Declarative Category Speech Acts Categories in TYS column

39 The typical characteristic of TYS column is that assertive category is the most frequently employed speech act category. The text writers prefer to give the opinions to commit themselves to the truth of the issue. The text writers support the policy to forbid people which smoke in public places. They prefer to show the fact of the issue, explain the effects of smoking, and tell their experiences when they are around the smoker in public places. Here, the researcher provides the example of findings: 20 TB.11 NgurahRai International Airport knows how to deal with this issue. The text has only one-sentence length and one speech act category. From the text, the text writer asserts that Ngurah Rai International Airport knows how to deal with this issue. The airport is able to solve the problem. In this case, the text writer convinces the readers to believe what he says. Therefore , the speaker’s statement shows assertive category.

3. Theme C: Jokowi Told to Drop Prohibition Bill

Some fractions of Indonesian government had been trying to control illicit alcohol production and consumption. That was including a bill draft with a clause that says those caught consuming alcohol will face a minimum of three months and maximum of two years imprisonment. Table 4.3 Speech act category classification in Theme C Theme C Speech act category No Text ass com dir exp dec 1 TC.27  -   - Total 1 1 1 40 From Table 4.3, the text has eight-sentence length and three speech act categories. Although there was only one text of the opinion, the speaker wrote a long text to respond the issue. The typical characteristic of TYS column in the theme is the combination of assertive, directive, and expressive categories in one text. Assertive, directive, and expressive categories appear together in one text. In the text, the text writer commits himself to the fact, wants other people to do action, and share his feeling toward the issue. Here, the researcher provides the finding: 21 TC.27 I thought that we had already suffered enough by all that has happened in the past weeks and months — but no. That about-to-be-legalized prohibition bill is now threatening those of us who are sensible drinkers, who cherish the enjoyment of alcoholic drinks. That most of us are moderate drinkers who will never become abusive drunks has never been considered by the fanatical, intellectually challenged individuals and sponsors who drew up and supported that bill, and who have only their own political and religious interests at heart. Has President Widodo been sufficiently informed of the fact that, if the prohibition bill is legalized, more than 180,000 workers in the local breweries are going to be laid off and will have no income to feed their families? Does the President know that in the past months, more than 160 people, mostly financially disadvantaged, died a painful death from drinking illegally concocted alcoholic drinks, which contained, among other things, insect repellent? At the time when local drinks such as arak and tuak palm wine could still be freely consumed, also by those with a relatively low income, such as fishermen, reports about such deaths were unheard of. And has anyone on his presidential advisory board ever told him that, for several years now, numerous tourists from the Middle East have been flocking to areas such as Puncak, West Java, taking with them large amounts of high-alcohol content beverages such as whisky and cognac, which they guzzle there? All taxi drivers who take Middle Eastern tourists to their tourist destinations know about this. If the President is really serious about his program to double this country’s income from tourism, especially from foreigners from Western countries and from Australia, then he should, by all means, be decisive, marshal his courage and immediately invalidate and quash all plans to legalize the bill.