The Forms of Writing

Thus, all writing situation can be described as this simple diagram: topic writer text reader form of writing The central level of the diagram writer Æ text Æ reader describes the basic process of written communication. The writer produces the information or message in form of text, and the reader interprets and understands it. In order for this to happen, however, both the writer and the reader have to share the same knowledge, the topic being discussed and the form of writing or the text. In this writing practice, the students as the writers are challenged to communicate their personal “voice” toward the prompts in form of texts they write in their journal so that the messages can be delivered to the reader. It is hoped that through writing their journals, they can express their thoughts creatively and in the same time understands grammar and vocabulary as well.

c. The Forms of Writing

In the following discussion, Scholes and Comley 1985:8-12 suggest ten basic forms for writing categorized in three orientations. 1 Writer-oriented Forms Writer-oriented forms are forms of writing in which the center of attention is the writer. They deal with feeling and thought and do not require research, observation, and documentation. Thus, writing is considered as a way of thinking as well as a means of communication, and the one who thinks is us. This personal writing can be easier accomplished if we understand the personal forms of writing and understand well our own feeling and values. There are two forms of writing that are writer-oriented: a Expression This form most concerns about the feelings or thoughts of the writer. Jotting down what is in our mind into words can make us feel better and understand more about ourselves. Besides, practices in expressive writing allow us to extend and grow our thoughts. Most of our writings are for others to read but written expression is for us. b Reflection Reflection is so much different with expression. When we write reflection, we do not simply write subjectively about ourselves, but objectively as well. It means that we need perspective to look back some previous self-aimed to find out significance in the events of our own lives. 2 Reader-oriented Forms Forms of writing that are reader-oriented focus the writing on the principle of paying attention to the reader. There are two forms of reader-oriented forms: a Direction Two simple things that most directive writing must do are providing the information and arranging the information in the most useful intelligible order. Those PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI must focus on the reader and present procedures that do not make any confusion to the reader. b Persuasion Reader is also the major point in persuasion. However, persuasion is designed to produce a want or to motivate an action. Thus, persuasion is closely related to emotion of the reader. 3 Topic-oriented Forms Topics given in topic-oriented forms are presented to the reader for the sake of informing or for thoughtful consideration. There are six major types of topic-oriented forms: a Narration Narration is a form of writing shared by a creative writer who invent the events to be narrated and a reporter or researcher who seeks to record or recovers some actual events. From practice in narration, we learn how to manage time, organize language as well as to capture and display the events. b Description In description, we manage an object or scene and capture it in language. We organize the detail of the object or scene to be described in most effective way. c Classification In classification, we organize our material by a principle of logic. We will categorize all things into particular categories or even subcategories of class of things. In this form, we can see writing is closely related with thinking. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI d Argumentation Argumentation is different with persuasion. It is aimed to clarify a topic rather that to move the reader. It functions to make the reader see about a particular way or view rather than to make the reader do action. e Analysis Analysis is about both how to observe and how to write what have been observed. It involves how to see things separately and see how those things related each other. f Synthesis In synthesis, the writer develops a thesis using the structure of an argument and the data provided by the researcher of the analysis. From the explanation above, it is concluded that practice writing through journal implements writer-oriented forms that concerns about expressions and reflections. Practically, most of the topics for journal entries given to the students will be about their expressions to the issues and their reflections about the materials learnt. This practice writing aims to give the students time or chances to be creative writers and let them write expressively that nothing can inhibit them.

d. The Concept of Writing

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