Spreading Slum Settlement on River Bank

and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 261  The shape of main street is curvilinear N - The shape is curvilinear due to the influence of natural factor of River Batanghari - The orientation designation of settlement is towards the North and South toward the river. - There is a footpath which is the branches of this main street. - The street stretch to East West.  The shape of main street is linear N - The street stretch to East West - The shape is linear influenced by the orientation Designation of settlement which is tend toward the North South toward the street. There is a footpath, which is the branch of this main street. - End of street started from Aur Duri Bridge and in the East part is bordered from the region of neighbor Tanjung Raden. - Now a day the changing design of street in the region of Tanjung Pasir Sekoja is the street dimension change, due to the situation and the condition of traffic vehicle at the moment. Making the possibility to enlarge the street. 2. Pathways At the settlement in Tanjung Pasir Sekoja there are footpaths stretching to North South connected to the main street. The footpaths are in the East and West side between the building of settlement or other buildings with the majority having orientation toward the North and South Bank of River Batanghari. and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 262  Sample 1 Generally the streets are stretching to North South because the design of building formed along this street are oriented toward the North and South. The length of street is 2 meters. There is branching from the street and the shape of street is linear connected toward the main street.  Sample 2 N The main street formed stretching to East West, due to the building orientation along this street is toward North and South. The length of the street is 2 meters with a linear shape. There is branching from those streets. ENCLOSED Indonesia is consisted of various ethnic groups with cultural diversity, in addition for this, the settlement especially traditional houses are also diversity in the design, from the simple shape until unique shape, either the building can stand independently or group, each of them has its own characteristics. The traditional settlement is the reflection of social and life of society in one area. Settlement pattern on Sekoja area divided into three, which are grouping pattern, spreading pattern and linear pattern. N and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 263 Formed settlement area patterns divide into two, which are linear pattern on riverside settlement and grid pattern on shore settlement, oriented toward road surroundings. Building mass and form divided into two, which are linear pattern developed on Batanghari riverside settlement, while grid pattern form due to the building row arrangement an roads intersection on shore. The the structure of the Jambinese Melayu settelement is the unity of political, commercial, social which is reflected on his settlement fabric BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Bagoes P. Wiryomartono, 1995, Seni Bangunan dan Seni Bina Kota di Indonesia, Gramedia, Jakarta Eisner, Simon and Stanley A. Eisner, Arthur B. 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Djarot S. Senna, 1987, Sebuah Pemikiran tentang Permukiman Islam, Penerbit Mizan, Bandung Noeng Muhadjir, 1996, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, edisi III, Penerbit Rake Sarasin, Yogyakarta and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 264 Pratomo, Soni, 2001. The Meaning of The Structures and Elements of The Center of The Harbor City of Tuban : A Morphological and Cross-Cultural Analysis on The City Center of The North Java Coastal Area. Thesis Magister tidak dipublikasikan, Magister Teknik Arsitektur Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang Rapoport, Amos, 1980, Cross-Cultural Aspects of Environmental Design, in Almant, I et. al. ed., Environment and Culture Vol. 4 of Human Behaviour and Environment, Plenum, New York Usman Meng, 2006, Napak Tilas Provinsi Jambi, Pemerintah Provinsi Jambi, Jambi Usman Pelly, et. al, 1994, Teori-teori Sosial Budaya, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 265 PEMBANGUNAN PERUMAHAN DAN PEMUKIMAN NASIONAL : PERMASALAHAN, HARAPAN DAN TANTANGANNYA Mindo Siagian

I. Pendahuluan

Pembangunan Nasional pada hakikatnya upaya-upaya yang ditujukan bagi perwujudan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya. Sementara itu, manusia Indonesia seutuhnya adalah manusia yang berkeadilan, sehat, makmur dan sejahtera. Secara khusus, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 Pasal 28 H mengamanatkan bahwa “setiap orang berhak hidup sejahtera lahir batin, bertempat tinggal pada lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat serta berhak memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan”. Pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman adalah salah satu syarat bagi perwujudan manusia Imdonesia yang seutuhnya. Rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar manusia, tidak hanya sebagai tempat berlindung, tetapi rumah juga mempunyai makna penting dalam pengembangan kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi bagi sipemiliknya. Dibahagian lain, Undang-undang Nomor 41992 tentang Perumahan Permukiman pasal 29 menyebutkan bahwa “setiap warga negara mempunyai hak dan kesempatan yang sama dan seluas-luasnya untuk berperan serta dalam pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman yang layak dan terjangkau. Karena itu, terpenuhinya kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman merupakan tuntutan dan kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia. Pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia menghadapi permasalahan dan tantangan yang sangat berat. Apalagi selama ini, ada kesan bahwa pembangunan permukiman dan perumahan cenderung timpang. Tidak ada keselarasan. Dinamika kehidupan dan kebijakan pemerintah serta tuntutan dunia usaha turut serta memberi kontribusinya di dalamnya. Kedepan, masalah pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman akan semakin berat. Diperkirakan rata-rata laju kebutuhan perumahan setiap tahunnya sebesar 800.00 unit rumah. Laju pertumbuhan perumahan tersebut dipredeksi akan terus naik seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk. Kondisi ini diperburuk dengan terdapatnya 14,5 juta unit rumah 28,22 persen dari rumah yang ada berkualitas rendah dan tidak layak huni. Biasa dibayangkan, jika tidak ada upaya serius dalam mengatasinya, dikhawatirkan akn terjadi ledakan yang sangat and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 266 besar terkait dengan tidak terpenuhi masalah perumahan dan permukiman tersebut. Secara umum, persoalan pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia berkaitan dengan berbagai permasalahan dasar, seperti : masalah pembiayaan, pertimbangan sosial budaya, nilai-nilai arsitektur atau issue pembangunan yang tidak relevan. Dilain pihak, pembangunan dan permukiman sering berbenturan dengan pengelolaan lingkungan. Masalah-masalah lingkungan, seperti penyediaan air bersih, pengelolaan sampah, sanitasi, jalan lingkungan, drainase sering terabaikan dalam pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman. Hal ini disebabkan karena manajemen pembangunan yang diterapkan tidak efisien. Mengingat permasalahan pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman yang sangat beragam dan kompleks, maka dalam penanganannya, integralistik dan holistik. Disamping itu, pengembangan kepranataan dan instrumen pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman harus berorientasi kepda kepentingan seluruh lapisan masyarakat.

II. Masalah Dalam

Pembangunan Perumahan dan Permukiman Sama seperti yang dihadapi oleh negara-negara lain pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia akan semakin berat seiring dengan perjalanan waktu. Pertumbuhan penduduk menjadi salah satu alasan utamanya. Berdasarkan analisis statistik pertumbuhan penduduk dan rumah tangga, diperkirakan laju kebutuhan perumahan di Indonesia setiap tahunnya rata-rata sebesar 800.00 unit rumah. Jumlah tersebut belum termasuk kebutuhan rumah akibat kekurangan atau defisit rumah backlog yang belum terpenuhi. Sebagai contoh, backlog yang belum terpenuhi hingga akhir 2003 yang lalu mencapai 5,93 juta unit 9,43 persen dari jumlah rumah yang ada Kondisi tersebut diperburuk dengan terdapatnya 14,5 juta unit rumah 28,22 persen dari rumah yang ada yang kualitasnya tidak layak huni dan tersebar pada 10.065 lokasi permukiman kumuh dengan luas 47.393 hektar, yang dihuni oleh sekitar 17,2 juta jiwa. Ini baru data yang dicatat secara resmi. Belum lagi ada banyak data tentang kondisi perumahan masyarakat yang belum terpantau secara jelas. Hal ini telah lama disadari. Namun hingga kini masalah tersebut belum sepenuhnya dapat ditanggulangi. Memang sudah banyak program yang dicanangkan pemerintah untuk mengatasi tingginya kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman tersebut. Akan tetapi kenyataannya masih jauh dari yang kita harapkan. Banyak warga negara yang belum menempati rumah yang layak huni. Alasan klasik masalah pembiayaan selalu mengemuka. and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 267 Secara umum, persoalan pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia berkaitan dengan berbagai permasalahan mendasar ; yaitu masalah pembiayaan dan minimnya lahan yang tersedia, khususnya diperkotaan. Disamping itu masih ada masalah-masalah lain, seperti halnya arsitektur yang belum memenuhi syarat perumahan yang sehat. Tata letak dan seni perumahan yang sesuai dengan kaidah- kaidah kesehatan cenderung dipinggirkan dan tidak dihiraukan. III. Tantangan Dalam Pembangunan Perumahan dan Permukiman Masalah perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia masih terus muncul. Selama ini ada sejumlah tantangan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia yang belum juga dapat dituntaskan. Beberapa diantaranya adalah: Pertama, masalah kesenjangan pelayanan. Pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman bagi masyarakat yang kurang mampu belum mendapat proporsi yang berimbang. Mayoritas pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman masih didominasi oleh kepentingan masyarakat menengah keatas. Pada hal, kepentingan seluruh lapisan masyarakat sesungguhnya harus mendapat proporsi yang serasi, seimbang dan selaras. Prinsip berkeadilan dan keseimbangan harus diterapkan dalam pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman. Pada hal, justrtu masyarakat miskinlah yang harus dibantu untuk memenuhi tuntutan kebutuhan atas perumahan dan permukiman. Kedepan, paradogma seperti ini harus dirubah. Simiskin harus diprioritaskan. Kedua, Pola pengelolaan lingkungan yang belum maksimal. Pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman ternyata membutuhkan dukungan lingkungan. Artinya, lingkungan dan perumahan – permukiman harus taat pada hukum lingkungan. Selama ini, pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman cenderung mengabaikan keutuhan lingkungan. Misalnya, penyediaan sarana dan prasarana yang buruk. Sarana air bersih sering pula tak dihiraukan. Demikian juga dengan penataan dan pengelolaan sampah, sanitasi, sarana jalan, drainase. Ketidakseriusan dalam penataan dimensi-dimensi lingkungan tersebut telah secara sengaja berdampak pada lingkungan perumahan dan permukiman yang tidak sehat. Disamping penataan lingkungan perumahan, penyediaan ruang hijau dan terbuka bahkan cenderung ditiadakan. Pada hal, setiap rumah selyaknya harus menyimpan dukungan akan kebutuhan oksigen. Pola seperti ini harus dikedepankan dalam pembangunan perumahan kedepan. Ketiga, Manajemen pembangunan yang tidak efisien. Selama ini ada kesan bahwa pembngunan perumahan dan permukiman and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 268 kurang memperhatikan kualitas dan cenderung mengutamakan kepentingan proyek semata. Pada hal, kualitas bangunan sangat penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan akan kenyamanan sipemilik rumah dalam rentang waktu yang relatif lama. Mutu bangunan juga berkaitan dengan peningkatan kualitas hidup. Jika mutu bangunan adalah kualitas seadanya, hal ini juga turut serat dalam memperparah pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman. Keempat, Masalah kepemilikan tanah. Tak mengherankan bahwa sengketa pertanahan di Indonesia sangat banyak, termasuk dalam sengketa lahan perumahan. Hal ini disebabkan karena penataan administrasi pertanahan belum dilakukan secara tertib. Dengan demikian, tak jarang lahan perumahan menjadi lahan didirikannya bangunan perumahan tersebut.

IV. Berbagai Langkah Untuk Mengatasi Masalah Perumahan

dan Permukiman Berbagai langkah untuk mengatasi masalah perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia harus digagas secara kontiniu tanpa pernah berhenti. Sejumlah gagasan layak diutamakan diantaranya adalah: Pertama, dukungan pemerintah. Dukungan dan komitmen pemerintah menempati posisi yang strategis dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman bagi masyarakat luas. Ketidakmampuan masyarakat, seyogianya diimbangi dengan dorongan dan dukungan dari pemerintah. Adanya kebijakan Strategi Nasional Perumahan dan Permukiman KSNPP, jika benar-benar dijalankan, diyakini akan menjadi model yang efektif dalam mengatasi seluruh problema dalam pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman. Fungsi regulasi pemerintah untuk mengatur masalah penataan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman harus dimaksimalkan. Cita-cita agar seluruh masyarakat dapat menikmati perumahan dan permukiman yang layak dan terjangkau dapat pula diwujudkan dengan pembentukan lembaga yang representative sebagai penyelenggaraan pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman diseluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia. Kedua, Komitmen pemerintah untuk mengimplementasikan Gerakan Nasional – Pengembangan Sejuta Rumah GN-PRS jangan sampai berhenti pada satu tahapan. Gerakan yang dicanangkan pada tahun 2003 tersebut harus dijadikan sebagai titik kulminasi bagi kebangkitan pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia. Hal ini penting sebagai momentum untuk mengajak semua pihak untuk berpartisipasi dan penanganan masalah-masalah yang muncul dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman bagi and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 269 seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Banyaknya masalah yang muncul harus diatasi secara bertahap hingga pada beberapa tahun kedepan dimana mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia sudah mendapatkan perumahan dan permukiman yang layak. Ketiga, Program Pemilikan Rumah Sederhana Sehat RSH Bersubsidi. Seperti direncanakan bahwa pemerintah akan mengembangkan rumah sederhana sehat RSH yang disubsidi sebanyak 200.000 unit rumah per tahun. Jika program ini benar- benar dijalankan, tentu akan sangat menolong bagi masyarakat khususnya berpenghasilan rendah. Keempat, agenda-agenda internasional harus dimanfaatkan sebagai kesempatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Misalnya Agenda 21 yang dideklarasikan di Rio de Jeneiro yang berintikan pada rencana yang menyeluruh dari masyarakat dunia, Negara serta pemerintah untuk sungguh-sungguh meningkatkan kualitas permukiman, terutama bagi Negara-negara yang sedang berkembang. Indonesia sebagai bagian dari Negara berkembang tentu penting untuk mengadopsi dan memanfaatkan kesempatan atas dukungan masyarakat internasional tersebut. Di samping itu, masih banyak agenda-agenda internasional yang bisa dimanfaatkan. Misalnya Agenda Habitat Istambul 1996. Adapun agenda tersebut telah menyepakati : 1 Rumah untuk semua, 2 Memperbaiki pengelolaan permukiman, 3 Meningkatkan kualitas tanah yang berkelanjutan, 4 Meningkatkan keterpaduan infratruktur lingkungan, 5meningkaykan energy dan transportasi yang berkelanjutan, 6 meningkatkan perencaaan dan pengelolaan kawasan bencana, 7 meningkatkan industri konstruksi. Penjabaran agenda 21 ini terutama ditujukan bagi terselenggaranya perumahan untuk semua orang serta mewujudkan pengembangan permukiman yang berkelanjutan. Kemudian adanya Johannesburg Summit pada tahun 2002 yang kemudian dimaknai sebagai penjabaran atau langkah konkrit untuk mengimplementasikan Agenda 21, yang secara khusus ditujukan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat atau untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan serta menyelamatkan sumber daya alam. V. Penutup Masalah pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia ternyata sangat banyak. Karena itu, diperlukan langkah konkrit untuk mengatasinya. Untuk itu, semua pihak harus bersatu padu dan member partisipasi aktif. Pemerintah, pihak swasta, dan masyarakat itu sendiri harus saling berkoordinasi sesuai dengan potensi dan kemampuan yang ada pada diri masing-masing. and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 270 A STUDY ON RESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE IN SUBURBAN AREAS OF MEDAN Case Study: Kelurahan Gedung Johor Kecamatan Medan Johor Kota Medan and Kelurahan Delitua Kecamatan Namorambe Kabupaten Deli Serdang Syafiatun Siregar Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia Abstract The growing of urban population up is acknowledged going to cause tensions either rising up price of land around the urban region, increasing requirement on housings, reducing quality of environment, flood, traffic jam and so forth. Housing Preference on urban border region shall be one of alternative in avoiding any pressure resulted by the progress of urban. The objective of housing preference study on the urban border region is to know factors influencing the rate of residing preference on the border and then to identify the attractive term of location as housing choice for research. The result of analysis with cross tabulation and by chi- square test showed that existed relationship between the housing preference with its road condition wide and hardness, still housing preference with the education facilities and housing preference with a family oriented community oriented. This perhaps conformed to the theories as adopted Beside it, it is found other finding namely the location region should be free from flood must be other alternative to prefer a location for housing choice. Keywords: housing preference, housing choice, suburban area, residential preference Introduction The economy growing up currently perhaps cause the urban run to develop widely, either physically or non-physically. It is noted that the urban development by physically resulting in the urban got developing rapidly even achieving the suburban, and however the border is hardly to determine while administratively it has border already. The growing of urban population up is noted causing tensions amongst of going expensive more the price of land around the urban, rising needs on houses, reducing the quality of and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 271 environment, flood, got traffic jams and so forth. A preference for residing on suburban shall be one of alternatives in avoiding the tensions resulted by the development of urban. The development on border regions as not integrated planning on differences of interested and competences may cause the development of housing and residences become not planned and uncontrollable as later got problems in life such as conflicts on exploitation of land, not efficiency in serving urban by infrastructure, the environmental polluted resulting in occurrence reducing quality of environment in whole. The development of Medan City and its hinterland as the suburban somehow become a preference for public residing particularly the community of Medan City, and this condition cause the residences around suburban got more development and rapidly with all its problem emerged mainly on the community of suburban as the consequence of their social-economy condition. The Formulation of Problems In details the problems for housing preference are as the following : 1. What factors influencing community have housing preference on the location of study Suburban of Medan City and Deli Serdang District 2. What factors influencing that location of study be attractive and has additional values. The Limitation of Problems In writing this study in topic a housing preference limited only to the community has permanent resident or not as temporary resident either on the region of real estate residential planned or the residents with a conventional housing spontaneous. Therefore, those community residing by rent or resident by board excluding to this study. The Objective of Study The objectives of study a preference to reside on suburban of Medan are :  To know the factors influencing a housing preference on suburban  To identify the attractiveness of locations for study Library Research The regulations No. 4 of 1992 regarding the housings and the settlement as entered into Chapter I General Guidance defines the settlement as a part of the environmental region outside the preserved zone either provided as urban region or and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 272 suburban as function for the environmental of residences or for settlement and for business places supporting for the living and life. The settlement as residences is a basic need for human being. In each planning of urban seen that utilization of land for residences take most part for settlement. In order bring the settlement into an integrated region for residence require several components inherently such as available land as intention, existing superstructures and infrastructures, available housing resident built up in the residence region as well as available general facilities and social facilities provided. In utilizing the land with spaces in forming a residences found several approaching models exposed in responding the dynamic of urban living. In general this approaching is classified into four approaches Yunus, 2000 namely Ecological Approach, Economy Approach, Morphological Approach, Activity Approach. The dynamic of urban development beside to influence the part of city core and middle core, it also indirectly influence to the occurrence development on the suburban and on the city border with the towns peripheral fringe areas. It is such for Medan City beside influencing to the city core, it also influences to the peripheral. Preference has a meaning a prefer or one’s tendency for something. Housing preference means a someone’s intention for residing on one place influenced by its variables. A preference to express intention over something can be used as a basic to assess mainly regarding the environmental characteristics. For instance, someone shall prefer location for residence near to the city core, to office, near to toll road, noises rate lower and a lower crowded. While others shall prefer the location near to reach schools for children Chapman, 1986. The development of suburban in the planning usually practiced not integrated since the difference of interest and authority and this resulting in the growing of housing run non planned and uncontrollable. Urban is a system for residing in various scales, agglomerated or not covering parts in-built linking with various social and economy interest bound and to deal each other, to enrich and influenced. Amongst those towns in the system is found a main city takes part very dominantly. The form and width of master city is not determined anymore yet by the political capability, but on behalf of economy activity and interest, various consumption and transportation for goods and services overstep the conventional limit Silas, 1996. The consequences of city development is available a tendency moving the functions of urban to fringe as is seen a process move beyond physical exposed from urban to sprawl. A further consequences on suburban will experience a spatial transformation process by a densification residence process and and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 273 social-economy transformation as a further impact of the spatial transformation process. The densification residences process occurring on suburban is a realization of rising need on spaces on urban. The urban fringe as a region overflowing activity of urban development has got already attention from many experts on various disciplines such as geography, social, and urban since 1930-s was the first time the term of urban fringe stated out in literature. The highly attention mainly addressed to various problems resulted by an expanse process of city into suburban and resulting in changing of physical for instance the change of utilization of land, demography, ecological balance as well as economy-social condition Subroto, etc. 1997 by Giyarsih. Mc. Gee 1991 in Giyarsih stated out that the development process and urbanizations in Indonesia mainly in Java Island marked by available restructuring in the internal of cities. The cities in Indonesia for coming several decades tends going to progress either demographically, physical, or spatial. A phenomenon reduced rural population within past two decades because a massive migration from rural, and this indicates that cities in Indonesia shall develop rapid either demographically or spatial in the future. House as a basic need for human has a various form according to whom as user. Bases to hierarchy of need Maslow, 1954 the necessity on house can be approached as a physiological needs, safety or security needs, social needs, self actualization Arrupe, 1977. Housings constitute a heterogeneity consumption thing, imperishable, important is an indirectly indicator of status and difference in consumer’s argument, a social relationship map of city structure, an important part of residences, and conflict between various strength in group and source of profit income for different institute involved in the production process Bessett Short, 1980 in turniningtyas. Everyone has privilege to choose for residence refers to their needs, preference, life style, either take it on the suburb, hinterland or rural, on a mega metropolitant area or mini Rapoport, 1977. House as primary consumption following the clothes and foods depending on social – economy condition of the human itself. For the city land become narrower and going rise expensive the land on urban cause preference moves over suburban. One’s decision to move shall depend on the difference between a currently opportunity and to be achieved and its various tensions. Ablere, etc.1977. The decision on location often linked with the characteristics of residences, status, prestige and homogeneity of social, topography, security and social relations related closely with the rate of social status Rapoport, 1977. Beside it seen the consequence of publication spreading and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 274 out that mass media and advertising can produce the differences of preference to reside on one place Rapoprot, 1977. Housing preference is influenced by life style of the resident with a consumption oriented, social prestige oriented, family oriented community oriented moore 1974 by Turniningtyas. By a family oriented and with certain community oriented dominates highly a need in determining location of residence. In this case, the community may connect with race, faith, or social-economy rate of the resident, while the family oriented shall link with existing the family, parents, friends or other relations. The prestige rate of someone as connected with the social-economy status and income owned also influencing to one’s preference. If choosing to the regions viewed from the income point it seen that the population with lower income tend to choose the residence location near to city core usually slum , while for those resident with middle income and above tend to chose the suburban a better residence refers to the argument stated out by Burgess 1925. Whereas in Indonesia many times friends, family present an important influence in facilitating and encourage migrant to urban to determine their residence Tirtosudarno, 1985. The Research Method The population to this study are housings available on the suburban of Kecamatan Medan Johor and spontaneous residences housing and a planned housing Kelurahan Delitua Kecamatan Namorambe Kabupaten Deli Serdang. The sort of study adopted perhaps a survey study by distributing questionnaire. The taking sample technique was by cluster sampling. The data processing and analysis was conducted by a descriptive analysis statistic. The Result of Study In the ecology approach of Medan City by adopting Harris-Ullman method 1945 which theory state out the Multiple Nuclei Model with own concept with the lead development of Medan City mention the concept forming structure of space separating and exploiting the region with functional Figure 1. Berry theory 1963 mentioning the distribution of land value theory for big cities linked with the transportation net accessibility. For available radial road may push the emerging mini peaks. If seen on the grand peak city center marked with a grand peak rate, while on mini peak the price of land be lower Figure 2. The Northam Theory 1979 concerning over bounded city, true bounded city and under bounded city for a morphological approach Figure 3. and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 275 Figure 1. Ecological Approach Source: RUTR Kota Medan, 2005 Figure 2. Economy Approach Figure 3. Morphological Approach The respondents were taken amount 100 people with a detail of 70 men and 30 women. The age of respondent namely 30 years 3, 30 – 40 years 22, 40 – 50 years 43 and 50 years 32. The respondent education rate comprising of Post Graduate 11, Graduate 63, SMA grade 22 and SMP grade of 4. The environmental variable analyzed were the environmental factors as the main consideration of respondents in choosing the location for residence. The factors comprising of the green condition, flood, drainage condition, quality of roads, quality of clean water, electrical facility, and the security rate and the cleanness of residences. The above graphic indicates that free flood region is known the highly mean from several variables of residence condition namely amount 97.80, and this state out that free flood variable is the most dominant region as priority the respondent choose in determining the location for resident. Beside the region free of flood, the condition of road is still priority with the mean of 83.00 and mention that the condition of road shall highly determine to preference in residing. The condition of road intended comprising of accessibility of way out and in to the residence complex including its hardness. The location of study is well known as outer ring road. Figure 4 It is noted that the praying facilities mostly demanded with a near location and easy to achieve from the residence, and the mean response from the respondents is 92.00 and it means that facility for worship should be not so far 2km distance from the location of residence, followed by the education facilities 89.80, traditional markets 83.20 and clinic 81, 80. These variables shall be a reference in deciding for housing preference. Figure 5 and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 276 78,20 97,80 68,00 57,80 83,00 75,20 67,80 70,40 74,40 Penghijauan Bebas banjir Drainase Lebar Jalan Kondisi jalan Air Bersih List rik Keamanan Kebersihan Figure 4. The mean variables about the condition environmental factors 83,20 66,80 50,20 89,80 92,00 81,80 64,20 78,40 72,80 Pasar Tradisional Sup er market Plaza M all Pendidikan Temp at Peribadatan Klinik Rumah Sakit Taman Bermain Sarana Olahraga Figure 5. The mean variables about the condition of infrastructure and superstructures It is noted that the location to the southern part of Medan City specifically leads to residential purpose on representative. It is not seen only from its access or available infrastructures and superstructures but also linked to other reasonable. Accordingly, the respondents resided on the southern part of Medan City have a certain reason why they choose that location for the residence. Based to the result of survey in fact found that in generally 95 respondents responded that location is relative cheaper than other locations. Still, got near to the family is noted secondly priority 87 and the available infrastructure and superstructure namely completed social and public facilities shall be another reasons for them in housing preference. Figure 6 and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 277 95 62 83 87 15 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Murah Dekat lokasi kerja Dekat FasumFasos Dekat Keluargat eman P ret ise Figure 6. The reasons for them in housing preference in suburban area According to the result of study on the location, as well as the result of statistical test can be taken a conclusion as the followings: Table 1. The Result of Analysis Crosstab Preference for Residence No Relations Preference to reside Chi square Table Chi Square Count Interpretation Remarks 1. The condition of road 174.645 16.919 Ho accepted Connected 2. Width of road 124,727 16,919 Ho accepted Connected 3. Facility on education 133,273 16,919 Ho accepted Connected 4. Frequency in flood 88,856 12,592 Ho accepted Connected 5. Social religion 129,936 12,592 Ho accepted Connected 6. Who in 1 location 210,914 21,026 Ho accepted Connected Conclusion Refers to the objective of this study it can be taken conclusion that factors influencing the housing preference are as the following :  The condition of residence namely condition of green surrounding, condition of drainage, condition of road, condition of quality and quantity of clean water, and the condition of security.  The available superstructure and infrastructure with accessibility properly existed and near to the location of general facility and social facility with the residence.  Social condition namely comprising of existing closed to the family, a certain community, social condition surrounding as the residence. and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 278 In particular, the respondents’ reason to have the location are:  The house price is cheap relative  Near to the general and social facilities  Near to the relative in group family, friends, parent, and office-mate  Near to the working location DAFTAR PUSTAKA Bappeda Kota Medan 2005, Rencana Umum Tata Ruang Kota Medan Chapman, N.J, Ritzdorf M. A, 1986, Tradeoff Method Of Asses Housing Location Preferences, Journal Of Enviromental Psychology 345-358 Giyarsih S. R.,2006 Gejala Urban Sprawl Sebagai Pemicu Proses Densifikasi Permukiman Di Daerah Pinggiran Kota Urban Fringe Area, Kasus Pinggiran Kota Yogyakarta, Glasson, J., 1974, Pengantar Perencanaan Regional. Bagian Satu Dan Dua, Terjemahan Paul Sihotang, LPFE-UI. Jakarta Nazir, M, 1999., Metode Penelitian, Jakarta, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta Rapoport, A. 1977 Human Aspect Of Urban Form Towards a Man Enviroment Approach To Urban Form And Design, Pergamon, New York Silas, J. et al 1990, Penelitian Keadaan Perumahan Di desa Pinggiran Surabaya Terkait Dengan Sensus 1990, Lab Permukiman, ITS Sinuligga, B. D., 2005, Pembangunan Kota, Tinjauan Regional dan Lokal, Pustaka Sinar Harapan Snyder, JC., 1979, Introduction to Urban Planning. Mc. Graw Hill Book Co., New York Turniningtyas A. R., Dampak Perkembangan Kota Surabaya Terhadap Preferensi Bermukim Di Daerah Perbatasan, Studi Kasus: Permukiman Di Sekitar Pondok Tjandra Kecamatan Waru Perbatasan Kabupaten Sidoarjo Dan Kota Surabaya, Jurnal RUAS Volume 1 No 2 Desember 2003, hal 145 - 151, Yunus, H. S., 2000., Struktur Tata Ruang Kota, Pustaka Pelajar, Jakarta and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 279 CHARACTERISTICS STUDY RESIDENT LIVING OF SLUM SETTLEMENT ON RIVER BANK Case Study: Asahan River, Tanjung Balai, North Sumatera Nurmaidah Departement Of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technic, Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia Email Address: midah_ziziyahoo.com Abstract The Existence of slum settlement appeared on the bank of river seemly triggered by a worst economy, failed to provide the settlement fulfilling the requirements as a residence properly to occupy and make them difficulty to dwell on the bank of river, lake, sea as their residence and this however become a certain problem and it may decrease quality over surrounding. The objective of this study is to know the factors influencing people as community persistent to live by settlement on the bank of Asahan River since it has a worst quality condition surrounding. To collect the data perhaps conducted by field research as well as interview with non structured to those respondents, for them distributed questionnaire in this case those residents in the settlement. Later, the result was tested by using a statistic method to obtain factors causes the people in the community persistently to live with neighborhood on the bank of river. There are variables to test such as economy, socio-cultures, location of work and location of residence. From the result of this study showed that factors cause the people in community persistent to occupy the settlement on the bank of river are : near to the area of working, ethnic group and familial relationship with the resident on the location. Keywords: slum, bank of river, characteristics Introduction It is noted that in knowing more the area of river bank or offshore in Indonesia in actually rooted on geographical factors, and the archipelago history for centuries had been acknowledged a vital part on the international trade channel Suprijanto, 2003. Tanjungbalai town is flowed through a large rivers namely Asahan River and Silau River, also flowed by some small rivers Pematang River, Merbau River, Kapias River, Raja River, Serap River, Langge River as all empties into Aasahan River and Silau and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 280 River. There are still many other rivers known as estuaries without names found on Tanjungbalai town. A few years ago, the settlement on the main land existed on Kelurahan Kuala Silo Bestari is the same precisely with the settlement region being studied. Local government once held reclamation, it is later appeared a main land as now being crowed and dense population with houses. It is noted on these residences occurred many times burning and get down completed those houses surroundings and had ever occurred a great flood achieved 1 meter above shore, but although had occurred the flooding and big burning, the community take persistently reside on this settlement. Amongst the offshore settlement existed on Tanjungbalai Town, the settlement on Kelurahan Kuala Silo Bestari region seemly run wide leading into the mid of Asahan River site by site, almost a half of the river part filled with staged houses made of wood in a simple construction and some of the houses have got decayed and slanted. The building laid out not orderly, almost no distance one house to another building and average size of house about 5 m x 7 m with iron sheet roofing and some have no any ceiling. For daily necessities as for bath, washing and toilet and others the people take river’s water. Public way facilities around this settlement made of wood construction in a very simple far from construction requirement. Mostly public way made of wood on site mostly out of order in condition and it is seen threatening to people. The population of this location in generally make their living as fisherman and labor. They live on this settlement region and got averagely teens year, mostly of the community have relative bound one and another. It is still as to ask question to this study : what factors cause those people persistently to reisde on this offshore region. Library Research

1. Slum Settlement on River Bank

Along with the population grew in number to the urban so that requirement on house and residence shall be going to rise anymore, to provide it with housing and the residence got risen spontaneously or with a planning residence. In generally, the housing problems on urban occurred on a highly growth of population and it is noted on natural growing up run and because of the urbanization, still highly costly to develop houses on urban also triggered by a limitation of land or even on a reason a lower economy make them not ability to live on any residence reliable, shortage of infrastructure and superstructure to fulfill people necessity mainly to those people with weak economy. The settlement has own characteristics type refers to its non physical strength grown locally, it connecting with social- and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 281 culture system, governance, education rate as well as technology is going to give contribution in environmental physical Koentjarangra, 1977. According to Koentjarangrat, 1985, the housing and residence house and environment is existed as a physical culture constitute the result of idea complex of a cultural system reflected on social activity locally. In order to know and have the same meaning precisely on housing and residence, it is necessary to study the definition as entered into UU No.41992 regulations. The explanation as in the regulation indicate that there are several main element connected in defining the housing and residence, namely: available dwelling place function as shelter and human socialization as individual in the smallest environment, existing a service net allowing people as individual and society for living, hold there a limitation element connecting with the human behavior as individual and society in their living and have life. Further, in the UU No.41992 regulation define the meaning of settlement and mention there found a part of environment outside of restricted region either as urban region and rural and it function as dwelling place or for residence and got it for activity supporting to the life and living. This case cause a seriously problem mainly on people with a lower income with a greatest number classification while its economy capability very limited. In connecting with it, people shall form a community and take dwell on green line zones and river plain, railway track and with idle land without any master. According to Article 22 UU No.4 of 1992 regulation regarding Housing and Settlement as not properly to reside such as the region and zone is not suitable for its purpose exterior, a highly crowded buildings found within a limited area, extremely affected with social illness and environmental disease, endanger for living and to those community live there. There are so many Indonesian people resided on the area of rivers bank, and they shall exploit the natural resources of water on sea and shore. In connecting with it, the problem deals with perhaps growing up there various activities on the river bank such as economy activity of fisherman community, they shall build houses neglecting any technical rules, ecological and administrative requirements. In building houses, the community make reclamation uncontrolled and some to heap the swamp up so that ecology and environment destroyed. The location and site for settlement tend influencing to the social interaction pattern. The element and road network or open space are known affecting mainly to the image refers to identity, and it shall present some meaning as forming image of some place. According to Suprijanto 2000 in his study, the rivers bank zone comprising of a region run dynamic and unique with all sizes where the land and waters river, lake, sea, Bay run and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 282 united water edge zone and must hold its unique and still further the zone may comprise buildings or some other activities that must not be directly on water but linked with the water as the main scheme in widely. In connecting with the Presidential Decree Number 32 of 1990, date of 25 th July regarding the Management of Restricted Zones to preserve defined as 1. A protection to all beach and river provided in order to preserve the border region of beach river away from the activities disturbing the function of beach rivers. 2. Criterion border of beach river is mainly the land along the sea side with the width proportional with the form and its physical condition minimally 100 meters from the highest tide point lead ward land. The building orientation as initially build facing water refers to its activities based water oriented. Further development the activity oriented to land and increasing to rise even more dominantly, the houses build oriented tends facing to the land ward and consider more the functional aspect and accessibilities. By architecture, the building on the river side classified into : 1. Buildings on land 2. Buildings staged on land 3. Buildings staged on water 4. Buildings raft on water The architectural buildings provided in a traditional and modern styles and its refers to the background of cultures and each ethnic group. The building typology adopted a simple structure and construction, make traditional and conventional, perhaps neglect considering the wind influence. There are many times found burning on careless, people use dangerous equipmenttools and flammable, as well as not existing facilities and no guidance for extinguishing particularly for houses on waters. The river side settlement with the land region for research compound between the fisherman settlement and river bank settlement noted shortage superstructure and infrastructure such as drink water and road facility, a lower rate income, people care on environment is lower and their education rate is lower as well as. The settlement found on water side available on this Asahan River, mostly community live there had a very lower income with their way of living as fisherman and they got socialized with the village area existed and on the main land is known as a marginal settlement on Tanjungbalai town. If seen from the comfortable point view this region offer no any thing, but their comfortable and they feel at home atmosphere, on other side still offer them harmony live, warmly relation and familiar each other as normal psychological human. and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 283

2. The Relations of Dwelling Place with the Working Location

The human and its environmental constitute a unit unable to separate, means both got interaction each other, which interaction will influence on human behavior. The environment might be a physical sphere namely universe surrounding in natural or artificial made. As a human is of course social creature so take always interacted with other, and there appeared then some houses named as settlement. In his book, Yunus 1994 with the theory of hoyt sector mentions, population take zone three namely zone with a slum settlement. Those lower workers prefer house near to the location where they work, aimed for saving transportation cost. The user of town site mainly on the zone three, according to R.V Ratclif stated out as an exchange phenomenon between the land price and dense between the transportation cost and dense. This possible to run for mostly community want a lower transportation cost. So exploiting space by human still be based on the considerations of distances that links directly with the economy factor. In essentially, the factor cause the community not able or live under poverty and then take dwell next to river side comprising of three factors : 1. Economy factor, people capability they hold in order to fulfill their living needs, for instance working and income. 2. Social factor is their capability adapted with the environment, for instance education rate and knowledge. 3. Cultural factor, is their background on culture, ethnic group and traditions as well as their faith in hold. 4. Lower education rate that people got 5. Closed relation they hold among those community dwell together. For economy factor, social and culture as well as education is recognized influencing highly and immediately to the growth of spontaneous settlement found on river bank, in addition it can be mentioned that to the settlement of river bank later have a various characteristics as the following : 1. It has superiority location that possibility to become a central for economy growth. 2. The community have social activity oriented to water and main land. 3. Mostly people with a lower economy group with a relative limited education background. 4. Their knowledge on a health environment is still shortage. They usually do not care about their environment and have tendency neglect any risk and danger of earthquake. 5. Found there community with their tradition to live on water and used to exploit waters and rivers as their transportation way. and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 284 6. It is an openly zone access directly. Originally, the river side settlement occupied by community requiring shelter only away from outside weather and they need it closed to the location where they worked. In generally, the community live on the river side make their living way informally and mostly they were as fishermen, they could move easily mobilized with their working such as boats closed to their house and they need near distance for dwelling. According to Turner 1968, in Hadi Sabari Yunus theory, there are four sorts of dimension need to pay attention particularly in knowing more the living houses on any urban, they are : 1. Dimension of location relies on the areas very suitable for dwelling house. This condition pressed more on their income and way of cycles in life. This location closed relation with the distance for working accessibility to employment. 2. Dimension of housing related with one’s aspiration to the type of house available. This condition mostly people make argument to the aspect of controlling the house and usually linked with the income and living cycle. 3. Dimension of cycle of live, deals with one’s stages commencing to have starting autonomy to life, in wide meaning all living needs one hundred percent supported by own income. 4. Dimension of income, emphasized on how many one’s income gained on time unit. According to the argument of Panudju 1999, in making priority about the house, someone and one family having a lower income tend to put their main priority on the location where they shall get opportunity to job. It means, without any job for supporting their daily needs, it shall be very difficulty to maintain their life. While, status of house possession and have land shall the second priority. For the house with quality shall be the last priority, but the important one on this stage is existing a house for protecting and got relax for their way to maintain life. In the social housing system, so Jo Santoso 2002 stated out that house for community with a lower income shall be : 1. Near to the working place or to an area potential to get job, at least worker on informal sector. 2. The quality in physical of dwelling and environment is not important as far as they still can live and hold to work. 3. The rights and privilege owned on land and building is not care. The most important for them is never to condemn and do not ask them remove. According to their opinion, a house is facility. From above description, the relation between the location of work with the location for residence has many link with economy, social and culture and all it closed each other. The three factors affecting the community, people not have capability