The Ellen Show Definition of Terms

10 Meanwhile, there are two elements that are firmly related to the application of politeness strategies that are proposed by Brown and Levinson 1987. The elements are the notion of face and Face Threatening Act FTA. Before explaining the politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson 1987, the writer discusses the elements in the following paragraphs.

a. Face

Brown and Levinson 1987 define face as the public self-image that every member wants to claim for himself. There are two related aspects of face. The two aspects are negative face and positive face. Negative face is defined by Brown and Levinson 1987 as ―the basic claim to territories, personal preserves, rights to non- distraction‖ p. 61. Negative face is known as the want of every individual to be independent and be unimpeded by others Brown and Levinson, 1987, p. 62. It means that every individual has the desire to be free from imposition and action towards him. Positive face is defined by Brown and Levinson 1987 as the positive consistent self-image claimed by interactants. As Brown and Levinson 1987 state that positive face refers to ―the want of every member that his wants be desirable to at least some others‖ p. 62. The positive face crucially includes the desire that self-image be appreciated and approved of. It means that positive politeness is used when an individual wants to be appreciated or to be approved and liked by others. To make it clear, consider an example. Mrs. Thompson is a cat lover. Much of her time and effort are expended on her cats. She is proud of her cats, 11 and she likes others to admire them. She is gratified when people say ‗What a lovely cat; I want to touch it. How do you take care of its fur?‖, implying that they want just what she has wanted and achieved Brown Levinson, 1987.

b. Face Threatening Act

When a speaker produces an utterance that violates hearer‘s positive or negative face, he does the Face Threatening Act FTA. It is intuitively the case that the speaker‘s utterances threaten the hearer‘s face. The utterances will threaten the hearer‘s face when there is a difference between the speaker and hearer ‘s wants or desire. In other words, the speaker and hearer‘s wants run contrary. Brown and Levinson 1987 state that FTA is a threat used by a speaker that consists of mitigating statement and verbal repair or politeness p. 66. The speaker may threaten the hearer‘s face, for example by asking for help which threatens hearer‘s negative face since the speaker is potentially imposing on the hearer or just simply by giving compliments which threatens hearer‘s positive face since the speaker satisfying the hearer. Furthermore, FTA can be done within verbal and non-verbal communication. However, the focus of this study is to analyze FTAs which are produced verbally. People need to be aware of the utterance that they produced. They must be careful in choosing the words to be uttered to maintain the hearer‘s face. Any misunderstanding will happen if the speaker‘s utterance threatens the hearer‘s face. Besides, the misunderstanding will damage their interpersonal communication. Therefore, B rown and Levinson‘s 1987 politeness strategies PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI