for the company’s operational. Means, the operational of this brand airline is good. Thai Lion Air’s Slogan ‘Freedom to Fly’

The way of the reader implied the implicature: the implicature of this slogan is, the customer has right and chance to fly. According to their official website, it means that this company is just not only low cost but this company also provides superior product and service. Eventually, the company facilitate the people to go on a trip in every destination. Slogan: Freedom to Fly Description: flying is freedom. Conventional Implicature: flying is freedom now. As we know in the discussing of theoretical bases, that that slogan is clearly include of conventional implicature. The slogan is not type of the conversational implicature which is the conventional implicature is a brief utterance. Turkish Airline’s Slogan ‘Widen Your World’

The way of the reader implied the implicature: as their mission showed in the company’s official website that the company want to become the preferred leading in European air carrier with global network.Means this slogan is motivating the people to expand the world with travelling.