The Study of Language and Society

12 serve four notions to save both speaker and hearer‘s face. The four notions will be described in the following section.

5. Politeness Strategies

Based on Brown and Levinson 1987, politeness strategies are strategies which concern saving hearer‘s face by producing an expression that is less threatening for the hearer‘s face. There are four main strategies which are presented by Brown and Levinson 1987, namely bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. The following points show deeper explanation of each politeness strategy.

a. Bald on Record

Brown and Levinson 1987 state that bald on record is the maximum efficiency in communication. The speaker uses bald on record when he does the FTA with maximum efficiency more than his wants to satisfy the hearer‘s face. On the other hand, there are two different classes of bald on-record depending on the cases and motives of the speakers to do the FTA with maximum efficiency, namely non-minimization of the face threat and the usage of FTA-oriented bald on record. 1 Non Minimization of the Face Threat The first class of bald on record deals with the condition where the face threat is irrelevant. This class is the class where the FTA is ignored and not minimized. The communication difficulties of this class exert pressure to speak with maximum efficiency. The class where the FTA is ignored includes the case of great urgency or desperation, the case where the speaker‘s willingness to satisfy 13 hearer‘s face is low and the case where doing the FTA by the speaker is primarily for hearer‘s interest. The case of great urgency shown in the utterance ―Watch out‖ The speaker‘s low willingness to satisfy hearer‘s face is shown in the case when the speaker is more powerful, does not fear retaliation from hearer, or because the speaker wants to be rude. It is exemplified by the utterance ―Bring me these clothes, John.‖ as said by the oldest sibling. The case where doing the FTA by the speaker is primarily for hearer‘s interest is shown in the utterance ―Hey, girl. Don‘t be sad.‖ and ―Be careful The floor is wet.‖ Thus sympathetic advice or warning can be performed baldly on record. 2 FTA-Oriented Bald on Record Usage The second type is where a threat is minimized by the implication. Based on Brown and Levinson 1987, the threat which is inherently brought by the FTA is minimized by saving hearer‘s particular face. For instance, the utterance implicitly saves the heare r‘s face but the utterance that the speaker makes is an FTA. This nicely requires mutual orientation which involves the attempt of each participant of social interaction to foresee what the other participant attempts to foresee Brown Levinson, 1987. There are three states which are included in this type of bald on record, namely welcomings, farewells, and the state where the speaker insists the hearer to impose on speaker‘s face. The example of welcomings is the utterance ―Come in. I‘m not busy.‖ as said by a person with higher power to the subordinate who is waiting outside his room. The example of farewells is in the utterance, ―Good bye See you when I see you.‖ The state in which the speaker insists the hearer to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI