Local government and community responsibility

and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 215 [iii] Conflict of Interest Small island management determines the impact of environment positively or negatively often expectation to be minimizing the negative impact through regulation, rule, and standards. Another problem of little island management cultural conflicts emerge through tourism industry in spite of the fact that several contradiction to local culture; and it emerge limited or no access to local community usually it happened in little island has carry out by investor. [iv] Environmental Degradation Utilization of additional unfriendly environmental resource caused by inadequate central as well as local regulation, and low of community prosperity has implicated to increase environmental damage.

8. Conclusion

Revitalization of Dabosingkep is specific because the culture as result of prosperity has been leaving behind. Change to another profession is not easy for people live in small islands. It shown that push factor is needed to make people going to develop again former privileged conditions Dabosingkep through consideration of small islands ecosystem toward a sustainable urban islands. The influence of cultural sensitivity toward human development ecosystem mostly related on urban economic sector contains development of:  Economic base on nautical factor, that have large multiplier effect to push another urban economic.  Develop public private partnership concept.  Increase value added of local product which as specific of Dabosingkep mark.  Increase Dabosingkep strengthening capacity that has been hold as a central of trade distribution and service activity local and national scale for surround area.  Increase an economic infrastructure physically and moreover it needs to support by rule, standard and regulation. Figure 7 Economic prospective developments and Manifestation, Medan, 13 th - 14 th November 2007 216 There are several sectors could be developed in Dabosingkep areas are: [i] Culture, related on tourism sector: Tourism object could be developed are natural landscape of beach, natural forest sanctuary, culture tourism regarding lead mining museum. This case still need develop by management of tourism track to another object around Dabosingkep area. [ii] Human development Crisis of confidence cause by former lead mining prosperity need human development more related to economic such as Industrial sector that regards on production of marine, fish, rubber, and supporting tourism industry. Sea food industry and other marine sector related on fish, seashore or beach tourism, research on marine and nautical, aquatic touring, diving and other water sport, object tourism such as landscape and water recreation. Agriculture ad plantation sector plant and farming, including cow, poultry, swallow, goat Trade and service sector. [iii] Ecosystem awareness Activity related on small islands ecosystem such as taking of timber as building material, sand, granite, gravel, limestone, quartz, stone, and coral. References Cuthbert, Alexander R 2003 Designing Cities: Critical Reading in Urban Design. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publisher. Dwitri Waluyo 2007 Lingkungan. Gatra. No. 40 Indonesia. Ferianto H Djais, cs ..... Perencanaan Tata Ruang Pulau Pulau Kecil. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. Ferianto H. Djais, cs …. Regional Marine Planning Book 1. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. Ferianto H. Djais, cs …. Regional Marine Planning Book 2. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. Jon Lang 2006 Urban Design: a Typology of Procedure and Product. Great Britain: Elsevier Ltd. ……. 2005 Lingga Regency in Figures 2005. Bappeda Kabupaten Lingga dan BPS Kabupaten Lingga Http:www.kompas.co.idkompas-cetak050615jendela1818292.htm Http:www.hcn.organization Http:www.singkep.com