Theory of Character and Characterization

13 against person or environment. A contrast action, will, ideas, and desire occur because every character is unique and have their own perspective. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia in their book An Introduction to Fiction Eleventh Edition define conflict as the contradiction between forces in the story. Conflict is the central struggle between two or more forces in the story. Conflict generally occurs when some person or thing prevents the protagonists from achieving his or her intended goal. Opposition can arise from another character, external events, preexisting situations, fate, or even some aspect of the main character’s own personality 2010: 714. Conflict can forbid the character to reach her or his goal. It also can keep particular action or situation to happen. Therefore, conflict is the main aspect that builds the plot in the story.

3. Theory of Motivation

Every person has motivation in his or her life. It provokes people to do actions in order to fulfill their goals. In the book Motivation: Theory and Research by Herbert L. Petri, “motivation is the concept we use when we describe the forces acting or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior 1981: 3”. This concept influences people to decide and behave in particular situation happen in daily life. Petri also stated the theory of motivation that is developed by Abraham Maslow in his book. Maslow discovered motivation which is in relation with human needs called hierarchy of needs. A person is less 14 influenced if lower needs are mostly satisfied most of the time. On the contrary, a person is more influenced if the higher needs are less satisfied. The needs have five stages that influence the motivation of people. The first stage of hierarchy is physiological needs 1981: 302. This is the basic needs of human such as food, drink, and sexual needs. The second stage of the hierarchy is safety needs 1981: 303. This is a need for security in the environment or in the place that the person lives in. The third stage of hierarchy is love or belonging needs 1981: 303. These needs are related to maintain relationship with others, especially the feeling of being involve in particular group or person. The fourth stage of the hierarchy is esteem needs 1981: 303-304. This stage relates to a positive, high evaluation of oneself. It can be divided into a need for self-esteem which motivates individual to struggle for achievement, strength, confident, independence, and freedom whereas a need for esteem from others including the needs of the social status, recognition, independence, appreciation by others of one’s abilities, and a feeling of importance. The final stage of the hierarchy is self-actualization 1981: 304-305. This level can be reach if the first four levels of needs are satisfied. At this level, behavior of the people is motivated by different conditions at the lower levels. The self-actualized person is no longer motivated by deficiencies, but is motivated to grow and become all that he or she is capable of becoming a fully grown person. 15

C. Theoretical Framework

Those theories are needed to analyze the thesis. The theories are theory of character and characterization, theory of conflict, and theory of motivation. First, the theory of character and characterization is used to analyze the first problem about the description of the main character. The writer needs those theories to analyze and explain the description of Wanderer as seen in The Host novel. Second, the writer uses the theory of conflict to analyze the second problem about Wanderer’s conflict that influences her motivation in the story. Third, the writer uses Maslow’s theory of motivation. It is applied to explain the relation between Wanderer’s character and the conflicts that motivate her to live with human. The analysis of motivation is base d on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The needs are physiological needs, safety needs, and love or belongingness needs. In this study, library research method is used to collect and analyze the data. The writer uses articles, journals, and books from the library and internet besides The Host novel as the main source. In conclusion, the review of related studies and theories are needed to gain the complete analysis and understanding of the Wanderer’s motivation to live with human. 16


A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a novel entitled The Host. This novel consists of 619 pages and divided into epilogue, 58 chapters, and epilogue. This novel is created by a famous American author, Stephenie Meyer. It is published after her previous vampire-romance-saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. The Host first published in 6 May 2008 by Little, Brown, and Company and has been a hit since that. The Host gain several praise such as 1 New York Times Bestseller, remained on this list for 26 weeks and also spent over 36 weeks on The Los Angeles Times bestseller list. In Canada, it also becomes 1 of 10-top-selling fiction books by Maclean’s Magazines. Furthermore, its debut remark “Best Book of May 2008” in The novel tells about an alien named Wanderer that motivates to live with human . The conflicts arise since Wanderer inserted to Melanie’s body. In the continuation of the story, Wanderer finds herself affected by Melanie’s soul, especially her emotion and memories. Although she is trapped, she protects the information about other humans, including her brother, Jamie, and her boyfriend, Jared. The contradiction of traits and feelings between Wanderer and Melanie are collided. They run away from the Seeker, soul that is assigned to