


A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of a Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Literature

By: Ridhofarianti NIM. 12211141026







My definition of luck is preparation,

meeting the moment of opportunity .

-Oprah Winfrey

Do not look to the future with blind eyes! The period of the

past is useful for a glass of B

engal in the days to come.”




This thesis is amorously dedicated to:

My dear treasured parents: love of my eloquent life




His Gracious and Love, I can complete this thesis. In the process of finishing this thesis, there are people who have helped me in many ways. I would like to express my great thanks to:

1. my first and second supervisors, Titik Sudartinah, M.A. and Susana Widyastuti, Ph.D., who always kind-heartedly guided and supported me during the thesis writing;

2. all lecturers of English Literature study program for providing precious knowledge;

3. my beloved parents for everything that they have given me, especially for always praying and empowering my dreams. There are no beautiful words to express how lucky I am to have you in my life;

4. my peer reviewers, Nia Juliarti and Ratna Duwi Haryanti, for listening my complaints, stories, and many more. Thank you for reminding me again and again to finish this thesis. Now, I have finished it. Thank you very much;

5. my girls, Fulan Nisyaroh, Selvia Fitriani, Sushanti Ningsi Itta, Tiara Dewi Panduwati, Ellis Rizqiyah, Maissarah Aryana R, Eri Purwanti, Etik Ardiyani, and Adelita Anindya, for chit-chatting, discussing, gossiping, talking things randomly, and all memories that you have splashed in my college time. Together with you all, my life has turned out to be


viii 2012 for the unforgettable memories;

7. my E.11 comrades, Rizka, Rabi, Hariati, Vela, Dani, and Helen who have shared memorable stories during my study in Yogyakarta; and

8. all people for helping me finish this thesis whom I cannot mention one by one.

Lastly, I do realize that this work is far from being perfect. Hence, constructive comments and suggestions are kindly needed and respected.

Yogyakarta, 27 March 2017





MOTTOS ... v






ABSTRACT ... xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Research Focus ... 3

C. Objectives of the Research ... 4

D. Significance of the Research ... 5


B. View From The Top ... 29

C. Previous Studies ... 30



C. Research Instruments ... 35

D. Data Collecting Techniques ... 36

E. Data Analysis Techniques ... 36

F. Trustworthiness ... 36


B. Discussion ... 40

1. Types of Politeness Strategies Reflected by Oprah Winfrey in View From The Top Program in 2014 ... 40

a. Bald on record ... 40

b. Positive politeness ... 42

c. Negative politeness ... 44

d. Off record ... 45

2. Realizations of Politeness Strategies Performed by Oprah Winfrey in View From The Top Program in 2014 ... 47

a. Bald on record ... 47

1) Metaphorical urgency for emphasis ... 47

2) Task-oriented... 48

3) FTA-oriented-bald on record-usage ... 49

b. Positive politeness ... 49

1) Notice and attend to hearer ... 50

2) Exaggerate ... 50

3) Intensify interest to hearer ... 51

4) Use in group identity markers ... 53

5) Seek agreement ... 53

6) Presuppose/raise/assert common ground ... 54

7) Joke ... 55

8) Assert or presuppose speaker’s knowledge of and concern for hearer’s wants... 56

9) Offer, promise ... 56

10)Be optimistic ... 57

11)Tell or ask for reason... 58

c. Negative politeness ... 58

1) Be conventionally indirect ... 58

2) Question, hedge ... 59



in View From The Top Program in 2014 ... 63

a. The social distance ... 63

b. The relative power... 64

c. The absolute ranking of imposition... 65


B. Suggestions... 70


APPENDICES A. Data Sheet of Types, Realizations, and Sociological Factors of Politeness Strategies Performed by Oprah Winfrey in View From The Top Program in 2014 ...72



Figure 2 : Analytical Construct...33 Table 1 : Sample Data Sheet of Politeness Strategies and Sociological Factors

Used by Oprah Winfrey in View From The Top Program in

2014...35 Table 2 : Findings of Types, Realizations, and Sociological Factors of

Politeness Strategies Performed by Oprah Winfrey in View From The Top Program in 2014 ... 39


xiii P : Power

R : Rank of imposition BR : Bald on Record

1. No face redress in great urgency 2. Metaphorical urgency for emphasis 3. Metaphorical entreatis stressing the

hearer valuation 4. Channel noise 5. Task-oriented

6. Do not care to maintain hearer’s face

7. Sympathetic advice or warnings 8. FTA oriented-bald on record-usage

PP : Positive politeness 1. Notice and attend to hearer 2. Exaggerate

3. Intensify interest to hearer 4. Use in group identity markers 5. Seek agreement

6. Avoid disagreement

7. Presuppose/raise/assert a common ground

8. Joke

9. Assert or presuppose speaker’s knowledge of and concern for

hearer’s wants

10.Offer and promise 11.Be optimistic

12.Include both speaker and hearer in the activity

13.Tell or ask for reason 14.Assume or assert reciprocity 15.Give gifts to hearer

NP : Negative politeness 1. Be conventionally indirect 2. Question, hedge

3. Be pessimistic

4. Minimize the imposition 5. Give deference

6. Apologize

7. Impersonalize

8. State the FTA as a general rule 9. Nominalize

10.Go on record as incurring debt or as not indebting the hearer

OR : Off record 1. Give hints

2. Give association clues 3. Presuppose

4. Understate 5. Overstate 6. Use tautologies 7. Use contradictions 8. Be ironic

9. Use metaphor

10.Use rhetorical questions 11.Be ambigious

12.Be vague 13.Over-generalize 14.Displace the hearer 15.Be incomplete, use ellipsis





by Ridhofarianti NIM. 12211141026


This research is a pragmatic study. The purposes of the study are (1) to find out the types of politeness strategies often used by Oprah Winfrey in View From The Top program in 2014, (2) to identify the realizations of politeness strategies used by Oprah Winfrey in View From The Top program in 2014, and (3) to investigate the sociological factors which are social distance, power, and rank of imposition influencing the use of politeness strategies in View From The Top program in 2014.

The researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The data were analyzed in a narrative way based on the politeness theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1978). The data were in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences found in the utterances of Oprah Winfrey that contain the types of politeness strategies. The context of the data was the conversation or dialogue in the program. To gain the trustworthiness of the data, the researcher asked her peer reviewers to check the data of the study.

The findings of the research show that positive politeness strategy was a type of politeness strategy which was often used by Oprah Winfrey. It was because she needed the cooperation from the hearer. Meanwhile, from each type of politeness strategies, seeking agremeent realization in positive politeness was often performed by Oprah Winfrey in order to accomplish the agremeent ideas from the hearer. The sociological factor that was the main factor influencing the use of politeness strategies employed by Oprah Winfrey was social distance, rather than other factors like power and rank of imposition.



This chapter consists of four parts: background of the study, research focus, objectives of the study, and significance of the research. The first part, background of study, explains the reasons which motivate the researcher to conduct the analysis. The second part describes the problem formulations and the limitation of the research that concerned with three problems which are formulated to be analyzed in the research. The third part namely objectives of the study, explains the purpose of the research. The last part describes the significance of the study, both theoretically and practically.

A. Background of the Study

Communication is the key to socialize with other people in daily life. One of the media of social communication reflects in the conversation such as an interview that can be explained as a formal meeting to discuss about a topic. People can share their ideas by showing their speaking. Interview is an effective

medium to create people’s understanding regarding the topic in the interview and context. By using interview, it motivates people to do politeness which

means the awareness of people’s face.Sometimes people do not realize that they do politeness in their communicaton. It means that there are politeness in

people’sconversation. Politeness also connected to the context of society. It can be in the context of political, society, power, and so on. It is related on how society influenced to the interview nuance. In addition, there is on how the


language reflected in politeness way. As the object of communication, society is a place that gives many influences in politeness.

Politeness itself is a way or manner to interact with others. As explained above, politeness is reflected as a phenomenon in the society. The use of politeness trigger the speakers to do a strategy of politeness which means the way on how people say and deliver the ideas. In addition, politeness cannot be separated from face. According to Yule (1998), face means the public self-image of a person. It means that every person has public self image which refers to the emotional and social sense of self that every person has and expects everyone else to recognize. In the interview which applied by the conversation, there are many influences of politeness in many ways based on the factors of society.

An interview from Amanda Facelle to Oprah Winfrey in Stanford Graduate School of Business in View From The Top program on April 28, 2014 is the object that is used in the analysis. The interview talks about career, life, and leadership of Oprah Winfrey. In that occasion, Oprah herself speaks on her career, life, and the importance of listening our instincs. The audiences of the event are the students of Stanford Graduate School of Business.

As people know, Oprah Winfrey is a host in Oprah Winfrey Show which is a famous program that has been airing for twenty five years and Amanda

Facelle’s is the candidate of Master Business Administration (MBA) in Stanford Graduate School of Business. In the interview, Oprah Winfrey as an interviewee and it is different from Oprah’s agendas which are usually she is a person who conducts the interview or it can be defined as an interviewer that can be an


interesting case to be analyzed. Based on those explanations, there are some differences on how they deliver their ideas by the words choice in giving and answering questions according to the sociological factors that influence to do politeness which are realized by many sub-strategies of politeness.

B. Research Focus

A number of problems are found which related to linguistics problems in View From The Top program in 2014. Language is the main focus in conversation which is reflected by using the words choice in order to create

people’s understanding.It motivates herself to do politeness. By performing the strategy, people know when they explain their opinion.

Another problem that shows in the object of the research is the difference status between the interviewer and the interviewee. Oprah Winfrey is a person who has different status with Amanda in this occasion. For those statements, the different level in doing conversation involving people to say their opinion. There are many factors in society which is called sociological factors that classified into social distance, power, and rank of imposition.

In spite of the fact that there are many problems that can be analyzed in the research based on the object. For the reason that the researcher has limit in her time and ability to analyze all, she only focuses on the types of politeness strategies, the realizations of politeness strategies, and the sociological factor involving the use of politeness strategies.

The theory of politeness by Brown and Levinson (1978) applied in the research which is under pragmatic approach. By means of politeness theory, the


researcher investigates the types of politeness strategies: bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record firstly, then those types can be realized in sub-strategies of politeness, and the sociological factors involving in doing politeness strategy.

According to the explanation, the researcher formulates the problems as follows:

1. what types of politeness strategies are most often used by Oprah Winfrey in View From The Topprogram in 2014?

2. how are politeness strategies realized by Oprah Winfrey inView From The Topprogram in 2014?

3. what are the sociological factors which influence the use of politeness strategies by Oprah Winfrey inView From The Topprogram in 2014? C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems formulated, the objectives of the research can be stated as follows:

1. to find out the types of politeness strategies that are most often used by Oprah Winfrey inView From The Topprogram in 2014,

2. to identify the realizations of politeness strategies used by Oprah Winfrey View From The Topprogram in 2014, and

3. to investigate the sociological factors which influence the use of politeness strategies by Oprah Winfrey inView From The Topprogram in 2014.


D. Significance of the Study

This research have two significances which positively can provide some contributions in learning linguistics mainly pragmatic study, both theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, this research can enhance the information related to pragmatic study that focuses on the types of politeness strategies, the realizations of politeness strategies, and sociological factors involving the use of politeness strategies.

2. Practically, this research is expected to give benefits to English Literature students majoring Linguistics who are interested in analyzing politeness strategies under pragmatic approach as a reference for the approach and theory.



This chapter focuses on the theories related to the research. Some theories concern with pragmatics, politeness, politeness strategies, sociological factors, and the object of the study. The further explanations can be presented as follows. A. Theoretical Description

1. Pragmatics

According to Yule (1998 : 3), the definition of pragmatics is divided into four definitions. First, pragmatics is focused on the study of meaning between the speaker and hearer in the communication. Second, pragmatics requires context which influences the topic of the conversation. Third, pragmatics is the study on how the listeners can make understanding based on what the speaker said. Fourth, pragmatics is the study in which distance gives the effect to the speaker and hearer expression. Those definitions are acceptable in order to understand the communication or conversation.

Another expert, Jacob L. Mey (2004 : 6) states that pragmatics is a study that concerned with the use of language which depend on the context and situation of the society in the communication. Society is needed in the communication between two interlocutors.

Moreover, Leech (in Trosborg, 1995 : 6) defines pragmatics as a study of meaning that is connected to speech situation. It means that the relation between meaning and speech context are things which pragmatics exist on it. In conclusion


for those definitions, pragmatics is the branch of Linguistics on how the use of language meaning in the context reaches the understanding of interlocutors. 2. Face and Politeness

a) Face

In Yule’s opinion (1998 : 60) defines face as a public self image that has a purpose to save or threat other people. Face gives the main part on how people express their ideas to other people.

Meanwhile, Goffman (in Holtgraves, 2002 : 38) explains that face has a value positevely in a person to claim for himself or herself by others perspective through contact. In addition, face is powerful to create perspective by using face expression or face style.

As human beings, every person has a face to keep from anger, shyness, happiness, and so on. In the book of Yule (1998 : 61), face that people have to save is named face wants. According to the idea of face wants and how to use it, these are Face Saving Acts and Face Threatening Acts as stated below.

As stated by Yule (1998), FSA is one method in the use of face when an utterance or an actionavoids a potential threat to a person’s public self image. It can be seen in the example:

Perhaps you could just ask him if he is going to stop soon because it’s getting a

bit late and people need to get to sleep.

(Yule, 1998 : 61) In the example, the speaker asks for the hearer to stop the music in polite

way by using “Perhaps you could”because people need to sleep. It is a way how FSA occurs in the statement.


Besides, FTA is a way which utterance or actionthreatens a person’s public self image, that is the definition from Yule (1998 : 61). It is shown in the

utterance, “I’m going to tell him to stop that awful noise right now!”. The example shows the way the speaker threatens her or his face to ask for the hearer with directly expression.

b) Politeness

There are many definitions of politeness. Yule (1998 : 60) explains that the concept of politeness is a strategy to perform awareness of another person’s face,

which means it is a method to reach the situation or context based on the social status or strata.

Politeness is called pragmatic mechanism focused on a variety of structures that collaborate to the speaker to gain the smooth communication. Its definition is explained by Trosborg (1995 : 24). This concept supports the communication between the speaker and the hearer to create understanding each other.

Watts (2003) defines that politeness is not something people got when they are born but it is something to be learned and to be adopted in the society. Then, it can be reflected in the social life since politeness is a thing that people learn step by step and there is no truth right in politeness because context and situation are two things that influence to do politeness.

Based on some terminologies of politeness from those experts, politeness is a way to save awareness in people face, therefore it is very useful to figure out in the communication between the interlocutors. In order to do that, a certain type of strategies is needed to be chosen.


3. The Types and Realizations of Politeness Strategies

Politeness strategy is a strategy to do politeness. According to Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978), politeness strategies are divided into bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. The further descriptions of the strategies and realizations are shown below.

a. Bald on record strategy

Yule (1998 : 63) states that bald on record politeness strategy means an expression that directly addresses to other people or the hearers that usually using imperative form. This strategy happens when the speaker wants to do FTA with maximum efficiency more than he or she wants to satisfy. The realizations of bald on record politeness strategies are explained in the following section. 1) No face redress in great urgency

According to Goody (1978 : 95-96), the strategy happens when the speaker and hearer have to understand each other in the conversation depending on the degree of urgency. The examples of the strategy that explained by Goody (1978 : 96) are in the utterances“Help!” and“Watch out!”. Based on the examples, the speakerneeds the hearer to listen the speaker’s direction by using the sentences to reach the degree of urgency such as help and watch out. In addition, the speaker wants the hearer to do fast what the speaker wants so this urgency happens in those expressions.

2) Metaphorical urgency for emphasis

As stated by Goody (1978 : 96), the second strategy of bald on record happens when the speaker speaks as if maximum efficiency and by using


metaphorical urgency for emphasis in the expression. Some examples of the strategy in the book of Goody (1978 : 96) are “Listen, I’ve got an idea” and

Look, the point is”. Those examples show that the speaker has an intention to the hearer to pay attention to the speaker by applying two words, that arelisten and look. Those are to emphasize the expression so it can be seen and felt that the urgency of the expression exist.

3) Metaphorical entreatis stressing the hearer valuation

In the opinion of Goody (1978 : 97), he defines that metaphorical entreatis occurs where the speaker speaks as if imploring the hearer to care for the speaker, thereby stressing his high valuation of the hearer’s friendship. The

examples of metaphorical entreatis based on Goody (1978 : 27) are in the utterances “Send me a postcard” and “Don’t forget us!”. These illustrate metaphorical entreatis strategy because what the speaker said to the hearer has a goal to the hearer that she or he has to understand and care through the speaker expression without using codes and it usually happens in the friendship since the relation of friend to friend has their own codes one another.

4) Channel noise

Channel noise is the fourth realization of bald on record politeness strategy where communication find the difficulties because of the distance. According to Goody (1978 : 97), channel noise shows in the utterance “Come home right now!”. The speaker is calling the hearer across a distance through this utterance which means there is a distance so the speaker has to speak by using maximum efficiency to the hearer.


5) Task-oriented

Goody (1978 : 97) defines that task oriented is concerned with the interaction when face redressed may be felt to be irrelevant. The examples of task-oriented shown from Goody’s book (1978 : 97) is in the utterance, “Lend me a hand here”. It illustrates task-oriented because the expression implies that the focus of the speaker is to give the hearer one task or others. It can be seen in the wordslend me.

6) Do not care to maintain hearer’s face

The sixth strategy of bald on record politeness strategy named do not care to maintain hearer’s face. Goody (1978 : 97) states that the strategy happens when the speaker wants to be rude or does not care about maintaing face. It can be seen in the statement, “In future, you must add the soda after the whisky”, that it is stated by Goody (1978 : 97). This case explains that the speaker is usually more powerful than the hearer so he or she directly uses the kind expression of rude, you must add the soda after the whiskey, in the area of making jokes or not to manage the speaker’s face.

7) Sympathetic advice or warnings

Goody (1978 : 98) believes that the strategy happens when the speaker gives the advice or warning to the hearer directly. For example, sympathetic advice or warnings are shown in Goody (1978 : 98) in the utterances, “Careful! He’s a dangerous man”and“Take care of yourself, be good, have fun”. The examples explain that the first expression in“Careful! He’s a dangerous man”means the speaker warns the hearer to against someone who threatens him. The speaker


directly gives warning to the hearer. The second example is the expression of sympathetic in the statement, take care of yourself, which means the speaker makes the action of advice and caring to the hearer.

8) FTA-oriented-bald on record -usage

Based on Goody (1978 : 99), the strategy of FTA oriented bald on record usage is a strategy that happens in the kind of expression such as welcomings, greetings, farewells, and offers. Then, it is usually concerned with the face in the interlocutors. The example of this strategy according to Goody (1978 : 99) can be seen in the utterance, “Come in, don’t hesitate, I’m not busy” because the expression uses the kind of invitation in the words come in and is followed by don’t hesitate, I’m not busythat indicates the speaker to do FTA to the hearer in a purpose that the hearer will accept the invitation without feeling reluctant. b. Positive politeness strategy

Yule (1998 : 63) defines positive politeness strategy as a way to cooperate with another. It motivates the speaker as the requester to reach a goal. There are fifteen realizations of positive politeness strategy as listed follows.

1) Notice and attend to hearer

According to Goody (1978 : 103), he believes that the strategy occurs when the speaker should pay attention to the factors influencing the situation of the hearer such as noticeable changes, the possessions that catch the attenttion, and also other things that shown by the speaker whom she or he wants to accept, approve, even notice the expression. The example of notice and attend to hearer in Goody (1978 : 103) is inthe utterance, “What a beautiful vase this is! Where


did it come from?”. It is shown that the speaker employs the sentences as something to catch the attention from the hearer, so the hearer takes notice the speaker what the topic that is being focused on.

2) Exaggerate

In reference to Goody (1978 : 104), exaggerate strategy occurs by using exaggerate intonation, stress, and prasodics aspects followed by intensifying modifiers. An example of exaggerate based on Goody (1978 : 104) is in the utterance, “What a fantastic garden you have!”. The expression is named exaggerate strategy because there is an aspect that motivates the speaker to do exaggerate that shown in the expression what a fantastic. It is proved that the expression contains exaggerate information being stressed by the statements. 3) Intensify interest to hearer

In the argument of Goody (1978 : 106), he states that the strategy happens when the hearer is being involved in the communication. It means that the contribution from the hearer to what the speaker said is needed to make a good communication. The example of intensify interest to hearer based on Goody’s

book (1978 : 106) is in the utterance,“I come down the stairs, and what do you think I see? ---- a huge mess all over the place, the phone’s off the hook and clothes are scattered all over”. The example states that the speaker needs the contributions from the hearer to give the opinion of the topics and it could be seen in the expression what do you think I see. In addition, by involving the hearer in communication, the speaker and the hearer are able to create a good conversation.


4) Use in group identity markers

Goody (1978 : 107) explains that using group identity markers happens by applying the use of markers such as address form, language, dialect, jargon, ellipsis, and slang. The address forms that usually used in English in the terms of address name like Mac, mate, buddy, pal, honey, dear, duckie, luv, babe, Mom, blondie, brother, sister, cutie, sweetheart, guys, and fellas. The example of the strategy shown in Goody (1978 : 108) is in the statement, “Here mate, I was keeping thatseat for a friend of mine”. The example applies address markers in the word mate. Thus, the example proves that group identity markers exists in the strategy.

5) Seek agreement

According to Goody (1978: 112), seek agreemet is marked in order that the

hearer can accept the speaker’sstatement. This strategy occurs in two ways, that are safe topics and repetition. Safe topics is a way when the speaker has to seek some ways to make it possible that the hearer agreeswith the speaker’s opinion.

Repetition is by repeating some parts or all what the speaker has said in the conversations. The examples of the strategy based on Goody’s book (1978 : 112-113) as listed follows.

(1) Isn’t your new car a beautiful colour!

(2) A: John went to London this weekend! B: To London!

The first example is called safe topics because the speaker seeks a way in a purpose to make the hearer agree with the statement. It is proved in the expression Isn’t you new car. The second example is repetition that shown by


the speaker who is repeating the words to london, that means the speaker uses the words to strees theemotional agreement to the speaker’s ideas.

6) Avoid diagreement

As stated by Esther N. Goody (1978 : 113), the sixth strategy of positive politeness strategy can happen in four ways; first, token agreement that means a way to make false agreement or pretending to agree with the statement; second, by using pseudo agreement; third, white lies which defines the speaker makes the white lies to state the ideas; and fourth, by using hedges to deliver the opinions. According to Goody (1978), the example of the strategy is shown in

the utterance, “I really sort of hope....”. The reason why it names avoid

disagreement because the statement uses the words really sort which is the hedge expression has a function to make the answer is not to be seen to disagree the statement.

7) Presuppose/raise/assert common ground

Goody (1978 : 117) states that presuppose strategy is a way to talk or speak regarding unrelated topics in the conversation. The example of presuppose based on Goody (1978 : 119) is in the utterance in which the context is the

conversation between the doctor to the patient, “Now, have we taken our medicine?”. The example explains that the speaker thinks that she or he equals to the hearer’s knowledge about the speaker’s ideas which is provedthat the doctor feels that the patient has the same knowledge with her or him.


8) Joke

Joke is a strategy that used in the communication to make the conversation is closer between the speaker and hearer. Based on Goody (1978 : 124), joke is very useful to share knowledge. Related to the statement, this is an example of the

strategy that taken from Goody (1978 : 124) in the utterance, “How about lending me this old heap of junk?” (the hearer’s new Cadillac). The example is categorized as a joke because the speaker directly says to the hearer about this heap eventhough the hearer has the new one. It is the kind of jokes.

9) Assert or presuppose speaker’s knowledge of and concern for hearer’s


Goody (1978 : 125) believes that the strategy happens when the speaker who he or she is making statement to the hearer because she or he understands that the hearer want so that they cooperate one another in a communication. An example of the strategy according to Goody (1978 : 125) is in the expression, “I know you love roses but the florist didn’t have any more, so I brought you geranium instead”. The example reveals the speaker’s strategy based on his or

her knowledge about the hearer wants that is proved in the statement,I know you love roses but.Then, the speaker usessoto clarify his or her statement.

10) Offer, promise

According to Goody (1978 : 125), he defines that by using offer and promise in the statement, the conversation is more polite. The example of the strategy taken from Goody (1978 : 125) is in the expression, “I’ll drop by sometime next week”. The example means that the speaker has a good intention


to satisfy the hearer’s face wants, so the speaker uses the promise expression in the wordI’ll..., the speaker chooses the words in order to make the cooperation between the speaker and the hearer.

11) Be optimistic

In reference to Goody (1978 : 126), he states that the strategy exists by using or applying the optimistic expression in the statement. An example of the strategy as shown in Goody (1978 : 126) is“You’ll lend me your lawnmower for the weekend, I hope”. The expression of I hope means the speaker is an optimistic person to the hearer, so the hearer will cooperate with the speaker statement.

12) Include both speaker and hearer in the activity

Goody (1978 : 127) defines that the strategy occurs by using the form “we

in the expression when the speaker says you or me to the hearer that means“they are”. The example of the strategy according to Goody (1978 : 127) is in the

utterance, “Let’s get on with dinner, eh?”. The example means that the speaker invites the hearer to have dinner in the word, Let’s. The invitation is not to the hearer only, but it includes the speaker to have dinner together.

13) Give or ask for reasons

As stated by Goody (1978 : 128), give or ask for reasons strategy is a strategy when the speaker asks for the reason regarding a topic in the communication. In addition, it usually uses the wordwhyin the beginning of the statement. An example of the strategy that is shown in Goody (1978 : 128) is in


explains that the speaker needs the hearer to give the reason about the topic to show positive politeness strategy.

14) Assume or assert reciprocity

In the description of Goody (1978 : 129), assume or assert reciprocity is the strategy which exists when the speaker asks for the hearer to do something benefits. The speakers says with the positive politeness expression in order to create the cooperation and effect for what is said with the hearer. An example of the strategy that is taken from Goody (1978 : 129) isin the utterance, “I’ll do X for you if you do Y”. It means that the speaker needs the reciprocity to the hearer about what the speaker will do to the hearer.

15) Give gifts to hearer

Goody (1978 : 129) states that the strategy happens when giving the expression like goods, sympathy, understanding, and cooperation to the hearer. An example of the last strategy shown in Goody (1978 : 129) is “I’m sorry to hear that your grandma passed away a week ago. I’m sorry”. The example

explains that the speaker’s expression using sympathy form to the hearer about the news that is proved in the statement I’m sorry to hear that.

c. Negative politeness strategy

In Yule’s argument (1998), negative politeness strategy is a way to aware

the people’snegative face and not to impose it. It usually uses the typical modal verb. These are ten realizations to show negative politeness strategy.


1) Be conventionally indirect

In reference with Goody (1978 : 132), he states that the strategy occurs when the speaker has to express the negative politeness strategy indirectly. An example of the strategy based on Goody (1978 : 133) is in the utterance ”Can you please pass the salt?”. The expression is indirect because the speaker uses the modal verb in Can you please as the expression of indirect request to the hearer or it can be explained that the speaker changes an imperative form into a question form.

2) Question, hedge

In the second strategy of negative politeness, Goody (1978 : 145) explains that using hedge in the statement is needed to make the statements are true, partially true, or even more true than perhaps might be expected. The example of the strategy performed by Goody (1978 : 145) is in the utterance, “You’re quite right”. The example shows the use of hedge in the word quite. The function of hedge in the statement is to show negative politeness strategy.

3) Be pessimistic

Be pessimistic’s strategy that is described by Goody (1978 : 173) happens when the speaker gives the pessimistic expression to the hearer although the hearer wants to accept what the speaker tells or not. According to Goody (1978 : 174), the example of be pessimistic isin the utterance, “I don’t suppose there’d be any possibility of you”. The example proves that the speaker states the expression of pessimistic like I don’t suppose and possibility. Those are the


statements that indicate the hearer does negative politeness strategy using be pesimistic.

4) Minimize the imposition

Goody (1978 : 176-177) explains that the strategy can happen when the speaker says to the hearer by using some words like just, taste, and so on in order to minimize the imposition. The example of the strategy shown in Goody’s

book (1978 : 177) is in the utterance, “I just ask you if you could lend me a pen?”. The example means that the speaker uses just to substitute the only or exactly to minimize the imposition of the speaker.

5) Give deference

In Goody’s idea (1978 : 182) states that the strategy occurs when the speaker has to take attention to his or her attitude or respect to the hearer in the conversation. An example of give deference performed by Goody (1978 : 183) is in the utterance, “Excuse me, sir, but would you mind if I close the window?”. The example employs the use of sir which means that the speaker gives the respect to the hearer in order to ask for help to the hearer to close the window.

6) Apologize

Based on Goody (1978 : 187), the strategy is on how the speaker makes the expression of apologize by usingsorry, forgive, and so on. In other words, it is used to show reluctance. An example of apologize illustrated by Goody (1978: 189) is in the utterance, “I’m sorry to bother you”. The example proves an


apologize expression in the use of the statement sorry which is to show polite expression especially in negative politeness strategy.

7) Impersonalize

In the opinion of Goody (1978 : 190), he states that impersonalize is a way on how the speaker tells something to the hearer without mentioning the name or

someone’s pronoun whom the speaker talks to. An example of impersonalize according to Goody (1978 : 190) is in the utterance,”It is so”. The speaker does not mention he or she, but the speaker states what he or she wants to say directly without mentioningsomeone’spronoun.

8) State the FTA as a general rule

Based on Goody (1978 : 206), the strategy is a way on how the speaker does not want to use pronoun likeyou,me,or so on because the speaker uses the words in common, so the hearer can join and follow what the speaker says. An example of the strategy illustrated by Goody (1978 : 206) is in the expression,

Passengers will please refrain from flushing toilets on the train”. In the example, the speaker asks for the hearer (passengers) to do something, yet the speaker does not mention you which refers to the passengers, but directly mentions passengers. It can be concluded that the speaker states the FTA as a general rule in the communication.

9) Nominalize

The realization is named nominalize. According to Goody (1978 : 207), he explains that the realization happens when the speaker makes the statement to the hearer and it can be stated into two forms and so on. The example of


nominalize shown in Goody (1978 : 207) is “You performed well on the examinations and we were favourably impressed”. The example can nominalize as Your performing well on the examinations impressed us favouably and your good performance on the examinations impressed us favorably.

10) Go on record as incurring a debt or as not indebting the hearer

Goody (1978 : 210) defines that the last realization of negative politeness strategy is a way when the speaker requests or offers to the hearer and the hearer has to do something to the speaker or requester. It is proved by Goody (1978 :

210) in the utterance, “I’ll never be able to repay you if you...”. The example is categorized as request that means the speaker says directly to the hearer regarding what the main topic of the requesting without making more explanations. In addition, the speaker needs the hearer to do something to the speaker as a requesting.

d. Off record politeness strategy

Based on Goody (1978 : 211), off record is such a way when the speaker or actor makes the act to the hearer where the hearer has to give the interpretation on what the speaker says or acts, and it is possible more than one interpretation. In other words, the speaker wants to do FTA and the hearer has to decide how to understand and interpret it. There are fifteen realizations of off record politeness strategy that are listed as follow.

1) Give hints

According to Goody (1978), the first strategy is when the speaker does not say something explicity and the speaker wants the hearer makes the


interpretation on what the speaker said. An example of give hints shown in Goody (1978 : 215) is “It’s cold in here”. Thespeaker says the statement to the hearer that she or he has the hidden message to the hearer. In addition, she or he has to close the window. The hearer has to give interpretation from the hints in the statement.

2) Give association clues

Goody (1978 : 215) emphasizes that the strategy happens when the speaker and hearer have mutual knowledge on the topic in the conversation, for example,

in the utterance, “Oh God, I’ve got a headache again”. It is classified as giving

association clues because the speaker requests to the hearer to borrow the swimsuit and they have an association whether the speaker wants to borrow the

hearer’s swimsuitor the speaker has a headache. 3) Presuppose

Yule (1998 : 25) states that presupposition is something when the speaker presupposes to be the main focus of the prior and it is proved in the utterance,

Mary’s brother bought three horses”. The example means that the speaker will

be expected to the hearer that Mary is a person who has a brother and he has a lot of money so he buys three horses. In other words, the hearer will give the presupposition from the speaker whether it could be right or wrong in the fact. 4) Understate

Holtgraves’s idea (2002 : 44)states that understate occurs when the speaker violates the quantity of maxim which is as informative as required. The example of the strategy given by Holtgraves (2002 : 44) isin the utterance, “It’s OK”. It


is reflected as understate because the speaker just speaks OK that means she or he gives less-than positive response to the hearer.

5) Overstate

Holtgraves (2002 : 44) defines that overstate works at the time when the speaker gives more statements that are needed as required and it can be seen in

the example, “The line in the grocery was a mile long”. The illustration is categorized as overstate due to the fact that the speaker gives more statements likea mile long which is the speaker actually can just say witha long or it can be said that the speaker does not give more statements that refers overstatement. 6) Use tautologies

In reference with Yule (1998 : 35), he emphasizes that using tautologies means a strategy concerned on the speaker who intends to communicate more than is said or spoken. The example of the strategy that illustrated by Yule (1998 : 35) isin the utterance, “A hamburger is a hamburger”. It can be explained that

what the speaker has said does not have the value of communication because she or he is actually wants to communicate more to the hearer.

7) Use contradictions

According to Holtgraves (2002 : 44), he states that using contradictions is a way to respond the question in a polite way that means violating the relation maxim. The example of the strategy shown in Holtgraves (2002 : 44) is when the

speaker asks to hearer, “What do you think of my new coat?”, and then the hearer answers, “Oh, where do you get it?”. In the illustration, the hearer responds the


contradiction by employing the question too, and it is a way to give a negative opinion in a polite way by violating the maxim of relation between two interlocutors.

8) Be ironic

Holtgraves (2002 : 44) defines that be ironic is a strategy when the speaker says the opposite thing of the truth to the hearer. An example of be ironic can be

seen in Holtgraves’s book (2004 : 44) isin the expression, “That’s briliant!”. In the example, the speaker statesThat’s briliant in the idea or something which is not briliant and it indicates on how be ironic works in the strategy.

9) Use metaphor

Holtgraves (2002 : 44) states that using metaphor in the strategy is used to violate what the truth and it can be seen in the example, “My job is a jail”. The

statement employs the wordsa jailthat is classified as metaphor in whichjailin the expression refers to the the speaker who is feeling that she or he does not like their job because she or he is not comfort with the job and so on. The wordjail in the context is a metapor that is notjailin the literal meaning called a prison. 10) Use rhetorical questions

Based on Holtgraves (2002 : 44), he believes that the strategy happens to infringe what is true. In other words, it can be said that the speaker intentionally uses the strategy in a purpose to make an unclear or hanging answer. It is proved in the example that given by Holtgraves (2002 : 44) in the utterance, “Did someone leave the light on?”. The example is categorized as rhetorical question


because the speaker leaves the question to the hearer by an unpredictable and hanging answer so it can be named as a rhetorical question.

11) Be ambigious

Goody (1978 : 225) states that the realization works on how the speaker says the ambigious statement to the hearer in order to make the conversation be polite, and sometimes the speaker uses metaphor. An example of the strategy shown by Goody (1978 : 225) isin the utterance, “John’s a prettysharp cookie”.

The example means that what the speaker says about John could be a compliment or an insult and it is based on the conotation or the meaning in metaphor likea pretty sharp cookie.

12) Be vague

Goody (1978 : 226) emphasizes that the strategy happens when the speaker states the expression vaguely so that the hearer can get the meaning of the statement by the expression. An example of be vague in Goody (1978 : 226) is

I’m going you-know-where”. It has the meaning that the speaker wants to go to a place but she or he does not say directly where the place is. In addition, without mentioning the place, the hearer can get the meaning where the place is. 13) Over-generalize

Based on Goody (1978 : 226), he defines that the strategy happens when the speaker gives the statement without addressing the name of the hearer. An

example of over generalize shown in Goody’s book (1978) is in the utterance,

Mature people sometimes help do the dishes”. The statement means that the speaker needs a help to the hearer as a mature or adult person to help doing the


dishes. It could be said that the speaker generalize the people yet she or he points a person around her or him.

14) Displace the hearer

Goody (1978 : 226) believes that the strategy occurs on how the speaker wants the hearer to do something, but in the situation where there is a person who is nearer than the hearer from something that the speaker wants. An example of displace the hearer is in theutterance, “The secretary, give me a pen, please!”. In this context, the speaker wants the hearer (for example secretary) to give her or him a pen, but the pen is located on someone who is nearer than the hearer, then someone gives the pen to the speaker and the hearer does not do nothing to the speaker.

15) Be incomplete, use ellipsis

In the idea of Goody (1978 : 227), he states that the realization occurs by using elliptical utterances in the context of the statement. An example of the realization that performed by Goody (1978 : 227) isin the expression, “Ohh sir, a headache”.The context of the expression is that the speaker says to the hearer that the speaker is now has a headache and she or he needs the advice from the hearer related toa headache.

4. Sociological Factors

Goody (1978) states that sociological variables involve the use of politeness strategy. In addition, there are three sociological variables that stated in the following section.


a) The social distance (D) / a symmetric relation

Goody (1978 : 77) defines that this variable is focused on how the speaker and the hearer have their own goal to do the act or give the statement. In addition, that thing is involved by the frequency of the interaction between two interlocutors, social attributes, and also the closeness in the relation. An example of this factor is shown in a conversation between a student and a professor in which the context of the conversation was in the class when the professor points and asks the student to explain the diagram.

Professor : You, explain the diagram! Student : Yes, Sir.

In the conversation, there is a degree of social distance between the student and his or her professor that the professor says directly you without mentioning the name but the student gives the respect to the professor by employing the use ofSir.

b) The relative power (P) / an asymmetric relation

According to Goody (1978 : 77), the factor occurs when there is the existence of relative power. The variable of power usually happens between two persons where in one is a higher level than the other or it can be called as a status. The example of the factor is shown in the conversation between a manager and his secretary where the secretary gives the information to his or her manager about the meeting.

Secretary : Excuse me, Sir. There is a meeting at 1 p.m. in the second floor.


The example shows that there is the existence of power where the secretary speaks politely by using permission such “Excuse me, Sir” but the manager just

answers “Okay” without giving the explanation, and of course it is reflected how the social power exists in the conversation.

c) The absolute ranking (R) of imposition

Based on Goody’s opinion related to the factor (1978 : 77), he believes that the absolute ranking of imposition is deliberated to interfere the speaker’s wants

of self determination and of approval. The component that involve the use of rank of imposition is the imposition from the speaker. In addition, rank order of imposition is divided into rank order of imposition requiring services and rank order of imposition requiring goods. The example of the factor is shown in the

utterance, “You must write the essay in the topic of Indonesia election as the final exam of the subject” in the context that the speaker asks the hearer to write the essay and then the hearer has to obligate what the speaker said. That is of course an evidence on how rank of imposition works in the expression.

B. View From The Top

View From The Topis a program which is developed by the student-led in Stanford Graduate School of Business. The program was airing since 2009 and it has a goal to create and support the students on how to get rich learning experiences after they graduate from Stanford Graduate School of Business to start their carreer. The program shows the great leaders who are responsible in their career to share their experiences in the parts of economy, government, politics, social, and so on. Also, they can discuss the ideas on it.


Figure 1: Oprah Winfrey inView From The TopProgram in 2014

The object of the research was View From The Top edition on April 28, 2014 with Oprah Winfrey as the speaker for the program and Amanda Facelle who is a student in Stanford Graduate School of Business as the host. The interview talks about career, life, and leadership of Oprah Winfrey since she was a child until her career now. In that occasion, Oprah herself speaks and gives the detail on her career, life, and the importance of listening the instincs. The audiences of the event are the students of Stanford Graduate School of Business. C. Previous Studies

Two studies which are related to this research are the international journal ofPoliteness Strategies Usage in Accompanying Assertive Illocutionary Acts on Barack Obama’s Speech and Interview Towards The Development of Islamic Center Near Ground Zero written by Karbelani Aulia (2013) and an undergraduate thesis from State Islamic University Syarif Hidayutllah Jakarta


entitled An Analysis of Politeness Strategy in Putra Nababan’s Interview with Barack Obamawritten by Muh. Shohibussirri (2011).

Karbelani Aulia’s journal analyzedthe utterances of the types in politeness strategies focused on assertive illucotionary acts in Obama’s speech. It was

based on Brown and Levinson’s theory concerned with politeness strategy and

Leech’s theory of illocutionary acts. The final result of the research were three kinds of illocutionary acts found in the data: statement, assertion, and report. Those illocutionary acts were used with three politeness strategies found in the data: positive politeness, negative politeness and off record. Negative politeness strategy was the most frequently used by Barack Obama in his speech. The example of negative politeness by Barack Obama was in the utterance, “As a citizen, and as a President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practise their religion as everyone else in this country”.It was called as negative politeness because there wasbelievethat has a function from the speaker to give the hearer freedomto interpret Obama’s utterances.

Another research was conducted by Muh. Shohibussirri, he investigated the kinds of politeness strategy chosen by Putra Nababan and Barack Obama when they were in a interview. He conducted the research by applying the theory of politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson in Goody’s book

(1978). The conclusion of the research was Putra Nababan frequently used positive politeness strategy in a goal that he tried to be polite. The example of positive politeness used by Nababan in the interview was in the utterance, “Is it true that you used to tease your family classmates to get their attention?”.It was


considered as positive politenes because Nababan applied the utterance as a joke to create an enjoying moment in the occasion. Then, Obama used less negative politeness strategy than more positive politeness strategy.

The similarity of two studies and this research is the research uses the theory of politeness strategy by Brown and Levinson in Goody’s book (1978)

like Aulia and Shohibussiriri had done. On the other hand, the difference between two studies and this research is the object of the study.

D. Conceptual Framework

This research focuses on pragmatic approach specifically politeness area. By applying Politeness Strategies theory by Brown and Levinson, this study is conducted. This research finds out the types of politeness strategies that are used by Oprah Winfrey inView From The Top Programin 2014 which consists of bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness and off record based

on Esther N. Goody’s book (1978). This research also investigates the realization from the types of politenesss strategies and sociological factors that consists of social distance, power, and rank of imposition involving the use of politeness strategies.


33 1. Notice and attend to hearer 10. Offer, promise

2. Exaggerate 11. Be optimistic

3. Intensify ineterest to hearer 12. Include both speaker and hearer in the 4. Use in group identity narkers activity

5. Seek agreement 13. Give or ask for reasons

6. Avoid disagreement 14. Assume or assert reciprocity 7. Presuppose/raise/assert common ground 15. Give gifts to hearer 8. Joke

9. Assert or presuppose speaker’s knowledge of and concern for hearer’s wants

1. No face redress in great urgency 5. Task -oriented

2. Metaphorical urgency for emphasis 6. Do not care to maintain hearer’s face 3. Metaphorical entreatis 7. Sympathetic advice or warnings

stressing the hearer valuation 8. FTA- oriented- bald on record-usage 4. Channel noise


Figure 2: Analytical Construct Politeness Strategies

Bald on record

Positive politeness

Negative politeness

1. Be conventionally indirect 6. Apologize

2. Question, hedge 7. Impersonalize

3. Be pessimistic 8. State the FTA as a general rule 4. Minimize the imposition 9. Nominalize

5. Give deference 10. Go on record as incurring a debt or as not indebting the hearer

1. Give hints 9. Use metaphor

2. Give association clues 10. Use rhetorical questions

3. Presuppose 11. Be ambigious

4. Understate 12. Be vague

5. Overstate 13. Over-generalize

6. Use tautologies 14. Displace the hearer 7. Use contradictions 15. Be incomplete, use ellipsis 8. Be ironic

Sociological Factors

Oprah Winfrey’s Interview in View From The Top

Program in 2014


1. Distance 2. Power

3. Rank of imposition



This chapter deals with the method applied to investigate the objectives of the research. This chapter consists of research type, forms, contexts, and sources of data, research instruments, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, and data trustworthiness.

A. Research Type

Descriptive qualitative research is a type of research that focuses on the analysis of language phenomenon in textual description. In accordance with the statement, Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009 : 7) state that qualitative research is the study that deals with narrative way of the case under the research. Based on the previous statement, this research employed a descriptive qualitative research since it aimed to analyze the existence of politeness strategy performed by Oprah Winfrey in View From The Top program on April 28, 2014 as the language phenomenon which was analyzed in a narrative way of the research. B. Forms, Context, and Source of Data

The data were in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences found in the utterances of Oprah Winfrey that contain the types of politeness strategies. The context of the data was the dialogues or conversations. Meanwhile, the source of data was the transcript of the interview inView From The Topon April

26, 2014 entitled “Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life, and Leadership” that was taken from a web page http://www.singjupost.com/.


C. Research Instruments

Research instrument is defined as a tool to prove the data analysis. In line with the statement, Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009 : 188) state that the main instrument of the research is human. Thus, the researcher herself was the primary instrument of the research. In addition, there was the data sheet as the secondary instrument of this research to support the data analysis. The example of data sheet of politeness strategies and sociological factors involving politeness strategies can be seen as follows.

Table 1. Sample Data Sheet of Politeness Strategies and Sociological Factors used by Oprah Winfrey inView From The TopProgram in 2014

No. Data Types and Realizations Sociological Factors



1. Love, love love. Tweet, tweet. Whoo! You.

2 √ Oprah greets the

audiences of the program by employing the expression categorized as positive politeness strategy focused on exaggerate. It was because she used exaggerate information in the statements that were being stressed. In addition, there was a social distance between Oprah as the speaker and the audiences who were the students in Stanford Graduate School of Business.


D. Data Collection Techniques

The researcher did the following procedures for data collection:

1. downloading the video of Oprah Winfrey inView From The Topprogram in 2014 from internet media,

2. watching the video of Oprah Winfrey in View From The Top program in 2014,

3. searching the transcript of the interview from a web page http://www.singjupost.com/,

4. checking and re-checking the truthfullness of the script, 5. taking notes to the data,

6. making and filling the data sheet, and

7. re-reading and re-watching the video as final step. E. Data Analysis Techniques

The researcher did the following steps for analyzing the data:

1. classifying the data and divided into the types and realizations of politeness strategies followed by the sociological factors,

2. identifying the data,

3. analyzing the data based on the research questions, and 4. making the conclusion based on the data and theory. F. Data Trustworthiness

Data trustworthiness is a guide to check the credibility of the data analysis. To prove the data trusworthiness, the researcher needs a triangulation. In line with the statement, Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009 : 179) state that


triangulation means a method as a way to check the trustworthiness of data in a research. To enrich the correctness of the data, the researcher consulted the research to her lecturers who are expert in the area of the research, that are Titik Sudartinah, M.A. and Susana Widyastuti, Ph.D. Then, by doing peer reviewers, the researcher discussed with the students who belong to the same study program and majoring in Linguistics, that are Nia Juliarti and Ratna Duwi Haryanti to check and give suggestions in order to gain the accuracy of the data.



This chapter deals with findings and discussion. The first part, the findings, shows the data of the types and realizations also sociological factors on using politeness strategy. The second part, the discussion, explores the detail explanation related to formulation problems which have been explained in Chapter I. The further description can be presented as follows.

A. Findings

The result of the research, types and realizations of politeness strategies, and sociological factors involving the use of politeness strategies used by Oprah Winfrey are explained in this part. Besides, bald on record politeness strategy is performed by Oprah Winfrey reflects that sometimes she says a direct expression to the hearer in order to make the audiences pay attention for what she has said.

Oprah often uses positive politeness in answering Amanda Facelle’s

questions in the program because positive politeness is a way to create solidarity with Amanda as the host and the audiences of the program. This type of strategy is realized in the most various way compared to other types.

Negative politeness strategy is the next type of politeness performed by Oprah Winfrey. She uses negative politeness strategy because she has a goal to be

aware about people’s negative faces and not to impose it. In addition, Oprah applies off record strategy because she wants the hearer to give interpretation to what Oprah has said.


After the data analysis was competely done, there are some results as presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Findings of Types, Realizations, and Sociological Factors Of Politeness Strategies Performed by Oprah Winfrey inView From The TopProgram in 2014

Types Realizations Sociological Factors Datum Number

Bald on record Metaphorical urgency for


Distance 19, 38, and 47

Task oriented Rank of imposition 13, 35, and 51

FTA oriented bald on record usage

Rank of imposition 54

Positive politeness Notice and attend to hearer Distance 36

Exaggerate Distance 1 and 56

Intensify interest to hearer Distance 5, 16, 41, 42, 48, and 49

Use in group identity markers

Distance 10

Seek agreement Distance 7, 15, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, and

46 Presuppose/raise/assert a

common ground

Distance 40

Joke Distance 8, 18, 33, and 52

Assert or presuppose

speaker’s knowledge

Distance 2

Offer and promise Distance 14

Be optimistic Distance 12, 27, and 29

Tell or ask for reason Distance 53

Negative politeness Be conventionally indirect Distance 28

Question, hedge Distance 9, 11, 17, 32, 34, 37, 45, and


Be pessimistic Distance 24 and 43

Off record Understate Distance 25, 26, 39, and 50

Power 3

Overstate Distance 4, 6, and 23

Be ironic Distance 44


As shown in Table 2, distance is the main sociological factor which is repeatedly used by Oprah Winfrey. It is found in the most of the data analysis. The factor is named distance because there is a social distance between Oprah Winfrey as the speaker and Amanda Facelle and the audiences as the hearer in View From The Topprogram in 2014.

The next factor is rank of imposition. It can be seen in Table 2 that the factor is only found in the types of politeness strategies that are bald on record and positive politeness. Besides, power is the least factor that is performed by Oprah Winfrey. Power is only used in off record politeness strategy.

B. Discussion

This section, discussion, gives the deeper and detail description related to the findings. It also gives the explanation to answer the research questions stated in Chapter I based on politeness theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1978).

1) Types of Politeness Strategies Reflected by Oprah Winfrey in View From The TopProgram in 2014

In the analysis, there are four types of politeness strategies that are used by Oprah Winfrey inView From The Topprogram in 2014. Those strategies are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. Each type of politeness strategies together with its realizations is explained in comprehensive detail in the following section below.

a) Bald on record

Bald on record strategy is performed by Oprah Winfrey in some moments. As an evidence, it is proved in the datum number 19.


Amanda : What are the qualities of your leadership that make you

successful at such diverse pursuits? And what works in one area

that maybe doesn’t work in another?

Oprah : Well, I tell you. It works in all areas because I, my life is fueled by my being.

(datum number 19) In the conversation, Amanda asks Oprah that related to the qualities of leadership and what works in an area that cannot work in another area. Then, Oprah answers the questions by using bald on record politeness strategy because she directly says I tell youto the audiences without small chit chat in the beginning of the speaking. In addition, she uses the strategy because she wants the hearer to concern with her ideas. She states about how she fullfill her life to reach her achievement.

Another example of the conversation between Oprah Winfrey and Amanda Facelle comes from in the dialogue that can be shown as follows.

Amanda : Is there anything left that you’re scared to try?

Oprah : Whoa, Amanda. You must have been up all night long. (datum number 35) In the datum can be seen as a bald on record strategy becauseOprah’s expression

that is focused on you must have been up allnight. She asks for Amanda to wake

up all night by answering Amanda’s question that is something which makes

Oprah scared.

The next datum related to the use of bald on record strategy is datum number 54. The context of the dialogue is when Oprah asks to Shenay who is one of the audiences from Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academyto stand up, in the statement Stand up.

Oprah : Stand up Shenay, so everybody can see you. (inviting one of the audiences to stand up)


She uses the expression because she wants to empower all the audiences that as women, they have to work to the maximal and always keep themselves full to achieve their dreams.

b) Positive politeness

Positive politeness strategy is defined as a strategy which has a goal to make a cooperation to the hearer. In the analysis, it can be seen in the datum number 1.

Oprah : Love, love love. Tweet, tweet. Whoo! You.

Amanda : Hi Oprah. I can’t believe I just said that.

(datum number 1) The dialogue happens in the beginning of the program when Oprah greets the audiences. The utterance performed by Oprah Winfrey that is considered as positive politeness because she needs the audiences to feed back her greetings.

The next conversation is still in the beginning of the show when Amanda says that the students are waiting forOprah’s comingin the program.

Amanda : This campus has been buzzing since the announcement was

made last week that you’d be coming here. And I received.

Oprah : Thank for the buzz. I’m so glad you know I still have the

buzz. So good.

(datum number 2) This statement stated by Oprah Winfrey is classified as positive politeness because she needs the audiences to pay attention for her. It is proved in the words Thank for the buzz, and she repeatsthe buzz in the next statementsI still have the buzz.


Oprah explains on how her father is very strict to her. It is started when she starts her career as an anchor on TV and it is airing at 10 until 10.30 p.m., but

she must at home by 11 o’clock.It can be shown in the next dialogue.

Oprah : My father still had an 11 o’clock curfew. Can you believe a

thing? That I am ---that I am the 10 o’clock anchor in

Nashville Tennessee. Amanda : Yeah.

(datum number 5) In the conversation is considered as positive politeness in the statement Can you believe a thing, Oprah Winfrey wants the hearer to give the attention to her regarding to her explanation.

Another data comes from datum number 10 that contains positive politeness strategy.

Amanda : Great. So, often in your career I’m sure you were a

minority. Perhaps as the only woman.The only black person, the only person from a poor family. Did this affect you on your professional path? And now how

did that impact how you lead and how you might help people who may be feeling that same thing?

Oprah : Okay, Amanda, that’s a lot of questions.

(datum number 8)

In the show, Amanda asks Oprah that is on how her professional way has impact in her life even she is the only black woman. Then, Oprah states by employing positive politeness strategy in the wordsthat’s a lot of questions in order to make Amanda as a host of the program focused on Oprah Winfrey. In addition, it is also stated as a joke to invite the attention of the hearer.

Amanda : So you used that as momentum just to leave, cut your losess and go.

Oprah : No, I just said, I filed it away. There will come a time. (datum number 12)


In the datum number 12, Oprah states No that means she does not cut her losses but she still works to reach her future. She believes time will come to her, then. In the datum, she uses positive politeness that is reflected in the statement No, I just said.It motivates the hearer to join with what Oprah Winfrey says.

In the occasion, Oprah Winfrey applies positive politeness strategy. It is proved that Oprah asks for someone who asks her about selflessness with selfishness.

Oprah : Selflessness with selfishness. Why are you asking me that question?

Melissa : It’s kind of tension betweenputting yourself first, and also, taking care of others.

(datum number 53) The strategy that Oprah uses in the conversation means she wants the hearer who is one of the audiences to give response about what she thought. In other words, she needs the contribution from the hearer.

c) Negative politeness

In the program, Oprah Winfrey employs negative politeness that can be seen in datum number 28.

Amanda : Thank you.

Oprah : Okay, let me think about that for a moment. Very good. (datum number 28) Oprah Winfrey asks for the time to Amanda to continue their conversation about logical decision. In addition, Oprah creates a wayto aware with the hearer’s

face by using the expressionlet me think about that for a moment.

In the show, Oprah talks about things that remind her when she was in Nelson


Amanda : You should do it now.

Oprah : I didn’t record it so some things I think was that the 2nd meal

or 12th meal. Anyway, so I was sitting in Nelson–sitting with Adiva and we were talking about how, how do you really make an impact in the world.

(datum number 32) This datum is reflected negative politeness strategy in the statement I think, anyway, and really that are defined as hedge. She uses hedges in a goal to make the statement is to be true or partially true.

The next dialogue happens when one of the audiences, Andre, asks Oprah Winfrey about the most interviewee and the reason why she loves it.

Andre : And then we had Javier Hernandez, who asked, Oprah, who has been your favorite interviewee and why?

Oprah :Well, actually, I would have to say, there’s so many over the year

and the truth is that the people whosenames that I can’t even

remember and you probably wouldn’t remember, have been the most revelatory, the most impactful

(datum number 43) Oprah responds Andre’s question using negative politeness inyou probably. She gives the expression as a way to deliver her idea that the hearer does not remember about the most impactful event.

d) Off record

Off record politeness strategy is a method to aware with the hearer’s face. It is

presented in datum number 3.

Amanda : And I thought some of these quotes, I mean you share so much wisdom but these really spoke to me, and thought it would be a great way to frame our discussion.

Oprah : Okay


Oprah answers the explanation from the host, Amanda Facelle, just by saying Okay. The statement is classified as an off record politeness strategy because she makes the statement then the hearer has to interpret what Oprah said by using the hint of her wordOkay.

Amanda : Did you know that you wanted to get into TV and media specifically?

Oprah : No, I did not. I thought I was going to be a teacher.

(datum number 4) This conversation, it is considered as off record in the statement No, I did not because Oprah states more than one answer in the same meaning. It gives the hints to the hearer for what she stated. In that occasion, Amanda as the host asks Oprah about the future that will bring her to TV and media.

The next example of off record can be shown in the dialogue between Oprah and Amanda in the datum number 44.

Amanda : But you made him cry Amanda.

Oprah : I didn’t make him cry, I didn’t make him cry, Amanda.

(datum number 44)

The datum reflects the use of off record. It is defined as off record because Oprah states indirectly and contradictively regarding what has being told in the program. The utterance takes place when Oprah gives statement to Amanda that she does not make one of the audiences cry, yet the audience is crying.


you probably wouldn’t remember, have been the most revelatory, the most impactful.

between Oprah and the audiences.

44. Amanda : But you made him cry Amanda.

Oprah : I didn’t make him cry. I didn’t make him cry, Amanda.

8 √ In the occasion, Oprah applies off record that is be ironic realization. In her words I didn’t make him cry, she states something contradictive to that happened in the program, yet in the moment, one of the audiences is crying and it implies on how ironic statement occurs in the strategy. Based on the explanation, there is a sociological factor that involves Oprah on performing the statement that is social distance. 45. Amanda : But he cried but it was happy


Oprah : Yeah, I would have to say. I don’t actually try to make people cry and if I think, literally, we cut a lot of it because he went into the ugly cry. He went into ugly cry.

2 √ Oprah employs negative politeness on hedge realization. It is proved in the statements actually, I think, literally, and these are categorized as hedge. In addition, social distance is a factor that motivates Oprah in doing the strategy.

46. Amanda : You could tell it was real. Oprah : Yeah, it was very real and

so we said, we got to save the brother.

5 √ Oprah repeats Amanda’s statement that isit was real.What she says in the occasion is considered as positive politeness, seek agreement focused on repetition. The function of using the repetition is the speaker needs to stress or emphasize so the hearer will agree with her statement. According to the explanation, the sociological factor that exists in the program is social distance since there is the distance between Oprah Winfrey as the speaker and Amanda as the host in the show.



No. Data Types and Realizations Sociological




47. Amanda : There was a version made here too.

Oprah : Here?

2 √ In the conversation, Amanda talks about a video made by the students of Standford Graduate School of Business. Then, Oprah continues Amanda’s statements by usingHere.

What Oprah says is categorized as bald on record with metaphorical urgency for emphasis realization. It is because she emphasizes the word to make that she is enthusiast with Amanda’s statements. Then, like in the previous datum, social distance is a factor involving Oprah on performing her strategy.

48. Amanda : There was a version made here too.

Oprah : Here?

3 √ Oprah applies positive politeness with intensify interest to hearer. It can be seen that she uses the statemetHere.Based on the use of intensify interest to hearer, she states that because she needs to convince Amanda about her statement. In the occasion, Oprah talks about the students who made a video to show in the program. Besides, the sociological factor that exists in the occasion is distance.

49. Amanda : Yeah, I think some of the MBA ones right? Raise your hand if you are in it. Yeah! Oprah : Didn’t it make you happy to

do it?

3 √ In the context, Oprah employs positive politeness which is intensify interest to hearer. She asks the audiences about the inspirational video shown in the program. It is because she needs the hearer to contribute or answer her question in a purpose to make the good communication. Like the previous datum, distance is factor that involving the use of the strategy

50. Amanda : We’re going to take one from the audience now.

Oprah : Yeah.

4 √ Oprah just answers Amanda’s statements about the next question from the audiences by sayingYeah. It is considered as off record with understate realization. The sociological factor which is used by Oprah Winfrey is distance, because there is a social attribute between Oprah as the speaker and Amanda Facelle as the host of the show.


51. Amanda : Thank you, do we have time for one more?

Oprah : You have to because you can’t end on a question without an answer.

5 √ Oprah answers Amanda’s question that iswhether they are

still have time or not. Then, Oprah saysYou have to,and her words are classified as bald on record strategy using task-oriented. It is because she asks to Amanda to continue their conversation. The sociological factor motivating Oprah on performing the strategy is rank of imposition.

52. Amanda: We got one.

Oprah : I came here to get stumped, yeah.

8 √ In the program, Amanda tells that there is a student who will ask Oprah Winfrey. Then, Oprah answers Amanda’s statements by using positive politeness focused on joke in the utteranceI came here to get stumped. Oprah shows the strategy to create an enjoying conversation and also it is not to be a serious moment. Besides, social distance is a factor on how Oprah shows the strategy.

53. Oprah : Selflessness with selfishness. Why are you asking me that question?

Melissa :It’s kind of the tension between putting yourself first and also, taking care of others.

13 √ In the occasion, Oprah Winfrey applies positive politeness strategy on asking for reasons to the hearer. In the context of the conversation, Oprah asks for someone who asks her about selflessness with selfishness in the utteranceWhy are you asking me that question. The strategy that Oprah uses in the utterance means that she wants the hearer who is one of the audiences to give respond about what she thought. In other words, she needs the contribution from the hearer. The factor involving the use of strategy is distance between Oprah Winfrey and the audiences.

54. Oprah : Stand up Shenay, so everybody can see you. (inviting one of the audiences to stand up)

8 √ In the program, Oprah asks to Shenay to stand up, in the wordsStand up Shenay. Shenay is one of the audiences of the program and she is also a student of Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academny. It is followed by the statements so everybody can see youthat implies Oprah to do the FTA to Shenay with an aim that Shenay as the hearer will accept and do what Oprah asks for. Then, the sociological factor



No. Data Types and Realizations Sociological




that motivates Oprah in doing the strategy is rank of imposition.

55. Amanda : Woman is born.

Oprah : That’s why I know my life is bigger than that.

2 √ Oprah Winfrey uses negative politeness with hedge realization. It is proved in the statements I know. In the moment, they talk about Oprah’s parents until they have a daughter, Oprah Winfrey. The sociological factor that influences Oprah on performing her strategy is social distance

56. Amanda : Yeah. Thank you. Oprah : Good job!

2 √ Oprah employs positive politeness that focused on

exaggerate information. It is because the statementGood job

is being stressed which has a purpose to make a close statement in the program. Like the previous datum, the factor motivating Oprah in the strategy is distance.

