Research Setting and Data Source

38 is shown in Table 3.1. Meanwhile, the completed data analysis was presented in Appendix A. Furthermore, the selected utterances from the table were analyzed to answer the first research question by using Brown and Levinson 1987 politeness strategies theory. Table 3.1 The Categorization of Politeness Strategies Used by Ellen and U.S. Politicians in The Ellen Show Speakers Utterances Politeness Strategies Ellen Mr. President, it has been awhile since we‘ve spoken. You look great. How are you? PP Barack Obama Ellen dog bowls are somewhere. I‘m sorry, but… NP Hillary Clinton Don‘t let all the wonderful, beautiful young women who are here, don‘t get discouraged. Don‘t give in, don‘t give up. Don‘t quit on yourself, on your dreams, on your future. BoR … … … At last, the writer identified the utterances which carried politeness strategies that were described in the first research question‘s discussion to find out what factors that influence the speakers to use certain politeness strategy. Thus, the writer also used Brown and Levinson 1987 politeness theory to find out what factors that influence the speakers to use certain politeness strategies. 39


This chapter presents the results and discussions to answer the research questions which were formulated in the first chapter. The first research question discusses the politeness strategies used by Ellen and the politicians in The Ellen Show . The second research question discusses the factors that influence Ellen and U.S. politicians in using politeness strategies in the talk show.

A. The Politeness Strategies Used by Ellen and the U.S. Politicians in

The Ellen Show This section elaborated the results of the analysis of the utterances which were spoken by Ellen and U.S. politicians in The Ellen Show . Ellen was the host of the talk show while the U.S. politicians were the guest stars of the talk show. The selected U.S. politicians were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. There are four main parts of politeness strategies that are stated by Brown and Levinson 1987, namely bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. The four parts of politeness strategies were applied by Ellen and Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, Obama only used bald on record, positive politeness, and negative politeness strategies in his utterances. The politeness strategies used by the speakers were listed in Table 4.1. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 Table 4.1 Politeness Strategies Found in The Ellen Show Speaker Politeness Strategy Positive Politeness Negative Politeness Bald on Record Off Record Ellen 18 5 12 2 Barack Obama 14 1 1 - Hillary Clinton 6 2 2 2 Total 38 8 15 4 The analysis of the politeness strategies used by the three speakers was elaborated in the following discussion based on the most frequent strategy until the infrequent one.

1. Positive Politeness Strategies Found in

The Ellen Show The function of positive politeness is to redress the addressee‘s positive face. Positive politeness has the basis to fulfill hearer‘s positive face by satisfying their desire. It refers to the speaker‘s action to minimize the distance with the hearer by using the intimate language. The speaker makes the hearer feel being accepted, respected, and wanted. The three speakers in The Ellen Show applied the positive politeness while doing the conversation. The positive politeness strategy was shown through three mechanisms, namely claiming common ground, conveying that speaker and hearer are cooperators, and fulfilling hearer‘s want. From the data, the writer found out that the most frequent and apparent positive politeness strategies that were used by Ellen and the U.S. politicians were the sub-strategies of exaggerating interest, intensifying interest to hearer, using joke, giving offer and promise, and giving gifts to the hearer.