Social Distance Sociological Variables

64 She showed her intentions implicitly to the hearer by using the off record strategy, so that the hearer should interpret what she really wanted. Hillary did not directly ask the hearer to vote her as a president. However, she gave the hearer freedom to interpret what she wanted and choose what they would do. Therefore, she satisfied the hearer‘s negative face in a higher level. However, the speaker ‘s desire to impose hearer‘s positive face was showed in Utterance 8. The Utterance 8 showed Ellen‘s utterance that used the positive politeness strategy. Ellen made a joke for Obama in the beginning of the show when she greeted Obama. Utterance 8 Ellen : Well, thank you so much for saying that. You didn‘t have to just because I said you look good, but that was nice of you. [Audience laughing] PP Transcript 1, p. 78 The dialogue showed that Ellen did an approach towards Obama by making a joke. She immediately said ―You didn‘t have to just because I said you look good, but that was nice of you‖ when she was given a compliment by Obama in the beginning of the show. By saying that, she imposed Obama‘s positive face with the joke. Furthermore, Ellen also lessened the social distance between her and Obama. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 65


This chapter consists of three parts, namely the conclusions, implications, and recommendation. The conclusions aim to sum up the result especially the data and findings of the study. The implications point out how the research findings contribute to language learning. The recommendations are addressed to future researchers and language learners to conduct further studies on a similar topic.

A. Conclusions

This study was conducted to analyze the use of politeness strategies by Ellen and U.S. politicians in The Ellen Show . Ellen was the host of the talk show when the data were collected, while the U.S. politicians were the guests. The U.S. politicians who were analyzed by the writer were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. This study aimed to report two research questions. The first research question deals with the use of politeness strategies and the second research question deals with the factors that affect the speakers in using the strategies. The writer applied the theory of Brown and Levinson 1987 to find out the politeness strategies used by Ellen and U.S. politicians and the factors which affect the strategies. The writer found out that Ellen and U.S. politicians used politeness strategies. There are four types of politeness strategies as stated by Brown and Levinson 1987, namely bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. Furthermore, the writer found out that the most frequent strategy used by Ellen and the U.S. politicians was positive politeness. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI