Data Gathering Technique METHODOLOGY

40 Table 4.1 Politeness Strategies Found in The Ellen Show Speaker Politeness Strategy Positive Politeness Negative Politeness Bald on Record Off Record Ellen 18 5 12 2 Barack Obama 14 1 1 - Hillary Clinton 6 2 2 2 Total 38 8 15 4 The analysis of the politeness strategies used by the three speakers was elaborated in the following discussion based on the most frequent strategy until the infrequent one.

1. Positive Politeness Strategies Found in

The Ellen Show The function of positive politeness is to redress the addressee‘s positive face. Positive politeness has the basis to fulfill hearer‘s positive face by satisfying their desire. It refers to the speaker‘s action to minimize the distance with the hearer by using the intimate language. The speaker makes the hearer feel being accepted, respected, and wanted. The three speakers in The Ellen Show applied the positive politeness while doing the conversation. The positive politeness strategy was shown through three mechanisms, namely claiming common ground, conveying that speaker and hearer are cooperators, and fulfilling hearer‘s want. From the data, the writer found out that the most frequent and apparent positive politeness strategies that were used by Ellen and the U.S. politicians were the sub-strategies of exaggerating interest, intensifying interest to hearer, using joke, giving offer and promise, and giving gifts to the hearer. 41 The first mechanism of positive politeness was claiming common ground. It indicated that both speaker and hearer shared the same wants, including goals and values. In using this mechanism, the speaker wanted to satisfy the hearer that hearer‘s desire was interesting to the speaker as well. There were three applications of the sub-strategies in claiming common ground that were found in the talk show, namely exaggerating interest, intensifying interest to hearer, and using jokes. Dialogue 1 showed the application of exaggerating interest by Ellen and Obama. The exaggerating interest or the positive politeness was labeled as ‗PP‘. Dialogue 1 Clip Title : Pres. Barack Obama on Ellen Breaking his Twitter Record Time : 03.59 – 04.34 Participants : Ellen and Obama Obama : We were on a trip to New York, and the gap announced that they were gonna make sure that all their employees at least got paid 10 an hour, so theyre increasing their wages for tens of thousands of employees across the country, and since weve been saying that America deserves a raise, and we should provide a minimum wage of at least 10.10 an hour. I thought it was great for me to be able to go frequent a store. Thats doing right by their employees. Ellen : Good for you. Obama : I thought that was really important. Ellen : [cheers and applause] Good for you. Thats fantastic. PP Full transcript can be seen in Appendix B, p. 78 Ellen asked Obama about his experience in visiting a gap or a department store in New York. He told Ellen and the audience about the salary of the employees that work on the gap. At that time, Obama was really satisfied to hear that the gap parties would increase the employee‘s wages. Obama told Ellen and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 the audience that he was also satisfied to be able to visit the gap. Ellen responded Obama by saying ―Good for you. That‘s fantastic.‖ The word ‗fantastic‘ indicated that Ellen was impressed by Obama‘s action. Moreover, in saying the word ‗fantastic‘, Ellen used the exaggerated stress to show her interest in Obama‘s statement and keep his positive face. Intensifying hearer‘s interest was the next example of claiming common ground. It represented the way how the speaker communicated with the hearer to give contribution by making a good story to inten sify hearer‘s interest. The use of exaggerated facts was one of the techniques to intensify the hearer ‘s interest. Dialogue 2 showed the conversation between Ellen and Obama that was consisted of intensifying hearer‘s interest mechanism. The intensifying interest or positive politeness was labeled as ‗PP‘. Dialogue 2 Clip Title : President Obama Discusses His Daughters Time : 01.02-1.24 Participants : Ellen and Obama Obama : They don‘t have an attitude, they‘re courteous and kind to everybody. They work hard, they don‘t feel like they‘re entitled anything. Ellen : Well, they have great parents. Both you and Michelle are really, really amazing. Michelle is such a strong, wonderful role model for all women. And she has been a great First Lady. PP Obama : I agree, that I agree with. [Audience applause] Full transcript can be seen in Appendix B, p. 85 Obama is a father of two daughters, Malia and Natasha Obama. At that time, Ellen asked Obama about his opinions of his daughters. Then, Obama talked about his daughters‘ personalities. He told the story of his daughters proudly. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 Responding to Obama‘s story, Ellen stated another related good story that could increase Obama‘s interest. Ellen said the good story to intensify her interest towards Obama‘s story. She shared her opinions about Obama and his wife, Michelle, who have been raising Malia and Natasha. Moreover, Ellen used exaggerated facts by saying, ―Michelle is such a strong, wonderful role model for all women.‖ Here, Ellen was trying to intensify Obama‘s interest by stressing her good intention to give her opinions and expressing them dramatically. Dialogue 3 also showed the use of intensifying interest to hearer mechanism in the conversation by Hillary Clinton. The use of intensifying interest to hearer or positive politeness was labeled as ―PP‖. Dialogue 3 Clip Title : Hillary Clinton Catches Up with Ellen Time : 03.21-03.33 Participants : Ellen and Hillary Ellen : You have a grand-daughter called Charlotte now. Hillary : I do, yes. Yeah, she is going to be one year old on September 26. Ellen : That‘s a cute age. Hillary : Yeah. On my way here, I stopped by just to see her, so that I could kinda catch a glimpse …PP Full transcript can be seen in Appendix B, p. 80 Dialogue 3 showed the conversation between Ellen and Hillary who talked about Hillary‘s grand-daughter. In responding to Ellen‘s statement, Hillary told a good story about her grand-daughter. By telling a good story of her grand- daughter, Hillary wanted to satisfy Ellen ‘s interest instead of just saying ‗yes‘ to respond to Ellen.