Cultural Terms Language and culture

37 2. Contrasting both of the texts SL and TL 3. Identifying based on the characteristics of cultural terms as stated in Chapter II. 4. Listing the data.

3.4 Method of analyzing data

1. Analyzing the data based on the theory of Nida and Baker in equivalence. 2. Giving the description based on the analysis. Example: “Bulu’ku mupa” yang diterjemahkan masih gunung milik saya atau tetap gunung milik saya. bahasa Indonesia - Bulu’ku mupa which loosely translated means still my mountain - Translation by using an idiom of similar meanig but dissimilar form. 38


4.1. The Profile of Cultural Terms Translation and The Equivalence Strategies.

After doing an analysis of the four articles, some data findings have been found. Those findings then are grouped into this table with the equivalence strategies which are used in translating those terms. TABLE 1 The Profile of Cultural Terms Translation and The Equivalence Strategies . ST TT Equivalence strategies 1. Salah satu pelebon yang paling megah adalah pada 1992 One of the most impressive was the 1992 cremation Translation by cultural substitution 2. Bade tumpang solas a huge platform and an astounding 11 tier and 25.5 meter high cremation tower built on the platform , constructed of bamboo, wood and paper. Translation by using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form 3. Upacara pelebon megah untuk raja putri agung peliatan A Royal Cremation Ceremony for the IXth Raja of Translation by using an idiom of similar meaning 39 ke-IX Peliatan and form 4. Tempat pembakaran jenzah Cremation grounds Translation by using an idiom of similar meaning and form 5. Air suci Holy water Translation by using an idiom of similar meaning and form 6. Jenazah akan dibakar oleh api Corpse are consumed by the flames. Translation by using an idiom of similar meanig but dissimilar form. 7. Persembahan Offering Translation by cultural substitution 8. Berpakaian gemerlap Resplendent costume Translation by using an idiom of similar meanig but dissimilar form. 9. Candi hindu Hindu temple Translation by cultural substitution 10. Sangat sakti Powerful Translation by a more general word. 11. Ayam terbangun dan mulai berkokok Rooster would wake up and begin to craw Using an idiom or similar meaning and form 12. Mengubah roro jangra menjadi batu. He turned her Using an idiom or similar meaning and form. 13. Butta Panripa Lopi atau “Bumi Pembuat Pinisi” Butta Panrita Lopi or “the land of the phinisi schooners” Translation by using an idiom or similar meaning