Equivalence Strategies At Above Word Level

35 Word term in oxforddicctinnary.com means a word of phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in particular kind of language or branch study. It also means language used on a particular occasion; a way of expressing oneself. Culture is made up of many complex elements, including religious and political system, customs, languages, tools, clothing, building, and artwork. Culture is a comprehensive lifestyle. Culture is complex, abstract, and spacious. Many cultural aspects contribute to determine the behavior of communicating. Peter Newmark categorizes the words, terms, or cultural phrases as follows: 1. Ecology Flora, fauna, winds, plains, hills: tabuleiros low plateau, plateau, selva tropical rain forest, savanna. 2. Material culture artifacts a. Food: sake b. Clothes: sarong South Seas c. Houses and towns: kampong d. Transport: bike 3. Social culture - work and leisure: reggae, rock 4. Organizations, customs, activities, procedures, concepts a. Political and administrative b. Religious: dharma c. Artistic 5. Gestures and habits: spitting 36


3.1 Research Design

There are some methods applied in this research. Nawawi 1995:61 state that method is conducted in other a goal. Descrictive-qualitative methods in used in order to explain and describe the data. According to Bungin 2001:124-125, “data kualitatif diungkapkan dalam kalimat serta uraian-uraian, bahkan dapat berupa cerita pendek” qualitative data is applied in sentence and description, even in short story. Library research is applied. Library research is applied by consulting with some books and dictionary to collect the theories.

3.2 Source of Data

Sample is part of population. The non-probability sampling approaches used in this study is purposive sampling because only cultural terms which are trying to be found in the SL and TL. This sampling approach is practical and economical to used. The sample in this thesis is cultural term.

3.3 Method of Data collection

Data collection method used in this study is reviewing a document by reading and recording, as follows: 1. Reading both of the texts Source Language Indonesia and Target Language English 37 2. Contrasting both of the texts SL and TL 3. Identifying based on the characteristics of cultural terms as stated in Chapter II. 4. Listing the data.

3.4 Method of analyzing data

1. Analyzing the data based on the theory of Nida and Baker in equivalence. 2. Giving the description based on the analysis. Example: “Bulu’ku mupa” yang diterjemahkan masih gunung milik saya atau tetap gunung milik saya. bahasa Indonesia - Bulu’ku mupa which loosely translated means still my mountain - Translation by using an idiom of similar meanig but dissimilar form.