Research Type CHAPTER III Data and Data Sources

E. Data Analysis Techniques

In analyzing the data, the researcher firstly revealed the English-Bahasa Indonesia movie texts in the one form, where she changed English as the phonic text to be graphic text the same as Bahasa Indonesia text into data sheets. Then she made a classification of the English-Bahasa Indonesia movie texts in order to find the realization of features and representations of modalization and modulation expressions that occurred in the process of translation. Then, she classified and identified the meaning equivalence of the English-Bahasa Inodnesia movie texts relating to interpersonal meaning, especially those expressions.

F. Trustworthiness

This research applied credibility and dependability to obtain trustworthiness of the data. First, credibility was used to ensure the correctness of the data. In achieving the degree of credibility, the reseacher performed deep and detail obsevation of the data. Credibility was also obtained by conducting triangulation. Moleong 2001: 128 states, triangulation was a technique for checking the trustworthiness of data by using something outside the data to verify the data or to compare them. There are four types of triangulation: by source, by method, by expert, and by theory. In this study, source and theory triangualtion were applied. The sources were Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows movie texts and its Indonesian subtitling. The theories which were applied to conform the data is the theories from experts of translation studies and modality. In the criteria of dependability, it concerned about reliability of the data of the research. The data findings of this research were triangulated by a bachelor of English literature study program and a student of English literature study program, then, the sources outside the data to verify or to compare the data. In this occasion she looked for the Englissh texts of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows movie texts in the form of graphic channel that available at the site, in order to cross-check and confirm this research data as well as posssible. Then, the result of triangulated data findings were consulted and discussed with the supervisors.