5.1. Kesimpulan

Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan penelitian tentang pemberian ekstrak air jahe pada mencit yang dipapari plumbum, dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal seperti yang tercantum di bawah ini: 1. Ekstrak jahe 0,7 mggBB dapat menurunkan kadar MDA testis mencit yang diberi plumbum asetat 0,1 mggBB. 2. Ekstrak jahe sebesar 1,4 mggBB juga menurunkan kadar MDA testis tetapi berbeda tidak nyata dengan ekstrak jahe 0,7mggBB. 3. Ekstrak jahe 0,7 mggBB dapat melebarkan diameter tubulus seminiferus testis mencit yang diberi plumbum asetat. 4. Ekstrak jahe 1,4 mggBB mengecilkan diameter tubulus seminiferus testis pada mencit yang diberi plumbum asetat meskipun berbeda tidak nyata dengan ekstrak jahe 0,7mggBB. 5. Ekstrak jahe 0,7 mggBB dapat menebalkan epitel tubulus seminiferus mencit yang diberi plumbum asetat. 6. Ekstrak jahe 1,4 mggBB menebalkan epitel tubulus seminiferus testis pada mencit yang diberi plumbum asetat meskipun tidak lebih tebal dan berbeda tidak nyata dengan ekstrak jahe 0,7mggBB. Universitas Sumatera Utara

5.2. Saran

Untuk dapat lebih menjelaskan hal-hal lain yang mendukung dan guna aplikasi lanjut nantinya, maka disarankan; a. Penelitian tentang pencarian dosis optimum dari ekstrak jahe dalam menekan pengaruh radikal bebas. b. Perlu dilakukan pengamatan pada beberapa parameter lain seperti; kualitas dan kuantitas spermatozoa dan sel Leydig, tingah laku seksual termasuk kondisi libido pada hewan yang dipapari oksidan seperti plumbum. c. Penelitian dari semua komponen yang ada pada ekstrak jahe sehingga dapat dijelaskan khasiat ekstrak jahe terhadap sistem reproduksi. Universitas Sumatera Utara DAFTAR PUSTAKA Acharya U.R, Acharya S dan Mishra M, 2003. Lead Acetat Induced Cytotoxicity in Male germinal cells of Swiss Mice. Industrial Health. 41: 291-294. Acharya S, Acharya UR, 1997. In vivo lipid peroxidation responses of tissues in lead- treated swiss mice. Ind Health 35: 542–544. Agarwal, A., Prabakaran, S., Said, T. 2005. Prevention of Oxidatif Stress Injury to Sperm. 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Data Kadar MDA dalam Testis Mencit Jantan Dewasa µMmL Ulangan P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 1 9,031 13,849 15,439 12,045 6,482 6,929 2 12,442 11,614 11,366 16,896 9,429 8,733 3 9,230 15,306 8,949 10,488 6,978 16,167 4 6,515 14,570 17,690 9,611 7,409 9,131 x ±SD 9,305±2,429 13,835±1,595 13,361±3,937 12,260±3,250 7,575±1,293 10,240±4,066 Uji Normalitas MDA Testis, Uji Homogenitas MDA Testis, dan Oneway ANOVA Hasil Uji: Data berdistribusi normal p0,05 Uji Homogenitas MDA Testis Hasil Uji: Variansi Data Homogen normal p0,05 Tests of Normality .262 4 . .952 4 .731 .254 4 . .925 4 .563 .201 4 . .961 4 .785 .276 4 . .875 4 .317 .301 4 . .877 4 .325 .357 4 . .830 4 .167 Kelompok P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 MDA_testis Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Lilliefors Significance Correction a. Test of Homogeneity of Variance 1.569 5 18 .219 .818 5 18 .552 .818 5 9.718 .564 1.427 5 18 .262 Based on Mean Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean MDA_testis Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. Universitas Sumatera Utara Lanjutan Lampiran 2. Oneway Hasil Uji: Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antar perlakuan p=0,051 p0,05 ANOVA MDA_testis 121.316 5 24.263 2.762 .051 158.152 18 8.786 279.468 23 Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Universitas Sumatera Utara Lampiran 3. Data Diameter Tubulus Seminiferus Testis. Tabel 7. Data Diameter Tubulus Seminiferus Testis. Ulangan P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 1 135,33 169,75 184,47 176,78 178,45 111,61 2 148,43 216,36 136,14 170,45 195,61 123,82 3 172,93 137,15 171,38 162,2 121,34 114,63 4 147,95 171,99 156,33 168,23 120,86 68,66 x ±SD 151,16±15,73 173,81±32,53 162,08±20,77 169,42±6,02154,07±38,70 104,68±24,57 Hasil Uji: Data berdistribusi normal p0,05 Hasil Uji: Variansi Data Homogen normal p0,05 Tests of Normality .319 4 . .905 4 .457 .272 4 . .946 4 .694 .173 4 . .986 4 .937 .182 4 . .992 4 .969 .301 4 . .825 4 .154 .361 4 . .815 4 .132 .286 4 . .937 4 .636 Kelompok P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P0 Diameter_TS Tebal_TS Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Test of Homogeneity of Variance 2.618 5 18 .060 1.870 5 18 .150 1.870 5 9.981 .187 2.510 5 18 .068 Based on Mean Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean Based on Mean Diameter_TS Tebal_TS Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. Universitas Sumatera Utara Lanjutan Lampiran 3. Uji Normalitas dan Uji Homogenitas Diameter Tubulus Seminiferus Testis setelah data ditransformasi 3.90 3.85 3.80 3.75 3.70 3.65 3.60 Level 3.6 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.4 2.1 S p re a d Slope = 2.907 Power for transformation = -1.907 Plot of LN of Spread vs LN of Level Spread vs. Level Plot of Tebal_TS by Kelompok Tests of Normality .252 4 . .957 4 .762 .435 4 . .639 4 .002 .243 4 . .939 4 .649 .247 4 . .892 4 .395 .256 4 . .916 4 .516 .305 4 . .752 4 .040 Kelompok P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 trans_Tebal_TS Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Lilliefors Significance Correction a. Test of Homogeneity of Variance 3.412 5 18 .024 .677 5 18 .646 .677 5 4.329 .663 2.795 5 18 .049 Based on Mean Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean trans_Tebal_TS Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. Universitas Sumatera Utara Lanjutan Lampiran 3. Oneway Hasil: Tebal Sel Epitel Tubulus Seminiferus berbeda nyata antara masing-masing perlakuan. Jadi perlu dilakukan analisis lanjut dengan Analisis Post Hoc - Bonferroni. Post Hoc Tests ANOVA Diameter_TS 12492.424 5 2498.485 3.869 .015 11623.976 18 645.776 24116.400 23 Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Universitas Sumatera Utara Lanjutan Lampiran 3. Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Diameter_TS Bonferroni -22.65250 17.96909 1.000 -83.3945 38.0895 -10.92000 17.96909 1.000 -71.6620 49.8220 -18.25500 17.96909 1.000 -78.9970 42.4870 -2.90500 17.96909 1.000 -63.6470 57.8370 46.48000 17.96909 .279 -14.2620 107.2220 22.65250 17.96909 1.000 -38.0895 83.3945 11.73250 17.96909 1.000 -49.0095 72.4745 4.39750 17.96909 1.000 -56.3445 65.1395 19.74750 17.96909 1.000 -40.9945 80.4895 69.13250 17.96909 .018 8.3905 129.8745 10.92000 17.96909 1.000 -49.8220 71.6620 -11.73250 17.96909 1.000 -72.4745 49.0095 -7.33500 17.96909 1.000 -68.0770 53.4070 8.01500 17.96909 1.000 -52.7270 68.7570 57.40000 17.96909 .075 -3.3420 118.1420 18.25500 17.96909 1.000 -42.4870 78.9970 -4.39750 17.96909 1.000 -65.1395 56.3445 7.33500 17.96909 1.000 -53.4070 68.0770 15.35000 17.96909 1.000 -45.3920 76.0920 64.73500 17.96909 .031 3.9930 125.4770 2.90500 17.96909 1.000 -57.8370 63.6470 -19.74750 17.96909 1.000 -80.4895 40.9945 -8.01500 17.96909 1.000 -68.7570 52.7270 -15.35000 17.96909 1.000 -76.0920 45.3920 49.38500 17.96909 .198 -11.3570 110.1270 -46.48000 17.96909 .279 -107.2220 14.2620 -69.13250 17.96909 .018 -129.8745 -8.3905 -57.40000 17.96909 .075 -118.1420 3.3420 -64.73500 17.96909 .031 -125.4770 -3.9930 -49.38500 17.96909 .198 -110.1270 11.3570 J Kelompok P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P0 P2 P3 P4 P5 P0 P1 P3 P4 P5 P0 P1 P2 P4 P5 P0 P1 P2 P3 P5 P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 I Kelompok P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Mean Difference I-J Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95 Confidence Interval The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. . Universitas Sumatera Utara Tests of Normality Kelompok P0 Diameter_TS Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk .286 4 . .937 4 .636 .426 4 . .654 4 .003 .204 4 . .974 4 .868 .241 4 . .938 4 .641 .243 4 . .916 4 .516 .306 4 . .768 4 .056 P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Tebal_TS Lilliefors Significance Correction a. Test of Homogeneity of Variance Based on Mean Diameter_TS Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 2.510 5 18 .068 5.474 5 18 .003 2.306 5 18 .087 2.306 5 5.082 .188 4.897 5 18 .005 Based on Mean Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean Tebal_TS Lampiran 4. Data Tebal Epitel Tubulus Seminiferus Testis. Tabel 8. Data Tebal Lapisan Epitel Tubulus Seminiferus Testis. Ulangan P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 1 38,54 46,69 47,97 21,53 60,60 57,62 2 38,95 17,97 35,56 31,30 69,97 60,21 3 45,64 47,67 41,87 44,07 31,49 30,85 4 34,36 47,65 44,53 48,05 38,16 30,93 Rata2 39,37±4,66 40,00±14,69 42,48±5,25 36,24±12,13 50,06±18,20 44,90±16,21 Uji Normalitas dan Uji Homogenitas Tebal Spermatogenik dalam tubulus seminiferus. NPar Tests Kruskal-Wallis Test Ranks 4 10.75 4 13.00 4 13.25 4 10.00 4 15.50 4 12.50 24 Kelompok P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Total Tebal_TS N Mean Rank Universitas Sumatera Utara Lanjutan Lampiran 4. Hasil: Tebal Sel Epitel Tubulus Seminiferus berbeda tidak nyata antara masing- masing perlakuan. Jadi tidak perlu dilakukan analisis lanjut.

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