Theory of Motivation Review on Related Theories

17 hunt human; to search for human’s hiding place which is located in the desert. At the hiding place , lived Melanie’s relatives such as Uncle Jeb, Aunt Maggie, Sharon, Jamie; and of course Jared. At the beginning, most human there wants to kill Wanderer, but later they trust Wanderer for being a friend and part of their community. She also falls in love with a young man named Ian, who convinces other human to trust her. The Host was recently adapted into a film and was released in theaters on 29 March 2013. The movie’s casts are Saoirse Ronan as WandererMelanie, Max Irons as Jared Howe, Chandler Canterbury as Jamie, and Jake Abel as Ian O’Shea. It beautifully presents the novel’s story of motivation and love of two different kinds in struggle to reach their goals.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to earn conclusion of this thesis, the writer choose an appropriate approach to be applied. The writer uses psychological approach in analyzing the work, since it deals with motivation. Thus, the writer obtains an understanding about Wanderer’s mind, feelings, and behaviors that influence her motivation to live with human. Rohgerber and Woods in Reading and Writing about Literature stated that “psychological approach involves the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns ” 1971: 13. It can be said that the purpose of psychology approach is to define repeated patterns of people. The patterns are behaviors, perspectives, and emotions are the clues to discover psychological 18 aspects such as motivation. In this study, the patterns are the characterization of the main character, Wanderer, that can be seen through her behavior, perspective, and emotion. This characterization influenced her to do actions when there are conflicts that hold her to reach her goal. Characterization and conflicts influenced her to have motivation in order to reach her goal. Thus, psychological approach enables the writer to clearly explain the pattern of the main character in analyzing of Wanderer’s motivation. The theories stated by Rohgerber and Woods are needed to analyze the motivation of Wanderer. The writer applies psychological approach to support the study and analysis. This approach captures some theories of psychology to explain the character and the conflicts that reveal the motivation of main character. It is the most suitable approach for this study because it explores the character’s mind, attitude, and motivation which are discovered through intrinsic elements in the story.

C. Method of the Study

The method used in this study is library research. This method was used because the work needed to be analyzed independently. This study used the references from related book, articles, journals, and reviews that were provided in the library and internet. The library also provided objective and usually complete data and references from many reliable sources that helped the writer make an objective and research. 19 This study had two main sources which were The Host by Stephenie Meyer and other books from library such as An Introduction to Fiction by Robert Stanton, An Introduction to Fiction Eleventh Edition by X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia, Introduction to Psychology Eight Edition by Rita L. Atkinson, Richard C. Atkinson and Enest R. Hilgard; Motivation: Theory and Research by Herbert L. Petri, Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, Tenth Edition by Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson, Psychology in Action by Karen Huffman, Mark Vernoy, and Judith Vernoy;and Understanding Unseen by Murphy. Moreover, several steps were used to answer the problem formulations. The first step was the reading of The Host novel as the primary data and to obtain a complete understanding of the study. The second step was formulated the topic and the characterization of Wanderer that related to motivation. Then, the writer formulated the problems formulation. The third step was the writer collected and read books, articles, and journals that supported the thesis. Those sources were related to theory on character and characterization and theory of motivation. The fourth step was the writer chose appropriate approach of the study, which was psychological approach. Some books related to the approach used to analyze and to solve the problem formulations. The fifth step was to analyze and answer the questions mentioned in the problem formulation. The writer tried to solve the first problem formulation which was the description of Wanderer. The second problem