Relative Power Sociological Variables



This chapter consists of three parts, namely the conclusions, implications, and recommendation. The conclusions aim to sum up the result especially the data and findings of the study. The implications point out how the research findings contribute to language learning. The recommendations are addressed to future researchers and language learners to conduct further studies on a similar topic.

A. Conclusions

This study was conducted to analyze the use of politeness strategies by Ellen and U.S. politicians in The Ellen Show . Ellen was the host of the talk show when the data were collected, while the U.S. politicians were the guests. The U.S. politicians who were analyzed by the writer were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. This study aimed to report two research questions. The first research question deals with the use of politeness strategies and the second research question deals with the factors that affect the speakers in using the strategies. The writer applied the theory of Brown and Levinson 1987 to find out the politeness strategies used by Ellen and U.S. politicians and the factors which affect the strategies. The writer found out that Ellen and U.S. politicians used politeness strategies. There are four types of politeness strategies as stated by Brown and Levinson 1987, namely bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. Furthermore, the writer found out that the most frequent strategy used by Ellen and the U.S. politicians was positive politeness. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 66 The data revealed that all of the speakers, Ellen and U.S. politicians, used positive politeness strategy as well. This finding proved that Ellen and U.S. politicians used positive politeness in their conversation. It was basically to save each other‘s positive face. They wanted to maintain a close relationship through the interaction between them. The factors which influence the use of politeness strategy by Ellen and US politicians were the payoffs of the politeness strategies and the sociological variables. Politeness strategies payoffs were divided into four types, namely bald on record payoffs, positive politeness payoffs, negative politeness payoff, and off record payoffs. Bald on record payoffs was related to the speakers ‘ want to be straight forward and efficient. Positive politeness payoffs were the speakers ‘ wants to maintain social closeness towards the hearer. Negative politeness payoffs was the speaker wants to satisfy hearer‘s negative face by respecting other and maintaining social distance between speaker and hearer. Lastly, off record payoffs was related to the speaker wants to minimize the threat towards the hearer and to satisfy the hearer‘s negative face in a greater degree. The sociological variables are divided into three variables, namely social distance, relative power, and rank of imposition. Social distance was related to how the social attributes affected the relationship between Ellen and the U.S politicians. Rank of imposition was related to the degree of the FTA that is considered as the interference to the face of the hearer. However, relative power factor did not influence the speakers in using politeness strategies. It indicates that 67 all the speakers ignored their power and social status while doing the conversation.

B. Implications

Based on the findings, this research contributes important information to the practice of language learning especially for English learning. This research analyzed how politeness strategies used in a daily conversation. Politeness strategies focus on how the speaker saves hearer‘s positive face by making an expression that is less threaten ing for hearer‘s face Brown Levinson, 1987. Thus, it is important for English learners to comprehend the strategies in order to be able to formulate an utterance properly and politely. It is important for English learners to understand how politeness strategies affect people in maintaining interpersonal relationship. Besides, this research findings are expected to be the examples of the use of politeness strategies in a talk show. Hopefully, this research can enrich EFL students‘ knowledge in using English language as a tool to communicate with each other properly. Furthermore, politeness is one of the theories that is included in Sociolinguistics. The findings of this research are expected to give contribution to the Sociolinguistics, as it provides examples on how language is used in society.

C. Recommendations

The recommendations are addressed to future researchers and language learners. The writer expects that these recommendations will help them in learning this topic or writing further research about this topic. The writer hopes PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI