Social System versus Development of Denpasar City

and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 189 limitiations to the use of city spatial. The implementation of culture value is: the traditional spatial pattern, social system, religious system, and customary village as well. Those are influencing to not optimally capacity of Denpasar City so that those cause the trends of city development to urban fringe area, so culture value pattern has presented the big influence to the use of land and development of urban extended area. B. Recommendation 1. It is needed the study more accurately and deeply to analyze the existence of culture values in the future so that the decision can be taken wisely and definitely as strategic step in solving the city issue related to the culture value pattern of community. 2. It is needed to define the real steps to formulate strategies in developing areas more accurately, efficiency, integrate and comprehensive before the areas growing uncontrolled by considering the aspect of Balinese community culture value in land use of Denpasar city. 3. It is needed the legal aspect to keep the self conservation areas in Denpasar city so that those areas can not be relocate or changed the use for other city activities. 4. It is needed to expand the new area out of the city to anticipate the growth and development of Denpasar city. 5. It is needed to keep the current traditional rule of building height limitation and development of underground as conservation to the Balinese traditional values and to strength the identity and characteristic of Denpasar city. REFERENCES Adhika, I Made. 1994. Peran Banjar dalam Penataan Komunitas, Studi Kasus Kota Denpasar. Bandung: Tesis Program S2 Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota ITB. Astika, Sudhana Ketut, dkk. 1986. Peranan Banjar pada Masyarakat Bali. Denpasar: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Kebudayaan Daerah. Bappeda Tingkat I Bali dan Universitas Udayana. 1982. Pengembangan Arsitektur Tradisional Bali untuk Keserasian Alam Lingkungan, Sikap Hidup, Tradisi dan Teknologi. Denpasar: Bappeda Tingkat I Bali. Budihardjo, Eko. 1986. Architectural Conservation in Bali. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Gajah Mada University Press.