Elaboration of Stages in Designing the Materials



This chapter presents four major parts. The first part presents the elaboration of the stages in designing the materials. The second part presents the findings of the designed materials evaluation. The third part discusses the revision process on the designed materials based on the respondents’ evaluation. The last part presents the final version of the designed materials.

A. Elaboration of Stages in Designing the Materials

In designing the materials, the researcher used some stages. The design models used in this study covers eight stages resulting from the combination and modification of the instructional design model of Kemp’s and Yalden’s. Those stages were used as the main answer to the first question stated in the problem formulation. The explanation of those stages is presented as follows. Stage 1: Conducting a Need Survey The initial stage of designing the materials was a need survey. The researcher took a need survey in order to gather information about the students’ needs, interests, and difficulties in learning English so that the materials will be appropriate with their needs in learning English. In order to obtain the data, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to the eleventh grade students of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI and conducted an interview with an English teacher from the school to clarify the information that was not covered in the questionnaire. The result of the questionnaire and interview are presented as follows.

a. The data from the Questionnaire

The questionnaire was distributed to 32 eleventh grade students of Teknik Gambar Bangunan Class TGB of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. The researcher used closed-form questionnaire. In answering the questionnaire, the students simply crossed the appropriate answer or answers that represent their actual situation. The table of the result of the needs survey is presented in appendix E. Some major points, which were needed as the basis for designing the materials, were explained in the result of the questionnaire presented in appendix E. The first question of the questionnaire asked the students whether they like writing or not writing any kind of text in Bahasa Indonesia. The result showed that 96.9 of the students liked writing and only 3.1 of the students did not like writing. It proved that most of the students liked writing. The second, the researcher asked about their reason of writing in Bahasa Indonesia. 87.5 of the students wrote for doing their assignment from school. 65.6 of the students did writing for expressing and jotting down what is in their mind at the time they are thinking about it. To express their feeling was the motivation to write for 31.2 of the students. 12.5 of the students said that they did writing in order to do their hobby, while filling spare time was the reason for 6.2 of the students. The third question was to find out whether expressing our feelings or thoughts into visible or written media in Bahasa Indonesia so that other people or we could understand them clearly was needed or not. The result showed that 66.7 of the students agreed that they needed to express their feelings or thoughts into written media. On the other hand, 31.3 of the students felt that they did not need to do it. It can be inferred that the students needed to write their feelings and thoughts in order to be understood by themselves and others. The next question asked about the forms of writing they had once or quite often in Bahasa Indonesia. 65.6 of the students answered that they quite often wrote their experiences of life. 62.5 of the students said that they often wrote stories and expressions of feeling. 56.2 of the students wrote their opinion and 53.1 of the students wrote poems. 28.1 of the students wrote about other things such as song lyrics, school assignments, sudden good ideas, targets, and notes, while 21.9 of the students chose to write essay as well as scientific research. It can be seen that most students were interested in writing things closely related to their life and interesting topic rather than scientific writing. Then, the researcher asked what media they often used to write on In Bahasa Indonesia. 46.9 of the students answered that they wrote on internet and other media such as notebooks, letters paper, mobile phones, and computers. 34.4 of the students said that they wrote on diaries. Newspapers were also media for 12.5 of the students, while the rest, 6.2 of the students, chose magazines as their media. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A question about how often they usually write in English was also asked to them. The result showed that 75 of the students wrote in English only in English class. 21.9 of the students did not write regularly. They wrote unexpectedly, once in two days, or depend on their mood. 6.2 of the students did daily writing, while 3.1 of the students wrote four times in a week. Nevertheless, nobody said that they wrote twice a week or even never did that. The percentage showed that all of them had experiences of doing writing in English. The next question was to find out whether they like writing in English. The result showed that 62.5 of the students did not like doing writing in English. The remaining 37.5 of them liked doing writing in English. It was quite unmatched with the previous answer showing that 96.9 of them like doing writing in Indonesia. From the first percentage of the first question, it could be inferred that the students liked writing. However, there had to be reason of answering that they did not like writing in English. Their reasons were resulted in the next part showing that difficult vocabulary became the major problem for 62.5 of the students. 37.5 of the students had difficulty in grammar while 31.2 of them felt that it was difficult for them to improve idea, story, opinion, or the material should be written down. Feeling difficult to decide thing or materials to be written down was the problem for 25 of the students. Not knowing how to write many things in English seemed to be the problem for 9.4 of the students. It could be inferred form the result that two major problem for the students when they were faced to write in English were about vocabulary and grammar. Then, the researcher asked the students’ opinions about the level of difficulty in writing English text. Writing English text was quite difficult for 65.6 of the students. In other hand, writing English text was hard for 34.4 of the students, while 12.5 of them felt that writing English text was very difficult, and nobody said that it was easy. For the next result, the researcher asked the students’ opinion whether doing writing English text continually could improve their ability in writing English text or not. 90.6 of the students argued that continual English text writing could improve their ability in writing English text, while 9.4 said that doing continual English text writing affected nothing. It showed that the students considered about the time for having practice writing English text. It was showed from the next result answering about the need of having time and chances to have continual writing in order to improve their ability in writing English text. 93.8 of the students said that they needed time and chance to have continual writing while 6.2 of them did not need time and chance to have it. The researcher then asked whether they have experienced having time and particular media used to write in English their thoughts, opinions, or reactions to something. 65.6 of the students had experienced having time and particular media to be used for their writing. However, 34.4 of the students had never experienced of having time and media to write down their thoughts, opinions, and reactions on something in English. It could be seen that some of the students actually had good experiences of expressing their thoughts and opinions. The next question asked whether they focused more on grammar or vocabulary when they tried to write in English their feeling, opinions, or anything they were thinking of. The result showed that 56.2 of the students answered that they concerned more to grammar and vocabulary while they were trying to write what were in their mind. 43.8 of the students stated that they did not focus on grammar and vocabulary when they were writing English text. It could be inferred that both grammar and vocabulary seemed to be the major things, which bothered the students when they were writing English text. The last part of the questionnaire was about the idea of having topics in order to improve the materials to write in English. 90.6 of the students commented that topics would be very helpful to improve the materials to be written. Nevertheless, only 9.4 of the students argued that they did not need topics to improve the English writing materials. It showed that topics were considered important in order to improve the writing materials. Moreover, that high percentage showed the big number of students who were interested in certain topics. Based on that, the writer selected the top eight topics for designing the materials. The data showed that the highest percentage was “Heroes”. It reached 81.2 . “Lifestyles”, “Cyberspace”, “Design”, and “Hi-Technology” were 71.9 . “Global Warming” and “A Lot like Love” were 66.7. The last one was “The Sea” which reached 59.4 . In other words, the selected topics were “Heroes”, “Lifestyles”, “Cyberspace”, “Design”, “Hi- Technology”, “Global Warming”, “A Lot like Love”, and “The Sea”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

b. The Data from the Interview

The researcher conducted an interview with an eleventh grade English teacher to gain some information that was not covered in the questionnaire. The results of the interview are presented as follows. 1 The Teaching of Writing in Class The teacher explained that English subject was taught twice a week. Every meeting lasted in two meeting periods in a day. One period took forty-five minutes. Totally, the students learned English three hours per week. Writing activities were always given in every unit of the materials. The teacher tried to teach all the skills integrated listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing activities were done as the continuing practices after learning about grammar and vocabulary. The students would use the grammar and vocabulary taught before into their writing. The use of English was also quite varied for each class. For a class that the students had quite good English, the teacher used English about 75 - 80. For a class that the students had medium English, the teacher used English 60 - 75. Then, for a class that the students had quite poor English, the teacher used English 50 - 60. 2 The Students’ Competency, Motivation, and Learning Activities in Writing According to the teacher, the students paid less attention for writing, particularly when they were given an individual writing task. They had limited interest in writing English. To solve this case, the teacher invited the students to have group work for writing activities. Each group had to make a passage and present it in front of the class by using Over Head Projector OHP. In doing the task, some students having PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI strong interest in writing would be very active doing the task, but some others having less attention would be quite passive. However, through these activities, the students became happier for having a group discussion. Besides, the students tended to translate what they are going to write directly from Bahasa Indonesia into English. For example, they wanted to write “Saya sarapan setiap pagi” in English, and then they directly wrote, “I breakfast every morning”. Moreover, the teacher explained that most of the students still needed to improve their knowledge about grammar and preposition. Thus, in order to improve the students’ writing skill, the teacher suggested the students to consider themselves as the ones who experienced the activities told in their writing. The teacher also provided self-access materials they could choose, and assigned them with homework aimed to improve the students’ grammar in general. 3 Designing a Set of Writing Instructional Materials Incorporating Journal Writing The teacher noticed that the students lack motivation to write. The teacher needed some new materials and techniques to motivate the students. Therefore, the set of instructional writing materials is expected to be able to enrich the teaching writing references and enhance the students’ motivations in writing. The teacher believed that practice writing through journal would be a great idea. Besides, the students would be motivated because the topics came from the students’ interest. Moreover, teaching writing incorporating journal writing gives the students more time and chances to write expressively by reflecting their own expression through the prompts given. Stage 2: Determining Goals, Topics, and General Purposes Determining the goals is the basis for developing a set of writing instructional materials incorporating journal writing for the eleventh grade students of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. In the existing curriculum, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP, goals are stated as standard of competence. The goals of the designed writing materials are to enhance students’ enjoyment and motivation in writing as well as to improve students’ writing skills. In order to achieve the goals, the researcher selected eight topics to be presented in each meeting. The topics were selected based on the students’ interest as obtained from the questionnaires. Moreover, after selecting the topics, the researcher formulated general purposes and basic competencies of each topic. The topics and basic competencies of each topic will be presented as follows: Table 4.1. Basic Competencies of Designed Materials that should be achieved No Topics Basic Competencies


1.1. to understand basic utterances in daily social interaction. 1.7. to understand words, unusual terms, and correct grammatical simple sentence. 2. LIFESTYLES 1.3. to understand descriptions of things, people, characteristics, time, days, months, and years. 1.2. to produce simple expressions for basic functions.


1.4. to understand information about things, people, characteristics, time, days, months, and years. 1.7. to understand words, unusual terms, and correct grammatical simple sentence. 4. CYBERSPACE 1.4. to understand information about things, people, characteristics, time, days, months, and years. 2.2. to make short messages, instructions, and lists. 5. GLOBAL WARMING 1.5. to understand explanations of present actions. 1.1. to understand basic utterances in daily social interaction. 6. A LOT LIKE LOVE 1.3. to understand descriptions of things, people, characteristics, time, days, months, and years. 1.1. to understand basic utterances in daily social interaction. 7. HI- TECHNOLOGY 1.4. to understand information about things, people, characteristics, time, days, months, and years. 2.2. to record simple messages both in direct interaction and through media. 8. DESIGN 1.3. to understand descriptions of things, people, characteristics, time, days, months, and years. 1.4. to produce simple expressions for basic functions. Stage 3: Specifying Learning Objectives In KTSP, learning objectives are stated as “indicators”. The statements of indicators are needed to formulate what students should achieve in each meeting. The indicators should be in terms of measurable students’ behavioral outcomes. The complete indicators are stated as follows: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Table 4.2. Indicators of the Designed Materials that should be achieved No Topics Indicators 1. HEROES At the end of the meeting the students are expected to be able to: 1. recall persons that are considered as heros or heroines. 2. list some past experiences of an athlete. 3. memorize the information of a text. 4. list someone’s past experiences. 5. recognize past form of sentences. 6. complete the missing words of a life story. 7. analyze the actions done by someone. 8. apply past tense and ways of introducing their heros or heroines. 2. LIFESTYLES At the end of the meeting the students are expected to be able to: 1. state the activities they like and dislike to do. 2. explain the activities based on the picture from students book. 3. memorize the information of a text. 4. report Australians’ lifestyles. 5. catch the missing words of someone’s favorite activities. 6. review the usage of “preferences”. 7. explain their simple lifestyles. 8. demonstrate their favorite parts of the lessons from unit 2 3. THE SEA At the end of the meeting the students are expected to be able to : 1. recall some sea creatures they have seen. 2. tell some films about sea and some activities in the sea. 3. recognize a narrative text. 4. memorize a story. 5. continue an unfinished fiction. 6. fill in the blanks parts while listening to a conversation about “Squid” and “Octopus”. 7. compare things. 8. give opinions. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4. CYBERSPACE At the end of the meeting the students are expected to be able to: 1. catch the information about ASIMO. 2. review the information about ASIMO. 3. memorize the information from a text. 4. report the reading text. 5. tell the procedures of making a blog. 6. differentiate the usage of “will” and “be going to”. 7. compose some plans. 5. GLOBAL WARMING At the end of the meeting the students are expected to be able to: 1. catch the information about fighting global warming. 2. answer comprehension questions. 3. memorize information from a text. 4. answer questions related to a text. 5. reproduce giving suggestions and gerund. 6. practice giving advices and giving solutions. 6. A LOT LIKE LOVE At the end of the meeting the students are expected to be able to: 1. describe the meaning of “LOVE”. 2. complete the missing parts of a song lyric. 3. identify information from a text. 4. analyze the meaning of love from a story. 5. practice using expressions of making polite request and apologize. 6. organize a passage including polite request and apologizing. 7. HI- TECHNOLOGY At the end of the meeting the students are expected to be able to: 1. recall some information about recent gadget. 2. give simple description about the gadget. 3. identify some important information from a reading text. 4. identify correct statement related to a reading text. 5. catch the information about two products. 6. choose and reproduce the correct answers related to two-product-information. 7. reproduce sentences about indirect questions. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8. list 5 indirect questions related to common issues about new released gadget. 9. practice indirect questions in a simple passage. 8. DESIGN At the end of the meeting the students are expected to be able to: 1. name some famous places. 2. tell simple descriptions about the places. 3. memorize a story and information from the story. 4. explain information presented in a text. 5. recognize descriptive texts. 6. arrange some sentences with relative clauses. 7. catch descriptions of a room and draw the room. 8. write the descriptions of their dream houses. Stage 4: Listing Subject Contents In order to help the students to accomplish the learning objectives or indicators after each meeting, the researcher made a list of subject contents in each topic. In considering the subject contents, the researcher should relate to the objectives and the students’ needs. Reflecting to the nature of language lesson of reflective teaching, there would be four sections in each unit, namely “Warm Up”, “What’s New?”, “Let’s Practice It”, and “My Journal”. The detail elaboration will be explained as follows.

a. Warm Up

At the beginning section, the teacher should be able to draw students’ attention toward the topic given. In order to do this, the teacher will introduce the topic for each meeting and discuss it. The topics of discussion are provided in this section in order to gain students participations in the learning activities. The teacher will invite and stimulate the students to participate in giving opinions, sharing, and expressing themselves toward the topic given. This section will provide discussions activities and listening activity so that the students can have an overview of the materials that will be learnt. There will be also some key words that can be used to help the students in the discussions. b. What’s New? This section gives the students more knowledge related to the topic discussed in each meeting by providing a reading text. The content of the reading text is closely related to the topic so that the students can get more information that can be used as additional view toward the topics for their journals. After having reading the test, the students will have an activity reflecting to their comprehension of the reading passage.

c. Let’s Practice it

This section aims to provide the students with language focuses that are closely used in the theme of each module. This section helps them with some forms to express their opinion, thought and any discussion about the topic. After discussing the language focuses, the students are provided with some exercises related to them. It can be in form of listening activity or discussion on the language focuses. My Journal This section is the last part of each topic but the most important. As in reflective teaching, my journal is the part where to put the conclusion, the emphasis of what have been learnt, review, or relation of what have been discussed to the students’ real PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI life. This section provide the students time and chance to write in their journal about their expression, opinion, thought, or anything they want to write according to the prompt given related to the topic in each meeting. The four sections in each topic are all connected. Section 1Warm Up, section 2 What’s New?, and section 3 Let’s Practice it are used to build the mental format in the students’ mind so they can finally jot it down in their journal. Stage 5: Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Materials In order to accomplish the objectives, the researcher formulated teaching learning activities and materials. The activities selected should bring enjoyable learning atmosphere in order to enhance students’ motivation in writing. Therefore, the researcher formulated the learning activities incorporating journal writing reflecting to the concept of reflective teaching in second language classrooms by considering the results of needs survey. The students will learn English by discussing some actual information that is closely related to their real life as teenagers. They will have discussions on certain issues and relate them to their own life, reading activity on actual information, and listening to information related to topics. The students should feel free to express their opinions, thoughts, and experiences. Some activities of listening to a song and mini discussions will be presented. They will also learn to do the activities individually, in pairs as well as in conferences when having the sharing and discussions. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The materials are needed to help the students learn effectively and in an interesting and enjoyable way. Pictures, song and lyrics, speech, articles, and news from internet, books, or magazines are interesting materials for the students. Stage 6: Designing Materials The results of previous five stages are very useful as the basis for designing the materials. The researcher took some sources from several English books, magazines, and from the internet in order to collect and develop the contents as well as the design of the layout. The researcher designed a set of materials for students, which is called “Student’s Book” and a book for teacher, which corresponds to the one that the students have. The book for the teacher is called “Teacher’s Book”. Stage 7: Evaluating the Designed Materials In order that the materials best facilitating the learning, the researcher proposed the designed materials by distributing a questionnaire to two lecturers of the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and three English Teachers from SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. The researcher expected corrections, suggestions, and criticisms from the respondents. The evaluation of the designed materials will be discussed in the second and third parts of this chapter. Stage 8: Revising the Materials The last step of this research was revising the designed materials. The revision was based on the feedback given by the five respondents. This step was important to do in order to make the designed materials most facilitate the students to achieve the goals of English lesson. After finishing the revision, the final version of writing instructional materials incorporating journal writing for the eleventh grade students of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta could be well presented.

B. The Findings of the Designed Materials Evaluation

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