1. Bahan baku yang paling berpengaruh dalam pembuatan formulasi biskuit yaitu soft flour, pati modifikasi A, pati modifikasi B dan bahan pengembang dengan variabel respon yang penting yaitu weight loss, L increase dan tebal. 2. Bahan pengembang yang digunakan yaitu natrium bikarbonat, baking powder dan ammonium bikarbonat memiliki pengaruh pada biskuit yang dihasilkan dalam hal pengembangan spread dan after taste yang kurang disukai. 3. Formula terpilih yang direkomendasikan oleh program Design Expert version 7 menunjukkan bahwa untuk menghasilkan lighter biscuit yang optimum digunakan soft flour 39.62 , pati modifikasi A 4.318 , pati modifikasi B 4.5 dan bahan pengembang 3.5 dengan nilai desirability 0.964662. Hal ini berarti bahwa kemampuan formula untuk menghasilkan lighter biscuit yang sesuai dengan keinginan kita optimum sebesar 96.47 . B. 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LAMPIRAN 61 Lampiran 1 Hasil uji variasi bahan baku 1. Uji variasi bahan pengembang Respon Formula F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 WT loss 10.2 9.64 10.76 11.13 10.43 9.56 10.32 11.59 L increase 15.24 16.05 20.76 19.35 22.87 13.83 28.07 25.34 2. Uji variasi tepung Respon Formula F1 F2 F3 WT loss 10.20 11.22 11.00 L increase 15.24 12.31 23.26 3. Uji variasi pati Respon Formula F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 WT loss 10.96 9.18 9.97 9.98 11.18 10.07 11.13 L increase 14.40 9.70 23.71 8.88 21.76 16.36 21.09 4. Uji variasi shortening Respon Formula F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 WT loss 9.79 10.92 9.74 11.29 13.66 11.89 L increase 10.72 26.35 29.64 18.51 28.77 21.50 5. Uji variasi mixing Respon Formula F1 F2 F3 F4 WT loss 10.20 9.05 11.45 11.08 L increase 15.24 29.75 12.14 21.06 62 Lampiran 2 Respon 1 WT LOSS ANOVA for Mixture Quadratic Model Mixture Component Coding is U_Pseudo. Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III] Sum of Mean F p-value Source Squares df Square Value Prob F Model 20.83163 9 2.314625 63660000 0.0001 significant Linear Mixture 7.827159 3 2.609053 63660000 0.0001 AB 0.600714 1 0.600714 63660000 0.0001 AC 3.504018 1 3.504018 63660000 0.0001 AD 1.550255 1 1.550255 63660000 0.0001 BC 5.377067 1 5.377067 63660000 0.0001 BD 0.756150 1 0.756150 63660000 0.0001 CD 0.007350 1 0.007350 63660000 0.0001 Pure Error 0 2 0 Cor Total 20.83163 11 The Model F-value of 63660000.00 implies the model is significant. There is only a 0.01 chance that a Model F-Value this large could occur due to noise. Values of Prob F less than 0.0500 indicate model terms are significant. In this case Linear Mixture Components, AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD are significant model terms. Values greater than 0.1000 indicate the model terms are not significant. If there are many insignificant model terms not counting those required to support hierarchy, model reduction may improve your model. 63 Lampiran 3. Keterangan : A = soft flour C = pati modifikasi B B = pati modifikasi A D = bahan pengembang Final Equation in Terms of U_Pseudo Components: WT LOSS = 17.77 A 16.12 B 17.54 C 14.43 D 2.9 A B -8.78 A C 5.84 A D 11.36 B C 4.26 B D 0.42 C D Final Equation in Terms of Real Components: terhadap 100 total bahan WT LOSS = 1481.43 A -37461.4 B 62364.07 C -52392.6 D 31366.4 A B -94964.5 A C 63165.44 A D 122869.8 B C 46076.16 B D 4542.72 C D Final Equation in Terms of Actual Components: terhadap 52 total bahan WT LOSS = 28.48904 A -720.411 B 1199.309 C -1007.55 D 11.6 A B -35.12 A C 23.36 A D 45.44 B C 17.04 B D 1.68 C D 64 Lampiran 4. Respon 2 L increase ANOVA for Mixture Quadratic Model Mixture Component Coding is U_Pseudo. Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III] Sum of Mean F p-value Source Squares df Square Value Prob F Model 17.34990 9 1.927767 63660000 0.0001 significant Linear Mixture 0.098081 3 0.032694 63660000 0.0001 AB 0.096114 1 0.096114 63660000 0.0001 AC 4.016364 1 4.016364 63660000 0.0001 AD 8.040455 1 8.040455 63660000 0.0001 BC 1.622400 1 1.622400 63660000 0.0001 BD 0.546017 1 0.546017 63660000 0.0001 CD 1.334817 1 1.334817 63660000 0.0001 Pure Error 2 Cor Total 17.3499 11 The Model F-value of 63660000.00 implies the model is significant. There is only a 0.01 chance that a Model F-Value this large could occur due to noise. Values of Prob F less than 0.0500 indicate model terms are significant. In this case Linear Mixture Components, AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD are significant model terms. Values greater than 0.1000 indicate the model terms are not significant. If there are many insignificant model terms not counting those required to support hierarchy, model reduction may improve your model. 65 Lampiran 5. Final Equation in Terms of U_Pseud Components : L increase = 5.22 A 5.66 B 4.98 C 6.81 D 1.16 A B 9.4 A C -13.3 A D -6.24 B C -3.62 B D -5.66 C D Final Equation in Terms of Real Components: L increase = -1118.49 A -2137.69 B -69138.6 C 118260 D 12546.56 A B 101670.4 A C -143853 A D -67491.8 B C -39153.9 B D -61218.6 C D Final Equation in Terms of Actual Components: L increase = -21.5094 A -41.1094 B -1329.59 C 2274.231 D 4.64 A B 37.6 A C -53.2 A D -24.96 B C -14.48 B D -22.64 C D Keterangan : A = soft flour C = pati modifikasi B B = pati modifikasi A D = bahan pengembang 66 Lampiran 6. Respon 3 Tebal ANOVA for Mixture Quadratic Model Mixture Component Coding is U_Pseudo. Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III] Sum of Mean F p-value Source Squares df Square Value Prob F Model 0.020348 9 0.002261 9.992821 0.0942 not significant Linear Mixture 0.011682 3 0.003894 17.21156 0.0554 AB 0.000402 1 0.000402 1.775848 0.3142 AC 0.002240 1 0.002240 9.901356 0.0879 AD 0.001106 1 0.001106 4.889201 0.1576 BC 0.001717 1 0.001717 7.589134 0.1104 BD 0.000155 1 0.000155 0.685267 0.4948 CD 0.001429 1 0.001429 6.316582 0.1285 Pure Error 0.000453 2 0.000226 Cor Total 0.020800 11 The Model F-value of 9.99 implies there is a 9.42 chance that a Model F-Value this large could occur due to noise. Values of Prob F less than 0.0500 indicate model terms are significant. In this case there are no significant model terms. Values greater than 0.1000 indicate the model terms are not significant. If there are many insignificant model terms not counting those required to support hierarchy, model reduction may improve your model. 67 Lampiran 7. Final Equation in Terms of U_Pseudo Components : Tebal = 0.814 A 0.7935 B 0.747 C 0.712 D 0.075 A B -0.222 A C 0.156 A D -0.203 B C -0.061 B D 0.1852 C D Final Equation in Terms of Real Components: Tebal = -3.7619 A -415.238 B 1881.404 C -1431.35 D 811.2 A B -2401.15 A C 1687.296 A D -2195.65 B C -659.776 B D 2003.123 C D Final Equation in Terms of Actual Components: Tebal = -0.07234 A -7.98534 B 36.18086 C -27.5259 D 0.3 A B -0.888 A C 0.624 A D -0.812 B C -0.244 B D 0.7408 C D Keterangan : A = soft flour C = pati modifikasi B B = pati modifikasi A D = bahan pengembang Lampiran 8. Optimasi Constraints Lower Upper Lower Upper Name Goal Limit Limit Weight Weight Importance SF is in range

39.5 40

1 1 3 Pati modifikasi A is in range 4 4.5 1 1 3 Pati modifikasi B is in range 4 4.5 1 1 3 LA is in range 3

3.5 1

1 3 tebal maximize 0.712 0.828 1 1 3 WT loss is in range 14.43

19.67 1

1 3 L increase is in range

2.69 7.45

1 1 3 Solutions Number SF Pati modifikasi A Pati modifikasi B LA tebal WT loss L increase Desirability 1 39.682 4.318 4.5 3.5 0.823901 17.84 5.65 0.964662 Selected Component Name Level Low Level High Level Std. Dev. Coding A SF 39.75 39.5 40 Actual B Pati modif. A 4.5 4 4.5 Actual C Pati modif. B 4.25 4 4.5 Actual D LA 3.5 3 3.5 Actual Total = 52 69 Lampiran 9. HASIL UJI RATING DAN DESKRIPSI FORMULA TERPILIH LIGHTER BISCUIT Nama Kode Rasaflavor Tekstur Intensitas aftertaste Intensitas Kebulatan balance Mba Somy 217 8 5 7 8 Mba Lia 217 8 8 6 8 Pipit 217 4 5 7 6 Pak Widodo 217 9 9 7 5 Linda 217 3 5 5 2 Bu Yani 217 8 3 8 8 Mba Chusnul 217 9 5 10 9 Mba Meri 217 5 4 9 9 Mba Erni 217 8 7 5 6 Cici 217 7 4 8 6 Iqbal 217 7 5 8 7.5 Mba Wulan 217 5 10 10 10 Keterangan : a. Intensitas rasa 0-10 : semakin sangat kuat b. Kebulatanbalance rasa 0-10 : semakin sangat bulat c. Tekstur 0-10 : semakin sangat keras d. Intensitas after taste 0-10 ; semakin sangat kuat Lampiran 10. Descriptive Statistics : INTENSITAS, BALANCE, TEKSTUR, AFTERTASTE Variable Mean SE Mean StDev Variance CoefVar Minimum Maximum Range INTENSITAS 6.750 0.579 2.006 4.023 29.71 3.000 9.000 6.000 BALANCE 5.833 0.626 2.167 4.697 37.15 3.000 10.000 7.000 TEKSTUR 7.500 0.485 1.679 2.818 22.38 5.000 10.000 5.000 AFTERTASTE 7.042 0.629 2.179 4.748 30.94 2.000 10.000 8.000 Jurnal Skripsi Kajian Formulasi Lighter Biscuit Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Produk Baru di PT Arnott’s Indonesia Bekasi Oleh : Molid Nurman Hadi F24102076 Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor Abstract This research was focused to get formula of biscuit specially the optimum lighter biscuit. First step from the research is test of variation from raw materials there are leavening agent, flour, starch, shortening, and also test of mixing process. Then continued with make planning of the optimum lighter biscuit formula use Design Expert version 7 as the software. There is 12 formula as the result from this software, which is weight loss L Increase, and thick as variable of product respond. The choosen formula from optimation process of making lighter biscuit is F New 1, which is soft flour 39.62, modification starch A 4.318, modification starch B 4.5 and leavening agent 3.5 as the composition. This Formula will yield biscuit thickly 0.823901 cm, WT Loss 17.84, L Increase 5.65 from the prediction, and give desirability value about 0.964662. it means the formula will yield product with most optimal characteristic and it is about 96.47 which is most desireable . After validation, we obtained biscuit with thick value 0.95 cm, WT Loss 18.03 and L Increase 4.53.

I. Pendahuluan