Brave Characterization of Wanderer

26 human is not a betrayal. Instead, she bravely decided to do that because she thinks that is a proper decision to make. This shouldn‘t have felt like a betrayal, the idea of continuing on my right and proper course.....It was me, more than I‘d ever intended it to be....There was really only one thing to do. 2013: 118-119 The quotation shows how Wanderer thought influenced her to be brave. She knows that runaway from Seeker to find human is the right thing. Since she is captivated with Melanie‘s memories about human life, she feels compassionate for them as for Melanie‘s and her family. She does that because she wants to meet Jamie and Jared that she loves, too. She bravely decides and does her decision altough she will be hunted by the Seeker.

3. Persistent

Wanderer‘s persistence is shown through her reactions when she is dying in the middle of desert to search for human. She and Melanie follow the memories of deserted routes that given by Jeb, Melanie‘s Uncle. As Murphy stated that the author give the characterizat ion ―by letting the reader know how the character reacts to particular si tuations and events‖ 1972: 168. Her persistence can be seen when she tries to move and walk in her last stamina after several days walking and dehydrating. She realizes that her body is in pain, but she keeps continuing her step. She is able to resist the pain and does not complain. She accepts the obstacles with spirit to never give up. My shadow was a small circle beneath me when I regained control. Painstakingly, I got back on my feet. Tiny sharp rocks were embedded in the skin on my legs. I didn‘t bother to brush these off. I 27 stared at the floating mesa mocking me from the west for a long, hot time. And finally, not really sure what I did, I started walking forward. I knew only this: that it was me who moved and no one else. My footsteps were a slow crunch across brittle ground. 2013: 148 Wanderer shows her persistence as she keeps continuing to move her body despite feeling her pain. She does not bother to step on rocks and sands in the very hot heat. She moves slowly, but her spirit is still burning. Her persistence keeps her to face the pain and survives. If she can survive to walk, she will find the humans. Although she is tired,she keeps struggling to reach her destination. Her persistence makes her sure that she will meet Jamie and Jared when she arrives. Wanderer is never giving up even in emergency situation. She shows her persistence when she and Jared accidentally meet two Seekers in the road. Murphy stated that ―the author can give the characterization by letting the reader knows how the character reacts to partic ular situations and events‖ 1972: 168. ―Give me one more try,‖ I begged. I fumbled quickly for the pill in my pocket. I pinch it between my thumb and forefinger and held it up.‖ ―Let me try to lie us out of this. I‘ll swallow it right away if anything go es wrong.‖ ―You‘ll never lie your way past a Seeker‖ ―Let me try. Quick‖ I pulled off my seat belt and crouched back beside, him, unfastening his. ―Switch with me. Fast, before they‘re close enough to see.‖ ―Wanda---― ―One try. Hurry‖ 2013: 649 From the quotation above, it can be said that Wanda, a nick name for Wanderer; is a persistent soul. She reacts persistently in emergency situation. They are hurried on they way home to Pichacho Peak after raid several stores 28 in the city. The Seekers who are following their truck makes Wanderer reacts to struggle to defend her life and Jared. They will be caught if Wanderer does not struggle to try to lying to the Seekers. She does not lose faith to try to talk to the Seekers. She knows that if she tries to talk with them, they will believe in her. Her persistence saves her life and Jared so they can go home safely. By saving Jared, he will think that Wanderer is a good soul. Her persistence to try to talk to the Seekers is only for Jared‘s safety but also for humans in the caves, too. Thus, she saved Jared because she wants to be accepted and loved by human, including him.

4. Smart

Throughout the story, obstacle and hardship happen to Wanderer since she is lives with human. She sees that they live in limitation. They only have few supplies of food, drinks, and medicines. When someone is sick, they are rarely succed to cure people there. Fortunately, she can overcome the problem because she is a smart soul. So, when Jamie is dying because of the infection wound, Wanderer shows that she is a smart soul when she is in the soul‘s healing facility to steal medicines for Jamie. She knows that soul‘s medicines are very effective because it is made of high technology beyond what human has. As Murphy stated that the aut hor can describe ―the characterization by letting the reader knows how the character reacts to particular si tuations and events‖ 1972: 168. The situation makes her reacts smartly to think about how the way to use the medicines is.