Discussion on Revisions of the Designed materials

c Respondents’ Suggestions on the Designed Materials Suggestions were very valuable to improve the designed materials in order to make the final version of the designed materials. The respondents suggested to the researcher some points as presented below. 1. One respondent suggested changing time allocations in the syllabus especially for reading activities. 2. Two respondents suggested checking some grammatical mistakes. 3. Two respondents suggested reconsidering the layout and minimizing the fonts and crowdedness in some pages. 4. Two respondents suggested adding some guiding questions for “My Journal” in order to make the students find it easier to write because as stated by one respondent that it is difficult for the students to write the first sentence. 5. One respondent suggested simplifying some reading texts. 6. One respondent suggested providing clearer instructions. 7. One respondent suggested giving examples in each exercises. 8. One respondent suggested the researcher relate the example of each language focus in “Let’s Practice It” to materials that had been discussed previously in “Warm Up” or “What’s New?”

C. Discussion on Revisions of the Designed materials

Based on the data presentation of the descriptive statistics, the grand mean was more that four 4. It can be concluded that the designed materials were acceptable and appropriate. However, revisions and improvements were still carried out based on the respondents’ suggestions. The researcher considered the suggestions and used some of them to revise and improve the materials. To present good relation among the materials, the researcher changed some examples in the language focus. The researcher took some examples from the text discussed in the previous section before the language focus. It was done in order to make the materials in all sections more related to each other to the topic in each unit. The researcher agreed to add more examples in some of the exercises in each module. The addition of examples was aimed to provide clearer tasks to the students so that they can express their ideas and thoughts better. The researcher also agreed to change some instructions both in “Student’s Book” and “in Teacher’s Book”. For some unclear instructions, the researcher revised them to be clearer so that they can be helpful for both students and teachers. Meanwhile, for some needed instructions that did not exist both in “Students’ Book” and “Teacher’s Book”, the researcher added them especially the instructions that aimed to encourage the students to use a dictionary or the glossary for some difficult words. It is a good encouragement since it can train the students with better learning than just giving directly the meaning of the difficult words. There were some suggestions about rechecking some grammatical mistakes and misspellings. For those suggestions, the researcher revised some grammatical mistakes and rechecked misspellings. The correction was needed in order to avoid confusion. Moreover, there were also some suggestions about reconsidering the layout and minimizing some of the crowded pages. The researcher agreed to change some layout and minimized some of the crowded pages so that they will not distract students’ attention toward the lessons. There were some suggestions from the respondents about adding guided questions for “My Journal” in order to make the students find it easier to write because of their difficulties in writing the first sentence. For this suggestion, the researcher did not revise the prompts for “My Journal” in each topic. However, the researcher provided some prompts as guidance for the students to write in their journal. This was done because the researcher would like to challenge and give chance to the students to write expressively based on the prompts given and not bound with some questions that should be answered. The researcher did not change time allocation in the syllabus, especially for reading activities. The researcher had calculated the time allocations considering the flow of the learning process in order to build the students’ view on each topic so that in the last section of each module, “My Journal”, they can write many expressions, ideas, thoughts, and opinions on the prompts given. Besides, based on the principle in journal writing, the activity of writing a journal should be given as the reflection of the lesson that has been done in each meeting. The researcher did not simplify any reading text because some of the reading texts and listening scripts had been summarized from the original texts. Besides, the researcher would like to provide authentic texts from the original native writers. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

D. Presentation of the Final Version of the Designed Materials

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