Caring Characterization of Wanderer

34 sincerity makes her unable to leave him. Thus, her sincere heart urges her to stand beside him. She cannot let Walter suffers alone. Wanderer‘s tribe is known to be very polite and kind. Her culture teaches the souls to treat others as positively as possible. This manner continues when she lives with human in the caves who in the beginning hates her. On the contrary, she sincerely helps them to raid. ―Getting tired of shopping yet, Wanda?‖ Ian asked me. ―No. I don‘t mind it.‖ ―You always say that. Isn‘t that anything you mind?‖ ―I mind…being away from Jamie.‖ 2013: 635-636 As Murphy st ated that ―the author present some hints to character whenever a person in conversation with anoth er or state opinion‖ 1972: 164. Through the conversation above, it can be said that Wanderer is a sincere soul. She sincerely helps the humans do the shopping. Shopping here means the raid. Humans there have to raid from time to time to fulfill their basic needs such as food, water, clothes, medicine, and household tools. The raid turns into regular shopping since Wanderer join in. She easily gets all their needs in the public store without suspicion, as she goes there to do casual shopping. Her sincerity makes she does her best to make people around her comfortable. Ian, another character that has conversation with Wanderer; is curious why she is so sincere. Her sincerity is exceptional according to him because she often gets bad treatment by the humans. She join the raid although it may endanger her life because the Seekers is always around. Thus, she does helpful things to human, simply because she has sincere heart. 35 Wanderer always considers doing sincere things. Her reactions toward critical situation between life and death do not bend her to sincerely help others, including Kyle, a man that wants to kill her. As Murphy stated that the author ―gives a hint to the characterization by how the character reacts to particular si tuations and events‖ 1972: 168. Wanderer sincerely helps Kyle to survive from drowning as seen in quotation below. He‘s going to fall, I realized. Good, Melanie snarled. But… If he falls, he can’t kill us, Wanda. If he doesn’t fall, he will. I can‘t just… Yes, you can. Walk away. Don’t you want to live? I did. I wanted to live. Kyle could disappear. And if he did, there was a chance that no one would ever hurt me again. At least not among the people here. There was still the Seeker to consider, but maybe she would give up someday, and then I could stay here indefinitely with the humans I loved…. I stared at the face of the man who was about to die —the man who wanted me dead. With him unconscious, Kyle‘s face was no longer that of an angry animal. It was relaxed, almost peaceful. Just as I thought that, a large chunk of rock plummeted into the river, and Kyle‘s precarious balance was overthrown. He began to fall. ―No‖ I screamed, the siren bursting from my throat again. I flattened myself against the column and managed to pin him to the other side, locking my hands around his wide chest. My arms ached. ―Help me‖ I shrieked. ―Somebody Help‖ 2013: 450-451 Her reactions shows her that she cannot let him just die. She is a sincere soul because she manages to help her ―killer‖ with all she can do. She helps Kyle without fear to accidentally drown. Her reaction help Kyle to be safe not only from drowning but also from falling rocks. Thus, Wanderer understands that by sincerely helping Kyle, she prevents more injuries to his body. She cannot 36 let him just die although she is hurt by him. Her sincerity is not only for her friends but also for people who hurt her. Wanderer‘s sincerity is also described when she succeess to get soul‘s medicines to save Jamie from his wound. He can die if Wanderer does not insist to go raid immediately. I nodded. ―Yes. Its easy for me. I know what they expect.‖ I laughed briefly to myself. ―Im one of them. If you trusted me, I could probably get you anything in the world you wanted.‖ I laughed again. It was just the stress fading, making me giddy. But it was funny to me. Did he realize that I would do exactly that for him? Anything in the world he wanted. Anything for them, I told her, and then I sighed, because it was so true. 2013: 616 From the quotation above, it can be said that Wanderer‘s sincerity is reflected through her opinion and conversation with Jared. As Murphy stated that the author present some hints to character ―whenever a person in conversation with anoth er or state opinion‖ 1972: 164. Wanderer gives her best to do anything that she can do to help human. She will struggle very hard to give what they want. Her sincerity pushes her to help them although they may distrust and hate them. She proves that she truly cares for them by helping them to obtain supplies.

B. The Conflicts of Wanderer

According to An Introduction to Fiction Eleventh Edition, conflict is a main struggles that occur with two or more forces in the story Gioia, 2010: 717. It means that conflicts happen because of contrast in forces such as needs, drives, and wishes. These contradictions motivate people to do 37 particular action in order to fulfill what they want. This condition also happens to the major character, Wanderer. Based on the theory by Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson in Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, Tenth Edition 2009: 104, generally conflict is defined as ―a clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills.‖ They categorize conflict into internal conflict and external conflict. Internal conflict happens if character ―in conflict with some elements in their own nature conflict of person against himself or herself.‖ External conflict happens if characte r ―against some other person or group of persons‖ and if character against ―external force—physical nature, society or fate.‖ Also, X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia in their book An Introduction to Fiction, Eleventh Edition 2010: 714 define conflict as ―the central struggle between two or more forces in the story.‖ They added that conflict occurs when ―some person or thing prevents the protagonists from achieving his or her intended goal.‖ How conflict arise can be influenced by ―another character, external events, preexisting situations, fate, or even some aspect of the main character‘s own personality.‖ In this study, these theories are applied by the writer to analyze the conflicts of Wanderer. External conflicts here are more conspicuous or catchy in this novel. It has significant influence in motivating Wanderer to defend humanity. The external conflicts are divided into two parts; the conflict between Wanderer and other souls, and the conflicts between Wanderer and other human.