Smart Characterization of Wanderer

32 she cares for Jamie‘s safety more than herself. She cares for him as if Jamie is is her biological little brother. Another statement, ―Because it‘s not safe. Sometimes people come look ing for me at night‖ 2013: 298 describes that she tries to make Jamie understand that she may cause him danger and she cares so much about his safety. She does not want Jamie to get hurt while he is with her. Wanderer cares about Jamie‘s health, too. She tells Jeb ―don‘t upset Jamie for insist on taking the mat and moved him when he was asleep‖ 2013: 305. She can not stand to see the boy sleeping only on the mat. She is worried that Jamie may get sick or hurt. Her caring makes she gladly takes the mat for sleeping. It proves that she also look up for Jamie while Melanie is not capable to care for him physically. It shows that she can be a friend and also a sister for him. Murphy stated that character is revealed ―whenever characters speak, in conversation with another or whenever he or she states opinion 1972: 164‖. Wanderer‘s opinion and conversation with Melanie shows her kindness. Her caring is not only for her friends but also for her enemy. If I truly did not want her death, would I be able to think a way to save her? Was it my hate that was blocking an answer? Would I be responsible if she died? But if she dies, and I could have saved her if I’d wanted to…who am I then? You have to be practical, Wanda. This is a war. Whose side are you on? You know the answer to that. I do. And that’s who you are, Wanda. But…but what if I could do both? What if I could save her life and keep everyone here safe at the same time? 2013: 675 33 In this quotation, ―her‖ means a female Seeker that is assigned to catch human and traitor like Wanderer. Instead of succeeding fulfill her assignment, she is captured by human and put in the jail inside the caves. Wa nderer‘s heart cannot bear the thought that she will be end in human‘s hand. She cares about her life although she is threatened by her previously It can be seen through her opinion that she cares about both Seeker and people in the caves. She thinks by telling the humans how to remove soul‘s from the body, the humans also will be safe from the Seeker. They will not have to worry again to be out of caves. Thus, she cares about everyone‘s safety so she thinks the solution to safe both lives without hurting or killing one of them. She loves both Seeker and human as her friend.

6. Sincere

Since Wanderer lives with humans, they become friends there. They can get along with her because she shows her sincerity for them although they distrust her in the beginning. Her sincerity can be seen when she accompany Walter, one of her friend, who is dying of bones cancer. As Murphy stated that the author shows the characterization ―whenever characters speak, in conversation with another or whenever he or she states opinion‖ 1972: 164. ―Are you leaving?‖ he wheezed. ―Do you have to go so soon?‖ I took his hand again quickly. ―No, I don‘t have to leave.‖ He smiled and closed his eyes again. His fingers locked around mine with brittle strength 2013: 422-423 From the quotation above, it can be seen that Wanderer sincerely accompanies Walter. She knows that is the only way she can do to ease his pain. Her 34 sincerity makes her unable to leave him. Thus, her sincere heart urges her to stand beside him. She cannot let Walter suffers alone. Wanderer‘s tribe is known to be very polite and kind. Her culture teaches the souls to treat others as positively as possible. This manner continues when she lives with human in the caves who in the beginning hates her. On the contrary, she sincerely helps them to raid. ―Getting tired of shopping yet, Wanda?‖ Ian asked me. ―No. I don‘t mind it.‖ ―You always say that. Isn‘t that anything you mind?‖ ―I mind…being away from Jamie.‖ 2013: 635-636 As Murphy st ated that ―the author present some hints to character whenever a person in conversation with anoth er or state opinion‖ 1972: 164. Through the conversation above, it can be said that Wanderer is a sincere soul. She sincerely helps the humans do the shopping. Shopping here means the raid. Humans there have to raid from time to time to fulfill their basic needs such as food, water, clothes, medicine, and household tools. The raid turns into regular shopping since Wanderer join in. She easily gets all their needs in the public store without suspicion, as she goes there to do casual shopping. Her sincerity makes she does her best to make people around her comfortable. Ian, another character that has conversation with Wanderer; is curious why she is so sincere. Her sincerity is exceptional according to him because she often gets bad treatment by the humans. She join the raid although it may endanger her life because the Seekers is always around. Thus, she does helpful things to human, simply because she has sincere heart.