Conflicts of Wanderer and the Human

46 with a female Seeker that wants to remove her from Melanie‘s body. She becomes a fugitive and is hunted by the Seeker. Therefore, she rushly prepares to go to the desert and brings only few supplies. Despite hunger and thirst, she keeps walking slowly to reach the place . She stay persistent to find human due to the fact that her thirst and hunger are uncontrolable. When she is about to die, she finally meets Jeb, Melanie‘s Uncle that gives her water. We thought we heard a sigh. And then the water flowed into our mouth, and we gulped at it and choked on it. The water vanished while we choked, and our weak hands grasped out for it. A flat, heavy thumping pounded our back until we could breathe. Our hands kept clutching the air, looking for the water. 2013: 153-154 ―We‖ in the quotation above stands for Wanderer and Melanie. It can be said that Uncle Jeb fulfills her need of drink. He gives Wanderer water although she is a soul who uses Melanie‘s body. She is very thankful to Jeb for giving her water so she is saved from dehydration. She knows that if she lives with them, her need of drink will always be fulfilled. She will be healthy and able to live with humans she loves. Her conflict with the Seekers motivates her to be persistent in order to satisfy her thirst. Thus, her motivation to live with human is in order to fulfill her basic need of drink. After she meets Uncle Jeb and other humans, she is contained the underground cave as a prisoner. She is in conflict with human because they fear she may capture them. Humans in the caves of Pichacho Peak are afraid of her therefore they guard her there. However, they are still giving her food. Food. They were feeding me? It was the bread –a dark, unevenly shaped roll–that I smelled first, but there was also a bowl of some clear liquid with the tang of onions. As 47 I leaned closer, I could see darker chunks on the bottom. Beside this were three stubby white tubes. I guessed they were vegetables, but I didnt recognize the variety. It took only seconds for me to make these discoveries, but even in that short time, my stomach nearly jumped through my mouth trying to reach the food. 2013: 185-186 It can be said that humans fulfills her basic needs of food. She is hungry before she meets them. They feed her with appropriate food, the same food as they eat. If her basic needs are not fulfilled, she can harm Mel anie‘s health. She can not show her care for them if she is hungry and weak. Food and drinks that they give to her enables her to be healthy and survive. Therefore, her motivation to live with human is pushed by her basic need. She has a persistent character that make her motivates to fullfill it. Moreover, her conflict with human affect her motivation because it makes her strong to bear her hunger.

2. Motivation to Fulfill the Safety Needs

The following level of Maslow‘s hierarchy of needs is safety needs. Petri stated that it represents ―a need for safety and security in our environment‖ also ―triggered in emergency situations‖ 1981: 303. Wanderer believes she can feel safe if she lives with humans. She needs protection since she is in conflict with Seeker that hunt her. Since Wanderer decided to seek and live with humans, she is hunted by a female Seeker. She has been followed since her first insertion into Melanie‘s body. The Seeker never stops to search for her and even track her into the desert. She even directly killes 48 Wes, who guarded the outer side in order to find Wanderer. Fortunately, Jeb and others manage to catch her and lock her in the underground caves. Fear fluttered in my stomach. The Seeker was alive; the Seeker was here. I shouldnt have been afraid of her. Of course, it made sense to be afraid that her disappearance would bring the other Seeker down on us. Everyone was afraid of that. Spying on the search for my body, the humans had seen how vocal she was about her convictions. Shed been trying to convince the other Seeker that there were humans hiding in this desert wasteland. None seemed to take her seriously. They had gone home; she was the only one who kept looking. 2013:665 From the quotation, it can be said that Wanderer‘s safety is threatened by the presence of the Seeker. Jeb and other humans fulfill her safety needs when she needs it most. She knows that the people from Melanie‘s memories; Jamie, Jared, Uncle Jeb, and others may protect her. They give her protection by capturing the Seeker. By given the protection, she has become a part of their community. Therefore, Wanderer‘s persistency underlies motivation to fullfill her safety need. Wanderer is also i n conflict with human. Kyle, Ian‘s big brother in the caves hates Wanderer because she is a soul. From the first time he saw her in the desert, he wanted so badly to kill her, as he does not believe her sincerity in befriending human. Then, he tries to kill her by throwing her into a hot streams but Wanda managed to survive because she is a strong soul. ―My house, my rules,‖ Jeb reminded them. ―Never forget that. So you listen to me, Kyle. And youd better listen, too, I think, Magnolia. Anyone who tries to hurt Wanda again will not get a tribunal, they will get a burial.‖ He slapped the butt of his gun for emphasis. 2013: 490