Diameter Dalam Shell D Menghitung Tekanan Desain Bahan Konstruksi

A-103 Volume desain reaktor merupakan penjumlahan volume shell, volume head and bottom torispherical, dan volume straight flange head and bottom. V r = V shell + V head atas + V head bawah + V straight flange F.9 5999,5103 ft 3 = 4 H D I π s 2 +          4 sf D I π 2 2 + 2  0,000076 I 3 D H s = 225,12 in Diambil H s = 288 in = 24 ft = 7,32 m

b. Tinggi Tutup OA

OA = t h + b + sf Keterangan : b = Depth of dish inside, in t h = tebal torispherical head, in sf = straight flange, in

i. Menghitung tebal

head C P . 2 , E . f . 2 V . ID . P t h    Brownell Young,pers. 7.77,1959 k 2 6 1 V 2   Brownell Young,pers. 7.76,1959 Keterangan : V = stress-intensification factor k = , b a mayor-to-minor-axis ratio a = 2 ID = 2 235,66 = 117,83 in b = 915 , 58 4 235,66 4   ID in A-104 OD ID A B icr b a t r O A sf k = 2 V = 1 2 2 6 1 2   t = 125 , 2 , 43 , 234 85 , 18.750 2 1 240 43 , 234        = 1,906 in Digunakan tebal plat standar = 2 in Gambar C.7.1 Dimensi torisherical flanged and dish Heads ii. Tinggi Tutup OA Tinggi head and bottom torrispherical adalah : OA = t h + b + sf = 2 in + 60 in + 2 in = 64 in = 5,33 ft = 1,63 m

c. Tinggi Cairan H

L,s A-105 Tinggi cairan di shell H L,S = H L – OA = 240 in – 64 in = 176 in = 14,67 ft = 4,407 m

d. Menghitung Tinggi Total Reaktor

Tinggi total reaktor = tinggi shell H s +     OA atau tutup tinggi 2  = 24 ft + 2 x 5,33 ft = 34,67 ft = 10,57 m

D. Perancangan Sparger

1. Menentukan Koefisien Difusifitas D AL Proses difusi terjadi di dalam fasa cair. Persamaan yang digunakan adalah : Coulson Vol 6, 1989; hal 255, Pers 8.22 Keterangan : Φ : Association parameter = 1 M : Berat molekul larutan, kg kgmol = 106 T : Temperatur, K = 483 K μ Viskositas larutan, kgm.det = η,32θ x 10 -4 V m : Volume molal zat terlarut, m 3 kmol Berdasarkan Tabel 8.6 Coulson Vol 6, 1989; hal 256 V m O 2 = 0,0256 m 3 kmol   0,6 m 0,5 18 AL V T M 10 . 3 , 117 D      