Motivation to Fulfill the Safety Needs

51 succeeding to heal Jamie but also give them the medicines supplies to heal humans that are living there. Her brave action makes her love needs fulfilled. Jared, Jamie, and all humans there are very thankful for her help. Jared and Melanie say thank you for her to show that they accept her. Her character that is brave, strong, caring, smart, sincere, and persitence; and also her conflicts; motivates to fulfill her need of being a part of human community.

4. Motivation to Fulfill Esteem Needs

The fourth level of the hierarchy is esteem needs. This stage related to a positive, high evaluation of oneself. It can be divided into a need for self- esteem which motivates individual to struggle for achievement, strength, confident, independence, and freedom whereas a need for esteem from others include the needs of the social status, recognition, independence, appreciation by others of one‘s abilities, and a feeling of importance 1981: 303-304. In this study, the writer focuses on Wanderer‘s need of esteem by others, how she wants herself to be recognized as a friend of human. She is persistence and brave characteristics that help her through her conflict with Seeker and hostile human. She needed to be trusted and appreciated by human for things that underlie her motivation to live with them. Wanderer is a brave and persistent soul that enables her to help human, although it may endanger her life. She has no fear to steal medicines from healing facility that are full of souls that can capture her anytime if they know that she is with human. She uses her cleverness to trick them by making 52 wound so she can enter and bring back medicines without suspicious. Her action is appreciated by Jared. He stated that ―Having her with us is going to change everything ‖ 2013: 657. Her esteem needs are fulfilled by Jared who recognized her ability to help them. By helping them, she is considered as important for the people in the cave. She gets the same status as other human, not as their enemy anymore. Wanderer‘s need of esteem from others also fulfilled when Jeb stated that human needs her. Her cleverness results in her success to talk and disguise souls when humans accidentally meet them. Her ability to save their lives makes her become precious to human‘s community. ―I think we need you pretty bad, kid. We got Seekers out there lookin‘ for us, and you can talk right to ‗em. The rest of us can‘t do that. You save lives.‖ 2013: 777 It can be inferred that Jeb and humans in the caves appreciates her actions. They see that she is worthy to be trusted because she has proof that she always struggles to the best she can for them. She faces conflicts with both souls and human so they can appreciates her sincerity. In conclusion, Wanderer‘s characters help her to solve her conflicts either with other souls or human. Her strength and bravery leads her to escape and survive from the Seeker‘s oppression due to her needs of foods and safety. Her persistence and intelligence pushes her to obtain solutions to help human to be able to survive because she wanted to be loved by them. Her compassion and sincerity enable her to care for human even when they are treated her 53 badly due to her wishes to be trusted by them. Thus, her characters and conflicts motivate her to live with human in order to fulfills her physiological needs, safety needs, love or belongingness needs, and esteem needs.