Negative Politeness Strategies Found in

55 Ellen : Listen, before I say goodbye to you, it is your 69 th birthday in a few weeks. Hillary : It is. Ellen : And I can imagine, but tell you wish for your birthday. Hillary : Well, I have several wishes, one of them obviously includes the election, but I also, I really wish that I will be the president that are country needs right now, that‘s my deepest hope. [Applause] OR Full transcript can be seen in Appendix B, p. 88 The president candidate, Hillary Clinton, was interviewed by Ellen about her progress in doing the campaign. Hillary told Ellen and the audience about her campaign and some memorable moments during the campaign. When the talk show was approaching to finish, Ellen reminded Hillary that her birthday was close. Then, Ellen asked Hillary to share her wishes in front of the audience. Dialogue 13 showed Hillary‘s wishes. She applied the off record strategy by giving hints to Ellen and the audience. By giving the hints, Hillary left the hearer to search for an interpretation about her intention. She was in the condition of doing the campaign and she wished that she could be elected as a president. It was clear that she gave the hint for Ellen and the audience to choose her in the election so that she would be a president. Thus, she used the off record strategy to avoid the responsibility in doing the FTA towards Ellen and the audience. The use of overstating words in the off record strategy indicated that the speaker wanted to exaggerate a point on a scale which was higher than the actual state. In this case, Hillary used the overstating words while doing her campaign. The conversation between Hillary and Ellen that contained overstating words was shown in Dialogue 14. The overstating words or the off record strategy was labeled as ‗OR‘. 56 Dialogue 14 Clip Title : Hillary Clinton Catches Up with Ellen Time : 01.16-01.32 Participants : Hillary Clinton and Ellen Hillary : I‘m not asking people to vote for me because I‘m a woman, but I think if you vote for somebody on the merits, one of my merits is I‘m a woman, and I think that makes a big difference in today‘s world. OR Ellen : Yes, yes. But I do, and I think that a l ot of women, we‘re so conditioned for so long to be —to be less than. Full transcript can be seen in Appendix B, p. 80 In the interview, Ellen was talking about the achievements that had been produced by Hillary. Ellen asked Hillary to give her opinion about women rights and motivations for all women in the world. Since she was one of the president candidates in U.S., she used those opportunities to do the campaign. She showed her privileges as a woman and her promises to the audience. She used the off record strategy to deliver her wants implicitly, so that the audience should interpret what she really wanted. The actual fact was that she wanted the audience to choose her as the next president of U.S.

B. The Factors Which Influence the Application of Politeness Strategies

by Ellen and the Politicians in The Ellen Show There were two possible factors that could influence Ellen and U.S. politicians to choose what kind of politeness strategies that would be used. The factors were the payoffs of politeness strategies and the social variables. Politeness strategies‘ payoffs were divided into four payoffs based on each strategy, namely bald on record payoffs, positive politeness payoffs, negative PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 57 politeness payoffs, and off-record payoffs. Meanwhile, the social variables factors were divided into three variables, namely social distance, relative power, and rank of imposition. In addition, to simplify the discussion, the writer would remind the reader about the example of speakers‘ utterances taken from the previous discussion. Each factor was discussed in the following paragraphs.

1. Payoffs

Payoffs were the results or the advantages from the chosen politeness strategies. The discussions of politeness strategies payoffs and the findings were explained deeper in the following paragraphs.

a. Positive Politeness Payoffs Found in

The Ellen Show Positive politeness payoffs discussed the speaker‘s wants to satisfy the hearer‘s positive face in some respect. The speaker who used positive politeness could be in the form of giving compliment. It showed that the speaker valued what the other had. This payoff was explained in the Utterance 1 when Ellen talked about Obama‘s family life. Utterance 1 Ellen : Well, they have great parents. Both you and Michelle are really, really amazing. Michelle is such a strong, wonderful role model for all women. And she has been a great First Lady. PP Transcript 4, p. 85 Obama shared his story about his daughters to Ellen and the audience. Then, Ellen responded Obama by saying good things about Obama and Michelle. 58 Ellen said that Obama and Michelle are great parents. She used exaggerated words, such as amazing, wonderful, and great to satisfy Obama‘s positive face. However, the focus of this payoff was not about the exaggerated words but about the compliments that Ellen gave to Obama. Ellen ‘s compliment indicated that she valued what Obama and Michele had done.

b. Bald on Record Payoffs

If the speaker wanted to avoid the danger of being misunderstood and to be clear, the speaker chose the bald on record strategy. These were the essence of bald on record payoffs. The payoff was exemplified in Utterance 2. Utterance 2 Ellen : Look at, look BoR Transcript 5, p. 86 Ellen and Obama were watching a short video of Michelle Obama and Ellen who were having push up game. From the conversation between Ellen and Obama, bald on record strategy was used by Ellen by saying, ―Look at, look‖ Ellen could not avoid the responsibility of doing FTA to Obama. Furthermore, she wanted to be clear and efficient. It was related to the situation when both Ellen and Obama watched the short video. Therefore, Ellen said it directly toward Obama so that he could immediately take a look at the video before the scene passed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI