Persistent Characterization of Wanderer

30 because she is one of them. She tricks other souls by making wound so she can steal the medicines. She uses her cleverness to do it because she wants Melanie, Jamie, and also other human to be healthy and nobody dies because of sickness. She shows her cleverness to show them that she truly cares for them.

5. Caring

Wanderer starts to care about Melanie since she is influenced by her memories about her family and love, especially about Jamie and Jared. She realizes that human is also as good as souls. They have the right to live on Earth because they also have positive behaviours. She then resists giving the information ab out them to Seeker. She even rejects the Seeker‘s suggestion to remove into another body, so the Seeker cannot insert herself into Melanie‘s body. She struggles hard by tying to think how to save Melanie‘s life. As Murphy stated, the author give the reader ―straight information of what a characte r is thinking about‖ 1972: 171. If I could find a way, I would keep Melanie out of the Seeker‘s hands. It would be very hard. No, it would be impossible. I would try. I promised her this, but she wasn‘t listening. 2013: 105-106 The quotation shows that she cares about Melanie‘s safety. Since they share the same body, they become close. They become sort of sister or old friends. Thus, Wanderer does not want bad thing happen to Wanderer. She knows that the Seeker may kill Melanie if she occupies her body. It is very difficult for her to hide from Seeker‘s eyes. However, she promised Melanie that she will 31 try it because she loves her. She will struggle to save her although it may endanger her own safety. Murphy stat ed that the author give the reader ―straight information of what a character is thinking about 1972: 171‖. In the novel, Wanderer is revealed as a caring soul. Her compassion toward human can be seen through her thought when she pushes herself to keep walking in the desert although she is so tired. It was the urgency, the lure —the thought that Jared and Jamie might be right here, somewhere in this empty place that had made it impossible to resist this senseless plan. 2013: 132 Although she knows humans may hate her because she is a soul and the Seeker will automatically hunt her, she still decides to find their hiding place. She considers Melanie and humans as her friends. Her love for them especially for Jamie and Jared pushes her to make sure that they are all right. She keeps searching without knowing the exact location of their place because she still hope to meet them. In the novel, Wanderer is revealed as a caring soul. Her compassion can be seen ―whenever character speak, in conversation with another or whenever he or she states opinion 1972: 164‖. When Jeb decides to let her live in the cave, other humans reject it. Her condition is dangerous because most people in the caves want her to die. She feels uncomfortable because she fears that she will be attacked anytime and anywhere. Thus she refuses the boy‘s offer to accompany her sleeping in the same room. Her statement, ―No, I don‘t mind. But Jamie, I don‘t think you should‖ 2013: 297; explain that 32 she cares for Jamie‘s safety more than herself. She cares for him as if Jamie is is her biological little brother. Another statement, ―Because it‘s not safe. Sometimes people come look ing for me at night‖ 2013: 298 describes that she tries to make Jamie understand that she may cause him danger and she cares so much about his safety. She does not want Jamie to get hurt while he is with her. Wanderer cares about Jamie‘s health, too. She tells Jeb ―don‘t upset Jamie for insist on taking the mat and moved him when he was asleep‖ 2013: 305. She can not stand to see the boy sleeping only on the mat. She is worried that Jamie may get sick or hurt. Her caring makes she gladly takes the mat for sleeping. It proves that she also look up for Jamie while Melanie is not capable to care for him physically. It shows that she can be a friend and also a sister for him. Murphy stated that character is revealed ―whenever characters speak, in conversation with another or whenever he or she states opinion 1972: 164‖. Wanderer‘s opinion and conversation with Melanie shows her kindness. Her caring is not only for her friends but also for her enemy. If I truly did not want her death, would I be able to think a way to save her? Was it my hate that was blocking an answer? Would I be responsible if she died? But if she dies, and I could have saved her if I’d wanted to…who am I then? You have to be practical, Wanda. This is a war. Whose side are you on? You know the answer to that. I do. And that’s who you are, Wanda. But…but what if I could do both? What if I could save her life and keep everyone here safe at the same time? 2013: 675