36 Parameswaran 2009 states that American news media recorded the euphoric reaction of citizen around the world in the aftermath of the inauguration ceremonies. The third subject was the President candidate of the United States of America Election 2016, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. In the time the writer conducted this research, Hillary Clinton was joining a campaign as the President Candidate of USA. She was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. She married Bill Clinton in 1975 and have a daughter named Chelsea Clinton. In her career she was elected as the first female senator from New York in 2000 and became a Secretary of State in the Obama administration from 2009 to 2013. As stated by Taylor, Lord, McIntyre, and Paulson 2011, Hillary Clinton was in the top three most frequently mentioned successful woman. She was an advocate for gender equality and healthcare reform. In addition, she was appointed by President Carter to the board of Legal Service Corporation and won a Grammy for her recording of her book It Takes a Village Taylor, et al., 2011.

C. Data Gathering Technique

In gathering the data, the writer firstly observed the selected clips of the talk show. Then, the writer analyzed the utterances which were produced by Ellen and U.S politicians with the help of the transcripts of the selected clips. In selecting the clips, the writer went to . The clips with the transcripts were taken from The Ellen Show You Tube channel. After that, the writer determined the clips that would be used as the main source of the data. The writer chose all the clips of The Ellen Show that were attended by PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 the U.S. politicians. Further, the writer selected and collected the utterances which are produced by the speakers which carried politeness strategies. Thus, the selected utterances were used to find out the factors which influence the choice of politeness strategies. Meanwhile, in conducting the research, the writer acted as human instrument. Lincoln and Guba 1985 state that the writer as a human instrument has the ability to collect information concerning multiple factors simultaneously. Similarly, the writer employed some information taken from books, journals, internet, and previous studies in terms of supporting the process of data analysis . D. Data Analysis Technique All the utterances produced by Ellen and U.S. politicians were taken from the transcripts of the talk show. The writer analyzed the utterances in order to know how the speakers conveyed the messages and intentions. Meanwhile, there were three steps that were used by the writer to answer the research questions. First, the writer made a checklist in the form of a table that contains the speakers, the utterances, and what politeness strategies were used. There were four types of politeness strategies written in the table, namely bald on record BoR, positive politeness PP, negative politeness NP, and off record OR. Thus, the purpose of the checklist was to classify which politeness strategies used by Ellen and U.S. politicians in the talk show. Second, the analysis was done by observing the occurrence of each politeness strategy that was used by each speaker. Then, the revealed strategies were listed based on the categorization that written in the table. The categorization PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI