Discussion 1. The Realizations of Modalization and Modulation Expressions in the

sentence shows that the translator has translated the medium degree appropriately, whereas the clause I think is equivalent to kuanggap. iii. Low Degree of Probability The movie text consist 21 or 10.2 cases of this degree. It is represented by the phrase I might and it seems. The examples below: 1 English : And instead of three, It seems to be, ah four. Bahasa Indonesia : Dan bukan cuma tiga, kelihatannya ada, empat orang. 4 2 English : I may need one of those in few hours. Bahasa Indonesia : Mungkin beberapa jam lagi aku butuh obat itu. 28 The phrase of low degree in the first sentence has translated appropriately by the translator, whereas the phrase It seems is equivalent with kelihatannya. This sentence describe about the Adler ‟s explanation to Holmes that she is following by four people not only three people. The second sentence describes about Holmes ‟s presumption that probably he needs the medicine in few hours later. b Usuality Usuality achieved 15 or 7.7 occurences. The adverbs always, usually, never, and ever are the representation of usuality. The examples below:

i. High Degree of Usuality

It has 2 or 1.4 occurences. This degree is presented by as usual. Here are the examples of usuality expression in the high degree: 1 English : But as usual, my friend, Sherlock Holmes, had a different theory entirely. Bahasa Indonesia : Tapi seperti biasa, sahabatku, Sherlock Holmes, mempunyai teori yang berbeda. 1 2 English : Its a double encryption my dear, that Sherly and I have used since we were boys. Bahasa Indonesia : Ini kode ganda sayang, aku dan Sherly sering gunakan saat masih kecil. 111 The researcher translated the first sentence successfully. It translated in the same depth of meaning equivalence, in term of the high degree of usuality. The adverb as usual translated to be seperti biasa. The first sentence emphasize about Watson ‟s opinion that Holmes always have different theory about something. The second sentence indicates that Holmes ‟s brother and he used double encryption every time they shared something secret when they were child. The second sentence is translated fully, whereas have used to be sering gunakan. ii. Medium Degree of Usuality It has 0 occurrences. It can be said that the characters in the movie never used the usuality expression in medium degree. iii. Low Degree of Usuality This degree has 13 or 6.3 occurrences from 15 cases. It represent by the adverb never, ever, and rarely. Here are the examples: 1 English : He never sleeps. Bahasa Indonesia : Ia tak pernah tidur. 30 2 English : May I deduce that you rarely stray from the path that runs from your home to the Diogenes Club? Bahasa Indonesia : Boleh kusimpulkan bahwa kau jarang menyimpang dari jalan rumahmu ke Klub Diogenes . 54 The translator translated both of sentences perfectly. It translated in the same depth of meaning equivalence, in term of the low degree of usuality. The adverb never translated to be tak pernah and rarely to be jarang. The first sentence describe about Mrs. Hudson explanation to Watson that Holmes never sleep. The second sentence, Watson tells about Mycroft ‟s usuality that he almost never path that runs from your home to the Diogenes Club. From the explanation above, it can be said that probability or prediction achieved the most frequent number that occur in the English-Bahasa Indonesia movie texts of the Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. It is achieved 94 or 46. 2 Modulation a Inclination There are 43 or 20.8 cases of inclination. Inclination is the dominant expressions that occur both in the source text and the target text in modulation expression. There are the degrees of high, medium, and low. The explanation below:

i. High Degree of Inclination

This degree achieved 9 or 4.3 occurrences from 43 occurrences of inclination. It can represent by shall and need. Here are the examples: 1 English : If you attempt to bring destruction down upon me, I shall do the same to you. Bahasa Indonesia : Percayalah, bila kau berusaha membawaku pada kehancuran akan kulakukan hal yang sama padamu. 86 2 English : I need you to take a deep breath. Bahasa Indonesia : Sim, Aku ingin kau tarik nafas dalam-dalam. 118 The first sentence tells that Moriarty will take revenge to Holmes if Holmes brings Moriarty to destruction. While in the second sentence, Watson tells Simza to calm down because she is shocked knowing her brother, Rene, have suspected suicide. The translator translates both sentences successfully and explicitly viewed from the high degree of inclination expression. It indicates by the phrase I shall do, whereas in Bahasa Indonesia text realized to akan kulakukan in the first sentence. While, in second sentence it indicates by I need you in English text realized to be aku ingin kau in Bahasa Indonesia. ii. Medium Degree of Inclination It has 21 or 10.2 occurrences. This degree is presented by I want,I wish, I would like, and I am going to. Here are the examples of inclination expression in the medium degree: 1 English : You wish to know my plans now, do you? Bahasa Indonesia : Kau mau tahu rencanaku sekarang? 23 2 English : Id expected to hear from him sooner In light of recent events. Bahasa Indonesia : Kuharap dapat penjelasan darinya atas apa yang baru saja terjadi. 75 In the first sentence Moriarty asks Adler if she wants to know about his plan. While in the second sentence,it shows the willingness of Holmes to know about the bombing that just happened. He wants to ask Moriarty about it. The translator translates both sentences successfully and explicitly viewed from the medium degree of inclination expression. It indicates by the phrase you wish, whereas in Bahasa Indonesia text realized to kau mau in the first sentence. While, in second sentence it indicates by I ’d expected in English text realized to be aku harap in Bahasa Indonesia. iii. Low Degree of Inclination This degree consists of 13 or 6.3 occurrences. It can indicate by can and cannot. Below are the examples: 1 English : This fish you cannot cheat. Bahasa Indonesia : Ikan ini tak bisa kau tipu. 77 2 English : Theres only one thing I can do. Bahasa Indonesia : Hanya satu cara aku bisa selamatkan keluargaku. 115 The translator translated both of sentences perfectly. It translated in the same depth of meaning equivalence, in term of the low degree of inclination. The phrase you cannot translate to be tak bisa kau and I can to be aku bisa. The first sentence is a parable that Holmes said to his self. Holmes is the fish and Moriarty is the fisherman who wants to cheat the fish and catch the fish. Holmes tells to himself that Moriarty cannot cheat him. The second sentence is self-talk of Ravache that he only can do one thing to save his family. He decided to suicide so he cannot tell anything about Rene to Holmes and friends. b Obligation There are 29 or 13.5 occurrences of obligation. Obligation in high degree is achieved the most number of occurrences. Mostly obligation shows about command and advice. The explanation below:

i. High Degree

This degree achieved 14 or 6.8 occurrences. I t‟s the most frequent number of occurrences among three degree. Here are the examples: 1 English : Herr Hoffmanstahl, You should count yourself lucky. Bahasa Indonesia : Herr Hoffmanstahl, kau harus sebut dirimu beruntung. 20 2 English : Doctor, you must get him to a sanatorium. Bahasa Indonesia : Dokter, kau harus masukkan dia ke sanatorium. 29 In the first sentence Holmes tells to Hoffmanstahl that he should be feeling lucky because Holmes save him from bombing. The translator translate you should explicitly to be kau harus in term of meaning equivalence of Obligation in high degree. While in the second sentence Mrs. Hudson giving advice to Watson that Holmes must take to sanantorium. The phrase you must translated perfectly by the translator to be kau harus. ii. Medium Degree It has 5 or 2.4 occurrences. This degree is presented by will, and gonna do. Here are the examples of obligation expression in the medium degree: 1 English : We will read together during an aperitif. Bahasa Indonesia : Kita akan baca sambil minum nanti. 19 2 English : Would you like me to recommend your next move? Bahasa Indonesia : Boleh kunasehatkan gerakanmu selanjutnya? 167 In the first sentence Holmes giving advice to Adler to read the letter when they meet on dinner, during the time when they drink something like wine. The translator translate we will perfectly to be kita akan in term of meaning equivalence of Obligation in high degree. In the second sentence Moriarty asking permission to Holmes, for giving Holmes an advice about his next move on playing chess. The phrase would translated explicitly by the translator to be boleh. iii. Low Degree This degree achieved 9 or 4.3 occurrences. It shows the weak statement about obligation expression. Here are the examples: 1 English : No, but might I trouble you for an inscription? Bahasa Indonesia : Tidak, tapi boleh kudapatkan tanda tanganmu? 81 2 English : Now, allow me to reply. Bahasa Indonesia : Sekarang, biar kubalas. 190 The translator translated each sentence well. It can be seen, that the expressions have the same level on the low degree of obligation expression. Both examples are about asking permission. The first sentence indicates that Holmes ask permission to Moriarty to sign a book entitled “The Dynamics of An Asteroids and Lectures Note ” that written by Moriarty himself. The second sentence, Holmes talked to himself in his mind, about to counter Moriarty. In this scene, before they do real in this scene before they actually fight, they already imagine what they would do. It is like the struggle between their minds. From the explanation above, it can be said that inclination or willingness achieved the most frequent number that occur in the English-Bahasa Indonesia movie texts of the Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. It is achieved 43 or 21 in Modulation expression.

b. Unrealized Form 1 Modalization

a Probability Probability has 14 cases or 6.8 of probability that categorized as unrealized form. Probability has three degree in unrealized form. They are high, medium and low. But, in this research, the researcher did not find any unrealized case in low degree. Below is the explanation:

i. High Degree

There are 2 cases or 1.4 of the occurrences of high degree. The expression in the source text is not realized in the target text. Here are the examples: 1 English : I was assured full payment would be there. Bahasa Indonesia : Aku yakin semua bayarannya ada di situ. 10 2 English : It should be just, here. Bahasa Indoensia : Kita di sini. 89 The first case shows the high degree of probability in the English movie text by the word „would be‟ and in the second case „should be’. However, the translator does not translate the probability expressions in the Bahasa Indonesia movie text. Although the translator did not translate the expressions into Bahasa Indoensia, but, the translator successfully transfer the message of the sentence. The first sentence, Adler emphasized Herr Hoffmanstahl that the payment is in the package. While the second sentence, Watson tells Mary where the wagon they will ride. ii. Medium Degree There are 12 cases or 5.4 cases of medium degree of probability. As the previous case, the translator did not translate the expression in the source text to the target text. Here are the exampples: 1 English : Oh, Ill drive. Bahasa Indonesia : Oh, aku yang mengemudi. 71 2 English : Hell no longer be party to my investigations. Bahasa indoensia : Dia bukan lagi anggota investigasiku. 82 Both cases show the medium degree of probability in the English text as the source text by the word „will‟. The translator ignored to translate the probability expression because it will not change the meaning of the sentence. in this case it is acceptable to ignore the probability expression. The translator successfully translated the message of the sentence. In the first sentence, Holmes tells to Watson that he will drive the car. In this scene they will go to Watson holy matrimony. In the second sentence, Holmes tells to Moriarty that Watson is no longer his investigation partner. b Usuality The researcher found 1 or 1 case in ususality. As mentioned before, in realized form that usuality has three degree, there are high, medium, and low. In unrealized form, usuality also has three degree. But in this research, there is only one case that can be found. The case is in Low degree. Here is the explanation:

i. Low Degree

English : A woman, who recently taken a confident drink. Bahasa Indonesia : Wanita yang minum dengan nyaman. 65 It can be seen that the translator did not translate the word „recently‟ in the English text into Bahasa Indonesia. Actually, the word „recently‟ can be tranlsted to be „baru saja‟. The sentence shows how Holmes tells Simza about his analysis on reading tarot card. 2 Modulation a Inclination This achieved 6 or 2.9 cases. Inclination also has three degree in unrealized form. There high, medium, low. Each degree in this expression has unrealized form. Below are the explanations:

i. High Degree

This degree has 1 or 1 unrealized form. The translator simply omits modality expressions in the Bahasa Indonesia movie text with changing it into other words. Below is the example: English : It makes several stops along the way, one of which is Heilbron, exactly, where we must go. Bahasa Indonesia : Perjalanan itu butuh beberapa pemberhentian, salah satunya Heilbronn. Tempat tujuan kita yang sebenarnya. 125 In this case, the speaker is in a position that he and his friends should go to Heilbron. The speaker, Holmes tells to Watson and Simza to go to Heilbronn one of railway stop stasion, where there is one of Moriarty ‟s gun factory. There is a shifting in this sentence, whereas one sentence in the English text, become two sentences in the Bahasa Indonesia text. The word „must‟ is not translated by the translator, but it doesn‟t change the meaning of the sentence. The translator translate the word „must‟ implicitly to be ‟sebenarnya‟. ii. Medium Degree This degree also has 1 or 1 case. The translator simply omits modality expressions in the Bahasa Indonesia movie text without changing it into other words. English : I hope you do not mind terribly if i tried my adrenal extract. Bahasa Indonesia : Maaf, kau keberatan bila kucoba ekstrak adrenalku? 41 It can be seen that the translator did not translate the word „hope‟ in the English text into Bahasa Indonesia. Actually, the word „hope‟ can be tranlsted to be „harap‟. There is also shifting in the sentence, in the English text the sentence is in declarative sentence, but in Bahasa Indonesia the sentence become interrogative sentence. The speaker, Holmes, asked Watson to try his extract adrenal to their dog, Gladstone. iii. Low Degree This degree has 4 or 2 cases of low degree of inclination found in the English text. Below are some cases of low degree of inclination that are categorized as unrealized form. 1 English : I am afraid our persuit is over, unless, we can happen upon a comrade. Bahasa Indonesia : Aku takut pengejaran kita berakhir, kecuali kita bekerjasama dengan orang. 126 2 English : How can we make this more manageable? Bahasa Indonesia : Bagaimana agar kuda-kuda ini lebih mudah dikendalikan? 133 Both cases show the low degree of inclination in the English text as the source text by the word „can‟. The translator ignored to translate the probability expression because it will not change the meaning of the sentence. in this case it is acceptable to ignore the probability expression. The translator successfully translated the message of the sentence. In the first sentence, Holmes wish that he and his friends can cooperate with someone who can help them across the border between France and Germany. While in the second sentence, Holmes does not know how to ride a horse, so, he ask how to control the horse. b Obligation Obligation has 4 or 2 occurrences of unrealized form. From three degree, high, medium, and low, there are only two degree which has unrealized form. Those are high and medium degree. Below are the explanations.

i. High Degree

This degree has 2 or 1.4 occurrences of high degree of obligation. Below are some cases of low degree of obligation that are categorized as unrealized form. 1 English : Just as you ‟re supposed to organize my stag party Bahasa Indonesia : Sama seperti seperti kau atur pesta lajangku. 63 2 English : I was obliged to collect more suffient data, hence my tardyness. Bahasa Indonesia : Telah kukumpulkan data yang cukup, itu sebabnya aku terlambat. 123 The case above indicates the high degree of obligation by word „supposed to‟ and „obliged‟. „supposed to‟ represents something that is a necessarily. In the first sentence, the speaker, Watson tells that Holmes ought to arrange his stag party. The speaker in second sentence, Holmes, tells to Watson and Simza that he forced collect the data about Moriarty. ii. Medium Degree There are 2 or 1.4 occurrences of unrealized form in this degree. The medium degree of obligation in the unrealized form is mostly expressed by the words „will‟. Some example cases of medium degree of obligation occur in the unrealized form is presented below. 1 English : I think youll find second class is more comfortable. Bahasa Indonesia : Kurasa kalian tinggal di kelas dua yang lebih nyaman. 93 2 English : No no, too English, itll suit you more. Bahasa Indonesia : Jangan, terlalu Inggris, lebih pas buatmu. 123 Both cases show the medium degree of obligation in the English text as the source text by the word „will‟. The translator ignored to translate the probability expression because it will not change the meaning of the sentence. The first sentence, the speaker, Holmes, tells two old passengers to move to the second class, because there is fight in first class among Holmes, Watson, and Moriarty ‟s troops. The second sentence shows that simza giving advice to Watson how to look masquerade. 2. The Degree of the Interpersonal Meaning Equivalence of the Modalization and Modulation Realizations

a. Equivalent Meaning

It will be achieved when the English text is translated into Bahasa Indonesia as text 2 with the same depth of meaning related to interpersonal meaning. Especially, in this research are the modalization and modulation realizations. Equivalent meaning is divided into two. Those are fully equivalent and partly equivalent. Below is the explanation. 1 Fully Equivalent Meaning Fully equivalent means the meaning and the message of the content in the English text as the source text are completely and explicitly transferred in the Bahasa Indonesia as the target text. It also can transfer implicitly. There are 113 or 59 cases both in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Here are the examples. 1 English : But as usual, my friend, Sherlock holmes, had a different theory entirely. Bahasa Indonesia : Tapi seperti biasa, sahabatku, Sherlock Holmes, mempunyai teori yang berbeda. 1 2 English : Have you ever met him in person? Bahasa Indonesia : Kau pernah menemuinya secara pribadi? 11 Both sentences contain modalization expressions, in term of probability on the degree of high and low. The translator translated them successfully, where the keywords of usuality, „as usual‟ and „ever‟ are translated to be „seperti biasa‟ and „pernah‟. The first sentence describe about Holmes habit that always have different theory about what happen around him. The second sentence, the speaker, Herr Hoffstanhl, asks to Adler whether she have been meet Moriarty in person. 2 Partly Equivalent It occurs when those expressions in the English text as the phonic channel not completely or partly translated into Bahasa Indonesia text as the graphic channel in content of information. For instance, some information in the English text may not be found in Bahasa Indonesia text. There are 71 or 36 cases of this degree. Below are the examples. 1 English : You wish to know my plans now, do you? Bahasa Indonesia : Kau mau tahu rencanaku sekarang? 23 2 English : So much to look forward to, what I would do without you? Bahasa Indonesia : Banyak yang mesti diurus. Aku bisa apa tanpamu? 31 Both sentences contain modulation expressions, in term of inclination on the degree of medium. In this part the translator does not translate these sentences perfectly. The translator translated it in implicit way, so between source text and target text will have the same depth meaning. The words „wish‟ and „would‟ has represented implicitly to be „mau‟and „bisa‟. The first sentence Moriarty asks Adler if she wants to know about his plan. The second sentence describe about insinuation of Mrs. Hudson towards Holmes.

b. Non Equivalent Meaning

Non Equivalent when the message or the meaning in English text as the source text is not delivered well in Bahasa Indonesia as the target text. The message and meaning in TT is different or not being translated in the ST. It is divided into two categories, Different meaning and No meaning. Below are the explanations. 1 Different meaning It occurs when the target text have different meaning from the Source Text. All or almost information contents of the expressions in source text in this case English text phonic channel are represented in the words Bahasa Indonesia that have different meaning. This degree of meaning achieved 9 or 5 cases. Here are the examples. 1 English : Ive been to a wedding here before. Bahasa Indonesia : Aku pernah menikah sebelumnya. 73 2 English : No, but might I trouble you for an inscription? Bahasa Indonesia : Tidak, tapi boleh kudapatkan tanda tanganmu? 81 The first sentence has different meaning. The sentence sounds „Ive been to a wedding ‟ should be translated „aku pernah ke pesta pernikahan’. It describes Moriarty ‟s men who talk to Holmes that he ever attend to a wedding party in that place before. The second sentence sounds „might I trouble you for an inscription ‟ should be translated „bolehkah aku menggangumu untuk meminta tanda tangan ‟. It describes Holmes who asks Moriarty to sign his book. 2 No meaning It occurs when all the information in source text is not found or there is no meaning in Bahasa Indonesia text. It happens when the expressions in the English text are unrealized in Bahasa Indonesia text. In this research, the researcsher did not find any cases of no meaning degree.

A. Conclusion CHAPTER V

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION This chapter consists of conclusions and suggestions. Conclusion is intended to conclude the points that are embraced in the previous discussions. The objectives of this research are to describe the realization of English-Bahasa Indonesia Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows movie texts in terms of modalization and modulation expressions and to analyze the extent of the interpersonal meaning equivalence to their expressions. Based on the findings and discussion, the conclusions can be drawn as follows. 1. There are 205 cases of modalization and modulation expressions found in the English-Bahasa Indonesia movie texts. Modalization consists of probability and usuality expressions, and modulation consists of inclination and obligation expressions. The modalization expressions especially probability expressions have greater occurrence than modulation expressions both in the English and the Bahasa Indonesia movie texts. Probability achieved 108 occurrences or 52.6 in English text and 94 or 45.8 in Bahasa Indonesia text. It can conclude that the Bahasa Indonesia movie text has a high equivalence with the English movie text. The lowest number is also achieved by part of modalization expressions, usuality expressions, it achieved 16 or 8.1 occurenrres from 205 cases. As the source text, the English text consists of realized form 205 or 100 cases. The English texts are categorized as realized form, while, Bahasa Indonesia texts as the target text are categorized as realized and unrealized form. 73 In the Bahasa Indonesia text, the realized form achieved 180 or 87.8 cases and the unrealized form achieved 25 or 12.2 cases. It means that most of modalization and modulation expressions found in the English text as the source text are represented in the Bahasa Indonesia as the target text. 2. In interpersonal meaning analysis, fully equivalent achieved the biggest number, 113 or 59 cases. Following with partly equivalent which achieved 71 or 36 cases. The different meaning achieved 9 or 5 cases. While no meaning equivalent has 0 cases. There is no occurrence of no meaning equivalent. It may be said that the translator can translated and delivered the meaning from source text to the target explicitly and implicitly well. There is difference number of Modalization and Modulation with interpersonal meaning equivalent because in some cases, there can be two expressions in one sentence.

B. Suggestion

Suggestions bring the ideas or the opinions toward the other researchers related to this research in order to develop subtitling as part of translation study. To improve and to develop translation, especially audiovisual translation, there are some suggestions to others researchers. 1. For the translator It is suggested for every translator, especially for translator of film subtitling should be careful in translating modalization and modulation expressions, so it can achieve a natural and equivalent result. Besides, the meaning has to be presented as exactly as possible in the most effective and neutral way, so the audiences can catch the messages or information easily. The translator or subtitler also needs to learn the background culture where the film is taken, so he is expected to be able to produce the similar effect, as the source film provided and can transfer the message that the original writer wants to deliver. 2. For other researchers It is common to study about modalization and modulation expressions in the bilingual object for the translation students. There are many research conducted under these topics. The research will also give some contribution to the readers since it can be a reference to choose a work of translation. 3. For translation students The researcher suggest to the students to learn about modalization and modulation expressions. It is expected that the students have to do more investigations about modalization and modulation expressions in order to give more reference of it. The more the investigation about modalization and modulation expressions, the more understanding about modalization and modulation expressions is gained. References Alwi, H. 1990. Modalitas dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Perpustakaan Umum: Universitas Indonesia. Baker, M. 2009. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routledge. Bell, R.T. 1991. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. New York: Longman. Butt, D. et.al. 2001. Using Functional Grammar: an Explore r’s Guide. Sydney: Macquire University. Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press, Inc. Eggins, S. 2004. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Continuum International Publishing Group. . 2006. Oxford Advanced Learner ’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Eggins, S. 1994 .An Introduction to Systemic Functional linguistics.London: Printer Publisher, Ltd. . 1994. Oxford Advanced Learner ’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hatim, B. and Jeremy M. 2004. Translation: An Advanced Resource Book. London, New York: Routledge. Halliday, M.A.K and Hasan, R. 1985. Language, Context and Text: Aspect of Language in Social Semiotics Perspective. Oxford : Oxford University Press. Halliday, M.A.K. 1994. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. Second Edition .Great Britain: Athenaeum Press Ltd. Halliday, M.A.K. C.M.I.M. MatthiessenMatthiessen. 2004. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. 3rd, revised edition. London: Edward Arnold. Hornby, A.S. 1994. Oxford Advanced Learne r’s Dictionary. Great Britain: Oxford University Press. 76