Conflicts of Wanderer And the Other Souls

42 ―Is that—is that a helicopter?‖ Doc asked, whispering. ―Yes,‖ Brandt whipered back. ―It‘s the Seeker—the one from before, the one who was looking for it .‖ He jerked his chin at me. My throat was suddenly to small —the breaths moving through it were thin and shallow, not enough. I felt dizzy. …………… The helicopter circled and circled. Sometimes more than an hour would pass, and I would think it was finally over. Then the sound would come back, and I would see the Seeker‘s obstinate face in my head, her protruding eyes scouring th blank dessert for some sign of humans. 2013:427, 430 Seeker uses the helicopter to search for Wanderer. She is assigned to capture and kill her together with humans. She hunts Wanderer as traitor to her race because of her decision to live with human. She never stop in searching for her and human that are hiding although she does not know where the exact location is. She also urges other Seekers to run the patrol around the desert. These conflicts motivates Wanderer to live with human because she has to help them. Her care for them makes she truly do all the best she can to protect human, especially Melanie and her family. She bravely stands to struggle for them because they are her friends.

2. Conflicts of Wanderer and the Human

Wanderer is persistent toward her goal. She struggles to find humans although humans disbelieve her at first. She is threatened by them after Uncle Jeb found her dying at desert. She is dehydrated after four days walking in hot and dry desert. She is searching for them because she cares, but humans want to kill her. ―We‘re not going to allow this, Jared.‖ It was a different speaker, a more reasonable voice. Probably the younger brother, Ian. The brothers‘ voices were very similar—or they would have been, if Kyle 43 weren‘t always half shouting, his tone always twisted with anger. ―We‘ve all lost somebody—hell, we‘ve all lost everybody. But this is ridiculous.‖ ―If you won‘t let Doc have it, then it‘s got to die,‖ Kyle added, his voice a growl. ―You can‘t keep it prisoner here,‖ Ian continued. ―Eventually, it will escape and we‘ll all be exposed.‖ 2009: 191 From the quotation above, it can be seen that there are conflict between Wanderer and humans. As stated by Arp and Johnson that ―conflict is a clash against some other person or group of persons conflict of person against person‖ 2009: 104. The biggest man in the quotation refers to Kyle, who is about to kill her with a long blade. He wants to kill her because she has occupied Melanie‘s body. They think she is a Seeker in disguise who is assigned to capture them. Because she is a sincere soul, she can accept that there is only a little chance of Uncle Jeb and other humans to believe her. Wanderer is a caring soul. She cares about human and consider they are her friend. It is the reason why she troubled herself to their hiding place and live with them. The conversation between Wanderer and Uncle Jeb show the conflict. Uncle Jeb said that ―everyone here thinks she hunted them out to turn them ove r to the Seekers 2013: 264‖. There are two different wills here; Wanda wants to stay there because she actually cares and loves human; however, most of humans inside the caves hates her. They are afraid that she may capture them and hand them to the Seekers. They avoid interactions with her. They consider her as hazardous, altough she does nothing that can harm them. Because she is a persistent soul, this conflict motivate her to live with human. She wants to show them that she is truly love them. 44 Conflict also happen between Wanderer and Kyle, the man that hate her present so much. He does not trust the souls including Wanderer. Kyle tries to kill her when she is in the bathing cave. Wanderer struggles to survive from Kyle‘s attack that want to throw her to the river. ―Let‘s get over with‖ He jumped over the smaller stream with a bound and carried me toward the closest sinkhole. The steam from the hot spring washed my face. He was going to throw me into the dark, hot hole and let the boiling water pull me into the ground as it burned me. ―No, no‖ I shouted, my voice too hoarse and low to carry. 2013:447 From the quotation above, it can be said that Wanderer tries to hold on against Kyle‘s attacks. Kyle wants to throw her into hot water stream that can boil her body. He incidentally tries to kill her alone so there is nobody that can help her. However, Wanderer‘s persistence makes here tries to defend herself by fighting back to release her body. She wants to keep alive because Melanie will die if she dies. She never gives up to defend her life in order to stay with humans she loves. These conflicts makes her care more and more for them because she wants to proves that she is sincerely care for them. The more complicated the conflicts are, the more she uses her cleverness to solve them. She can endure the hard sitution in order to be able to reach her goal.

C. Wand erer’s Motivation to Live With Human

Based on Maslow‘s theory of motivation, Petri stated that ―it emphasizes the striving to reach one‘s full potential as basic to human motivation and includes additional motives besides self- actualization‖ 1981: 45 301. He pointed out that the struggles of people are the foundation that underlies motivation. People have certain motives behind their actions. Therefore, people are motivated to fulfill her or his needs that lead them to their goals. In this study, Wanderer‘s motivation to live with human is also to fulfill her needs. She faces conflicts with other souls and humans because she has several needs to be fulfilled. Thus, the writer uses Maslow‘s hierarchy of needs to analyze the forces behind her motivation.

1. Motivation to Fulfill the Physiological Needs

According to Maslow‘s theory stated by Petri, the first need of hierarchy is ―physiological needs such as hunger or thirst‖ 1981: 302. He added that the following need ―emerges as a dominant force in controlling and directing behavior 1981: 303‖. Consequently, Wanderer‘s motivation at the basic level is to fulfill her needs of drinks and food. By living with human, this need will be satisfied because they has supplies of food and drinks. She will struggle to fulfill her following needs on the hierarchy if she satisfied her physiological needs first. Wanderer realizes that her basic needs; drinks and food are not completely fulfilled. It can be seen when she is dying after days walking in the desert to find Pichacho Peak, humans hiding location. She look for them because she want so badly to be able to meet human. She loves them for seeing their positivity from Melanie‘s memories. Her care results in conflict 46 with a female Seeker that wants to remove her from Melanie‘s body. She becomes a fugitive and is hunted by the Seeker. Therefore, she rushly prepares to go to the desert and brings only few supplies. Despite hunger and thirst, she keeps walking slowly to reach the place . She stay persistent to find human due to the fact that her thirst and hunger are uncontrolable. When she is about to die, she finally meets Jeb, Melanie‘s Uncle that gives her water. We thought we heard a sigh. And then the water flowed into our mouth, and we gulped at it and choked on it. The water vanished while we choked, and our weak hands grasped out for it. A flat, heavy thumping pounded our back until we could breathe. Our hands kept clutching the air, looking for the water. 2013: 153-154 ―We‖ in the quotation above stands for Wanderer and Melanie. It can be said that Uncle Jeb fulfills her need of drink. He gives Wanderer water although she is a soul who uses Melanie‘s body. She is very thankful to Jeb for giving her water so she is saved from dehydration. She knows that if she lives with them, her need of drink will always be fulfilled. She will be healthy and able to live with humans she loves. Her conflict with the Seekers motivates her to be persistent in order to satisfy her thirst. Thus, her motivation to live with human is in order to fulfill her basic need of drink. After she meets Uncle Jeb and other humans, she is contained the underground cave as a prisoner. She is in conflict with human because they fear she may capture them. Humans in the caves of Pichacho Peak are afraid of her therefore they guard her there. However, they are still giving her food. Food. They were feeding me? It was the bread –a dark, unevenly shaped roll–that I smelled first, but there was also a bowl of some clear liquid with the tang of onions. As