Bald on Record Strategies Found in

52 communicating speaker‘s want to not impinge on the hearer, and redressing others want of the hearer‘s. There were two sub-strategies that appeared mostly in those three mechanisms, such as using hedge and question and apologizing. However, the first and the last mechanism of negative politeness were not found in the collected data. Hedge and question were two of the sub-strategies that included in avoiding presumption and assumption mechanism. When the speaker used negative politeness strategy, he had to avoid presuming and assuming the wants of the hearer. Dialogue 11 showed the example of question usage by Hillary Clinton when she was interviewed by Ellen. The question or negative politeness was labeled as ‗NP‘. Dialogue 11 Clip Title : Hillary Clinton Catches Up with Ellen Time : 01.40-02.14 Participants : Ellen and Hillary Ellen : It wasn‘t until 1920 when the 19 th Amendment passed that women were allowed to vote. Hillary : That‘s right. Ellen : We couldn‘t vote until then. Women weren‘t allowed to serve in the military until 1948. Not allowed into combat until 2013. It wasn‘t until 1973 that woman could serve on juries. A woman could not have her own credit card until 1974. Hillary : Can I tell you about that? NP This is hard to believe, but there was a law passed so that if you were married, or you were a single woman, you would be legally entitled to a credit card. So I applied to credit card. Full transcript can be seen in Appendix B, p. 80 Ellen and Hillary were talking about the gender equality in U.S. year to year. They talked about women‘s policy to use their rights in joining an election, 53 serving in the military, until women‘s rights in using their own credit card. When Ellen stated her opinion about the gender policy, Hillary responded to Ellen with her opinions by saying, ―Can I tell you about that?‖ The utterance which was said by Ellen was considered as avoiding presumption by using question. In this case, Hillary was aware that her utterance might threaten Ellen‘s negative face. Thus, Hillary used the question first before stating her opinions to give Ellen choice whether she allowed Hillary to say it or not. The following mechanism of negative politeness that was found in the collected data was by communicating the speaker‘s want to not impinge on the hearer. Apologizing was the sub-strategy of this mechanism that appeared mostly in some conversations between Ellen and U.S. politicians. Dialogue 12 showed the conversation between Ellen, Obama, and Macey that contained apologizing. Macey was also a guest star in that episode together with Obama. The negative politeness or apologizing was labeled as ‗NP‘. Dialogue 12 Clip Title : Macey Meets President Obama Time : 02.27-02.49 Participants : Ellen, Obama, and Macey Macey : Are you still using the Ellen dog bowls? Obama : You know, the Ellen dog bowls are somewhere, I am sorry, but… NP Audience laughing Ellen : Give me my trump back. Audience laughing Full transcript can be seen in Appendix B, p. 83 The dialogue showed that the speakers were talking about the dog bowls that were given by Ellen to Obama as gifts for his dogs. Then, Macey asked Obama about the dog bowls whether he still used it. Unfortunately, Obama rarely PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 used the dog bowls because the dog bowls were somewhere. Obama knew that his answer would offend Ellen‘s feeling. Thus, in answering Macey‘s question and redressing Ellen‘s negative face, Obama gave his apology towards Ellen by saying ―I am sorry, but…‖

4. Off Record Strategies Found in

The Ellen Show Off record strategy is the indirect use of language. This strategy is done by the speaker in such a way by making not only one clear communicative intention to the act. In using off record strategy, the speaker has a tendency to avoid the responsibility in doing FTA. By making the communicative intention in such a way, the speaker let the hearer to decide how to interpret his intention. The application of off record strategy is classified into two mechanisms. The first mechanism is inviting conversational implicatures that can be done by giving hints and overstating words. The second mechanism is by being vague or ambiguous. Based on the data, the writer found out that Ellen and Hillary used the off record strategy. However, the off record strategy did not found in Obama‘s utterances. The conversation that consisted of the off record strategy used by Hillary and Ellen was shown in the Dialogue 13. The dialogue showed the application of inviting conversational implicature mechanism that could be done by giving hints. The hints or off record strategy was labeled as ‗OR‘. Dialogue 13 Clip Title : Hillary Clintons Debate Dance Moves Time : 01.17-01.40 Participants : Hillary and Ellen PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 Ellen : Listen, before I say goodbye to you, it is your 69 th birthday in a few weeks. Hillary : It is. Ellen : And I can imagine, but tell you wish for your birthday. Hillary : Well, I have several wishes, one of them obviously includes the election, but I also, I really wish that I will be the president that are country needs right now, that‘s my deepest hope. [Applause] OR Full transcript can be seen in Appendix B, p. 88 The president candidate, Hillary Clinton, was interviewed by Ellen about her progress in doing the campaign. Hillary told Ellen and the audience about her campaign and some memorable moments during the campaign. When the talk show was approaching to finish, Ellen reminded Hillary that her birthday was close. Then, Ellen asked Hillary to share her wishes in front of the audience. Dialogue 13 showed Hillary‘s wishes. She applied the off record strategy by giving hints to Ellen and the audience. By giving the hints, Hillary left the hearer to search for an interpretation about her intention. She was in the condition of doing the campaign and she wished that she could be elected as a president. It was clear that she gave the hint for Ellen and the audience to choose her in the election so that she would be a president. Thus, she used the off record strategy to avoid the responsibility in doing the FTA towards Ellen and the audience. The use of overstating words in the off record strategy indicated that the speaker wanted to exaggerate a point on a scale which was higher than the actual state. In this case, Hillary used the overstating words while doing her campaign. The conversation between Hillary and Ellen that contained overstating words was shown in Dialogue 14. The overstating words or the off record strategy was labeled as ‗OR‘.