Definition of a Bank


B. Review of the Related Theories

In these related theories contains some theories to analyze the study and give limitation and draw the conclusion about the study.

1. Theory of Banking

a. Definition of a Bank

According to the Law, a bank is a business entity that raises funds from the public in the form of deposits and releases it to the public in order to improve the standard of living of the people Law Chapter 1 No. 71992. From the explanation of the meaning of commercial banks according to the law, banks get the money from the society who keeps their money in the bank. Society requires banks to expedite and facilitate them in international transactions and local transactions such as goods, services, and having modal for opening a business. For the Bank, provide convenient services to customers quickly and cheaply is a gap or a business opportunity. They can still earn a fee from a variety of convenience services offered by banks such as ATM, Phone Banking, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and SMS Banking. Latumaerissa, 2012: 228 The application provided by banks can make the transaction quicker, cheaper and easier. These are can be the business for the bank to have the money from society. The Bank also has the task as regulation and supervision. A bank is geared to optimize the function of banking Indonesia, among others: 1 the institution of public trust in relation to an institution collector and distributor of funds, 11 2 implementing monetary policy, 3 organization that had a role in assist economic growth and equity; in order to create a sound banking system, both the banking system as a whole or individually, and is able to maintain the interest of the public good, growing naturally and benefit the national economy Manurung and Rahardja, 2004: 56. The function and role of commercial banks in the economy is very important and strategic. Commercial banks are very important in terms sustain the strength and smoothness of the payment system and the effectiveness of monetary policy. The functions of commercial banks as described below shows the importance of the commercial banks in the modern economy: 1 the creation of money, 2 support the smooth payment mechanism, 3 fund deposits, 4 support the smooth international transactions, 5 storage of goods and securities, 6 the provision of other services Manurung and Rahardja, 2004: 78.

b. Purposes of Banking Services