Q4 Data Q5 Data


4. Q4 Data

No. No. Data Q4 1. See the many wonders of Indonesia. 2. Step on our new CRJ1000 NextGen 3. Terms and condition apply. 1. Favorable word a. Step on our new CRJ1000 NextGen The word „new‟ here gives a positive image to the CRJ100 NextGen. We know that the word „new‟ gives an interesting value that something new will be different as it has a better quality than the old one. In this case, the favorable word “new” influences the readers by creating happy outcome to the readers. 2. Imperative sentences a. See the many wonders of Indonesia. The use of imperative “see” influences the readers to take an action. The word “see” offers an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Indonesia by flying with Garuda. Beside the readers can go anywhere, they also enjoy the wonders of certain place. b. Step on our new CRJ1000 NextGen The use of imperative “step” influences the readers to use Garuda. The word “step” influences the reader to step on by using Garuda Airline. Universitas Sumatera Utara 67 3. Simple sentence a. Terms and condition apply. The sentence contains the basic element of a sentence, subject, verb and complement. In this case the sentence consists of subject terms and condition and verb apply. The simple sentence influences the readers by reducing the difficulties of the text. So, the readers can understand the text easily.

5. Q5 Data

No. No. Data Q5 1. Garuda Indonesia The Airline of Indonesia 2. Proud to take Indonesia to the world stage 3. World‟s Best Cabin Crew 2014 1. Short phrase a. Garuda Indonesia The Airline of Indonesia The phrase contains six words. The use of short phrase Garuda Indonesia, The Airline of Indonesia influences the readers by giving briskness to the readers. The writer only use phrase, but it can influence and persuade the readers that Garuda is an airline of Indonesia, it can influence the readers especially Indonesian people to use Garuda Indonesia. b. Proud to take Indonesia to the world stage The phrase consists of 8 words. The phrase “Proud to take Indonesia to the world‟s stage” stands for a sentence that means Garuda is proud to take Indonesia to the world‟s stage, but the writer avoids using subject to make the Universitas Sumatera Utara 68 advertisement simple and interesting. The use of short phrase influences the reader by giving a directness of the text in which the text can be easy to understand. c. World‟s Best Cabin Crew 2014 The phrase consists of 4 words. actually stands for Garuda has world‟s best cabin crew. But by giving a short phrase, it can speak much and give the point directly. The readers are influenced as they are given a phrase which is simple and interesting. 2. Favorable word a. World‟s Best Cabin Crew 2014 The value of the cabin crew is more interesting by the existence of favorable word “best”. When the cabin crew is completed by “best”, it gives a positive image to the cabin crew offered. There is no real proof that proves the quality of cabin crew itself, but the word “best” influences the readers to believe that Garuda is a choice due to its cabin crew. So, the favorable word here influences the readers by giving happy outcome to the readers that make the readers interested in using Garuda.

6. Q6 Data