Sincere Characterization of Wanderer

37 particular action in order to fulfill what they want. This condition also happens to the major character, Wanderer. Based on the theory by Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson in Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, Tenth Edition 2009: 104, generally conflict is defined as ―a clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills.‖ They categorize conflict into internal conflict and external conflict. Internal conflict happens if character ―in conflict with some elements in their own nature conflict of person against himself or herself.‖ External conflict happens if characte r ―against some other person or group of persons‖ and if character against ―external force—physical nature, society or fate.‖ Also, X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia in their book An Introduction to Fiction, Eleventh Edition 2010: 714 define conflict as ―the central struggle between two or more forces in the story.‖ They added that conflict occurs when ―some person or thing prevents the protagonists from achieving his or her intended goal.‖ How conflict arise can be influenced by ―another character, external events, preexisting situations, fate, or even some aspect of the main character‘s own personality.‖ In this study, these theories are applied by the writer to analyze the conflicts of Wanderer. External conflicts here are more conspicuous or catchy in this novel. It has significant influence in motivating Wanderer to defend humanity. The external conflicts are divided into two parts; the conflict between Wanderer and other souls, and the conflicts between Wanderer and other human. 38

1. Conflicts of Wanderer And the Other Souls

Arp and Johnson stated that one type of external conflicts is ―a clash of actions, desires, ideas, or wills between a person and other person ‖ 2009: 104. Wanderer has a clash of desire with other souls that want to disposes Melanie‘s body. Usually, a soul will automatically suppress human, so there is only one mind that controls one host body, which occupies by a soul. In Wanderer case, there are two mind in one host body; Wanderer and Melanie. Other souls that live around Wanderer consider the condition soon will harm Wanderer. They are afraid that Melanie will control Wanderer to attack them. They suggest Wanderer to move out into another host body because Melanie is a danger to their community. However, Wanderer has already captivated with her memories about humans and she becomes care for her. But if you‘re this…unhappy, you should have told me earlier. We need to get you to a Healer.‖ It took me a moment, emotionally distracted as I was, to understand. ―A Healer? You want me to skip?‖ ―No one would think it badly of that choice, Wanderer. It‘s understood, if a host is defective —―2013: 57 From the quotation, it can be seen that Wanderer has different desire from Kathy, a soul who is her calling as Comforter. Kathy is terrified when she knows that Melanie still lives in the body. She dislikes Wanderer situation. She suggests Wanderer to consult to a Healer, some kind of doctor; to be moved into another host. In contrast, Wanderer does not want to move from Melanie‘s body because she is important for her. She resists separation because she considers her as her friend, not just another host. Because she is a caring soul, she can not let Melanie suppresed by the other soul. 39 Arp and Johnson stated that one type of external conflicts is ―a clash of actions, desires, ideas, or wills between a person and other person ‖ 2009: 104. There are different ideas between Wanderer and the Seeker. Wanderer thinks humans positively. She considers human as good as soul. However, the Seeker thinks that they are dangerous enemy, as stated below. ―The humans?‖ ―Yes. Do you pity them?‖ ―Don‘t you?‖ ―No. They were quite a brutal race. They were lucky to survive each other as long as they did.‖ ―Not every one of them was bad.‖ ―It was a predication of their genetics. Brutality was part of their species. But you pity them, it seems.‖ ―It‘s a lot to lose, don‘t you think‖ 2013: 80 Wanderer assumes that human are deserved to be pitied because they lost the war. Human lost almost all its race because of the inception. Her care for humans makes her able to feel their suffering for separated from their families. Wanderer thinks that not all human are bad because she can feel their positivity from Melanie‘s memory. Her sincere heart also lead her to have empathy toward human, starts by helping Melanie. On the contrary, the female Seeker thinks human are brutal race because they have it in their species. She argues that human deserve to be eliminated from their own body to prevent them to do violence to each other and their environment. These two different ideas are the cause of conflict. It makes the Seeker hates Wanderer and decides to hunt her and human afterwards. Since Wanderer cares for human, that means she has different wills compared to the Seeker, as stated by Arp and Johnson that ―conflict is a clash 40 of actions, desires, ideas, or wills between a person and other person ‖ 2009: 104. Wanderer does not want to give too much information about the existence of humans to Seeker. But Seeker is curious and insists her to give her information so she can hunt and capture humans as soon as possible. ―No, I think you‘re telling me what you know… But I don‘t think you‘re looking as hard as you could. I‘ve seen it before. You‘re growing sympathetic to you host. You‘re letting her memories unconsciously direct your own desires. It‘s probably too late at this point. I think you‘d be more comfortable moving on and maybe someone else will have better luck with her‖ ……..―If you think someone else would have better luck breaking into her secrets, you‘re wrong.‖ ………―Ive gotten permission to give it a try. Shouldnt take long. Theyre going to hold my host for me.‖ 2013: 82-83 In this quotation, it can be seen that Seeker wants Wanderer to move on to other host because she thinks Wanderer is not supposed to be sympathetic to Melanie. Wanderer is sympathetic to Melanie because of she considers her as friend. She sees her memories that present human life before and after the inception. It makes Wanderer realizes that Melanie and other humans are worth to stay so Wanderer does not approve Seeker‘s order to change body because she want to defend Melanie. She refuse the Seeker‘s suggestion also because she is a brave and persistent soul. She has no fear in arguing with her because she is never giving up to do right thing. Wanderer and Seeker have different perspective toward humans that are still resisting from inception. As Arp and Johnson stated that conflicts can occur because of ―clash of actions, desires, ideas, or wills between a person and other person 2009: 104‖. Wanderer thinks that the remaining humans